Letters to our new mama

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Hi, Mopsy...I mean Bun Bun!!

Yep, I've been talking with Emily, and she's so excited that you'll beHER bunny!! Don't worry, you'll still live with your brothersand sisters, and I'll still keep an eye on things...and I'll be rightthere anytime Emily does anything with taking care of you; likechanging your litterbox and feeding you. This will be areally great learning experience for her...she'll learn SO MUCH aboutanimal care through your example! :)

So, yes, I'm so excited to tell you that you are definitley Emily'sbunny boy...and your new name is now Bun Bun (that's how Emily told meshe'd like to spell it). :D

Isn't that wonderful?? :D

Love always,

Your Now-Nana*
Nana & Em...

Lookie! I got the name changed. I asked breeder mama to ask folks to change it.

Dusty and Drew don't know about it yet...its gonna be funny to see Dusty try to log in and then find out its changed..

And Drew...he's gonna have a fit 'cause I "sneaks" behind his back to get this done.

But I pulled one over on them.....and I'm gonna have my own PERSON!

I think I'll go binky.

Mopsy.... uh...I mean Bun Bun
YAY!! Good job, little Bun Bun!! :D

You're so smart!! :D

Can't wait til you boys make it here...every day that passes is one day closer! :D

Dear Mama,

I had problems logging in today.

<snicker, snicker>

Mama - Mopsy sneaks too...but in different ways.

Mama - you didn't tell me Mopsy's name was changing. I tried to log in three times...

Yeah...then Mopsy comes up behind Dusty and says, "Try using Bun Bun instead of Mopsy"....

Yeah. He saw me trying to log in...but he waited till I got frustrated...

Even Miss Bea was on her way over to help out.

It doesn't help that Drew was snickering behind my back...

Well mama - Dusty always does the logging in part...so its was funny!

So now they know mama...I told them how I was gonna be Em's bunny and her FIRST bunny at that.

And Dusty stomped his foot at me and Drew made faces at me..but it was good.

I think even breeder mama is getting used to my new name.

I don't know. She keeps going, "Mopsy Bun Bun" when she talks to you.

She just thinks I still need to learn it. She doesn'tknow I helped pick it out. And mama isn't gonna be my mama - she'sgonna be my nana.

She's turning into a fruit?

Not a "ba-nana" dummy. A nana. Like a grandma.

Oh. I likes the smell of bananas and Tiny said I mgihtbe able to convince breeder mama to give me some in a few days. Orbreeder sis....'cause she likes naners too....

Maybe I can sneaks me some naners...

Mom - breeder mama is starting the process of getting everyone moved so we can get into the weanling cage..

We might even be moved by SUPPER TIME! Yum yum...

And I'll have places to sneaks behind and make breedermama thinks I snucks out. I won't be able to sneaks out easily as we'llbe about 5' off the ground.....but I can look at the does out playingon the floor...

Breeder mama is a bit worried 'cause the cage will smell like GIRLS!

YUCK. GIRLS....:shock:


So breeder mama is gonna spray it down with somethingcalled vanity...no....vanodine...to take away the girl smell...only shecalls the girl smell "germs".

Hey mama - I'm gonna go sneaks while I can...love ya!

I better go watch him to make sure he doesn't get into trouble...love ya nana!

Oh no. Mama - I better go watch out for thoseboys....Miss Bea is just a bit grumpy today 'cause of the weather - Iwant to keep them out of her way....and spend some time with her beforeI get my new cage. Love ya mama!

Dusty, Drew & Bun Bun

Oh YAY!! I'm so excited for you,Boys! And, though one of you is officially Emily's, I willstill call you "Boys" like I always have. :)

I can't wait to hear all about your new cage! And yes, I'm sure you'll be crazy about bananas...hehe!! :D

Love you!!

Breeder mama is MEAN.

You have to say "hi" first. Hi mama!

Hi Nana!

Hi mama. Breeder mama is mean.....REALLY mean.

Its partly your fault you know. If you hadn't insisted we have a temper tantrum.

Yeah. But it is sorta breeder mama's fault.

Ok..let me tell it.

Breeder mama decided last ngiht to put us in a new cage - that wasbigger than our cage - but not the BIG cage. She decided that she wouldwait and put us in one of them on Thursday - when some of the bunniesin it leave for Nat-ionals or something.

Yeah...and the girls get to keep their cage.

I gots mad mama. I was supposed to have five feet forthe floor for sneaksins....I wanted to see what it felt like to havefive feet.

How many times do we gotta tell you. You weren't gonnahave five feet. We were going to be five feet OFF the ground...


So who's gonna have the extra foot? And we're alreadyfive of my feet off the ground...maybe more but I only gots 4 feet.

Why don't you tell Nana what your great idea was..

Its mama. Mama -I hads a great idea. I was gonna show breeder mama how upset we were.

It did sort of sound good mama....can you believe it? Drew actuallly sort of made sense.

I said, "Let's poops on the tile instead of throughthe wire...that way she has to take us out of our cage to clean it moreoften..."

and then I said...after we'd eaten some of our supper.."Let's dump ourfood down through the wire so she'll want to move us and not have usdump our food..'cause the big big cage is nicer.."

So we all agreed ... and we worked together.

Yep. Drew even pushed really hard. And we got our bowl to dump and we watched it go down...

Then Bun Bun realized...

I wasn't done eating. I wanted a snack.

And I was a bit hungry too.

So when mama went by several times - we stood up and tried to get her attention...

Dusty even BEGGED for food.

I did not beg. I just asked nicely.

And breeder mama saids...

"Sorry boys. That was your food for the night. It looks like you'll have to go hungry."

MAMA! We'd only eaten like 1/3 of our food...and we was already hungry.

It took work to dump our food - we needed more food to make up for the energy we used...

But Nana - Dusty is pretty good at asking...

Well....she still didn't give us food. BUT...she didgive us a handful of gourmet hay and told us that would have to do andthat she wasn't gonna give us food just to have us dump it 'cause wewere mad.

I's still mad. I'm hungry too.

You wouldn't be hungry if you hadn't convinced us to dump our food. She'd even given us an extra scoop of food...


Mama...I's gonna go naps and see if my tummy will feel better.

Yeah Nana - I'm a bit tired too. I think I'll go nap...

Mama - I'm going back and I'm gonna flirt with breedermama to see if she'll break down and give us some small amount of food.I'll promise that we won't dump it again...and try to stop Drew fromdoing that. Maybe she'll give in....ooh - I think I hear hergetting the scooper of food...gotta hop!

Love ya mama!

Dusty, Hungrys Drew, and Bun Bun

Hi, Boys!! Maisie here...

I wanted to talk to you for a moment, while Mama's out of the room...

When I first came home with Mama and Daddy, they made my cage, and Ihad my food bowl and litterbox, and everything. Well,occassionally, they would be gone a bit longer than I liked, so I woulddump EVERYTHING out. I got REALLY angry!

So, Mama and Daddy were patient with me and tried to teach me not to do it...but I would do it everyday anyway!

Eventually, Mama talked to Daddy and asked him if there were SOME wayto prevent this. And Daddy came up with the idea to getelectrical boxes (they're not sharp or anything, don't worry), and clipthem to the cage, and put the food bowl in it. Then she tookthose same clips and clipped my litterbox to the cage!:shock:

Believe me, I worked NIGHT AND DAY for a couple weeks straight tryingto dump them anyway...but I just couldn't do it. (In fact,they had to put TWO clips on my hayrack because I was so strong, Imanaged to get it off the cage anyway with just the one clip!)

So, now we all three have everything but our toys clipped to thecage. Boy, I have to say...Daddy sure was smart thinking ofthat!! I don't really get the urge to dump thingsanymore. Now Mama has the new challenge of figuring out howto keep me from shooshling the top layer of food out of thebowl. Drives me crazy, though! No matter how manytimes I shooshle that food, the food underneath is EXACTLY thesame!!! I don't get it!! :shock:

Anyway, just thought I'd warn ya about the clips...boy, are they strong!

And...as usual...don't you DARE come near my cage...I'll bite yer toes off!!

But...I might not mind you having your own cage...I might even makegoogly eyes at ya...we'll see. Mama showed me your pictures,and you three are actually kinda cute...but DON'T TELL ANYONE I saidso!!

Talk to you later,

Maisie:bunny17:, Princess Bunny of the House :innocent :thankyou:
Hi Maisie! Drew here....

You mean mama and daddy made YOU angry too? So it isn't just me being a "little kid" as Dusty called it?

I'm gonna go and let him know. I sneaks out to read here and read whatyou wrote here and was going, "aha..I knows what it feels like to getangrys..".

Last night breeder mama thought she fixed us....she gave us our food inthis ceramic cereal bowl and said, "See ya tip that boys!".

Then to make it more unfair...she gave us the really good stuff on top...I feel like a new "enhanced" bunny now.

What she didn't know was - we'd already decided to not flip our fooddish over again for at least a day...or to wait and do it right beforesupper time maybe.

I guess that mama and daddy are pretty smart. I'm glad you told meabout this - now I have some time to try and sneaks some ways to getaround this!


Just the Six of Us wrote:
When I firstcame home with Mama and Daddy, they made my cage, and I had my foodbowl and litterbox, and everything. Well, occassionally, theywould be gone a bit longer than I liked, so I would dump EVERYTHINGout. I got REALLY angry!
Hi mama!

Hi naha!

Hey - I just sneaks back into the cage and you guys come here? Oh...hi mama!

We're still in our new cage.....but we're being GOOD.

We didn't dump our food at all.

Cause the bowl is too heavy...I tried to move it.

You did WHAT? We told you we were going to be good.

Nana - 'scuse me while I cuff Drew a minute. DREW - remember how it felt to go hungry?

I wuz good. Honest. I didn't tips it. I just TRIED totips it. To see what it felts like..and it was on the tile anyway!

Mama - MOST of us tried to be good. We have some toys we can play with...

and breeder mama may try to get us more toys when shegets back from some place in O-hio....she said she'll think about it.

Yeah...'cause breeder mama is a chicken..


She said so herself. She said she had so much to do - she's running around likes a 'headless chicken'....

DREW! Don't say such things. Mama wasn't saying she WAS a chicken...she was saying what she felt like.

Yeah. I feel like cuffing him....does that mean I'll do it?


Well mama - we gotsta go. Breeder mama has lots to do today..

Like get our sister Lily ready to go live with Loki....and also get other bunnies ready for a big trip.

I wansta big trip too.....

You'll be getting a big cage instead. All of us will.

ooh....ooh....ooh....big big cage. BINKY SIZE CAGE!

Bye nana! Give Em a big hug for me (I don't know if she'dlike an ear rub but I see breeder mama gives lots of hugs...so I thinkhumans like those).

Bye mama. I'm gonna go back and eat more of that "enhanced rabbit" stuff.

Yeah. Almost makes me feel like a whole new rabbit. And Dusty's poops don't smell so bad either...

Mama. I'd cuff him - but the stuff does have "odoreliminator" type thing in it...so his poops don't smell so bad either!But you don't wanna hear about poop smell.

Have a good day!

Dusty, Sneaksy Drew & Bun Bun

Hi Boys!

Yes, I know what you mean about those heavy bowls...they're difficultfor buns to knock over! :) But...I'm happy to hearmy boys are being good anyway, despite the one try (sneaksy Drew :)).

YAY!! You get your new super-sized cage! I can'twait to hear how many binkies you boys do in happiness! :D

And give Breeder Mama hugs for me (or just general cuteness) during all this craziness in getting ready for Nationals! :)

Love you always,


P.S. Bun Bun, I will definitely give Emily love from you. :)
Dear Mama,

Thank you for loving us as we are...

Yeah - thanks for not making us get a "tatto-ouch" in our ear.

I'm telling you guys...I'd sneaks away if breeder mama tried to do that to me.

Mama - I don't think breeder mama likes to do the tattoothing. She makes breeder dad do it and she cried a couple of times.

It was cause the bunnies were crying too and breeder mama cried about that.

Yeah...she leakses and I noticed there were times whenshe sneakses away to wipe her leaks and left breeder daddy to workalone.

She came over to look at us once and I thought we were gonna have ouches too...

But then she said,

"Oh boys...I'm so glad you don't need to be done."

and she leaked some more.

So I've decided - I'm gonna flirt with her tonight and make her laugh.

And I'm gonna wiggle my ears up and down and airplane them to make her smile.

And I'm not going to sneakses at all. I'm just gonna love on her..

Dusty, Quiet Drew & Bun Bun

You boys are simply the sweetest!!! :D

You're so sweet for trying to make Breeder Mama feel better.I've often wondered how Breeder Mama's are able to do tattoo'ing...andI just KNOW I would cry if I had to do it, too. I hatethinking any babies are in pain...but unfortunatly tattoo'ing isnecessary for what Breeder Mama does. Thankfully, though, thepain goes away fairly quickly, so they're just fineafterward. :)

You be sure to give Breeder Mama lots of flirts, okay boys? :)

And you send her some love from me, too, ok?

Love you!!

Nana - guess what?

You'll never guess....

Mom's pretty smart...she'll guess.

Naw....she's gonna guess we're in the weanlingcage...but that's not it (but its supposed to happen soon - I heardbreeder mama talkinga bout it..).

Let me tell her. Breeder sis is cute.

Yeah...she's cute. She said you were cute too. But that wasn't what we wanted mama to guess.


You see mama....

.....breeder mama's still here.....with us!

Thanks Drew. Now can I finish?

Breeder mama is still here because...

...their van broke down. So they're staying here with us instead of going to O-hio.

Can't a buck get a word in edgewi

Yeah...and breeder sis picks me up and says I'scutes....and she loves on me and hugs on me and kisses me nose. Shealso calls me "tiny" (I tried to tell her where he was) and says I'ssuch a cute

...baby. She called you a baby.

Well, I could be a baby with attention like that. I likes it.

She said we all were cute.

and she petted me too - but Dusty was rude. He wouldn't let her go near him and he hid in the back.

I didn't want any human making googly eyes at me. Itsnot right. So I let you two get held. Plus...I didn't know ifmaybe she was a trap to give us medicine or something.

She even told me she knows I sneaks...isn't that neat?

Ooops...here comes breeder mama. She said we better be good while she gets ready to move us tomorrow...

Is it tomorrow yet?

Close enough.....

Yeah. We better go. 'Night mama. Love ya!

Night Nana.....love ya too!

sneaks back to say "night mama...didn't mean to forgetto say "I love you" .. just didn't want to get in trouble for sneaksingout of the cage to write to you...

Dusty, "Baby" Drew & Cutey Bun Bun

Mama. Guess what?

We'z in our new cage! Its funs....

Its BIG. I can almost see outside from here.

I's the first one in it...

Yeah - he is a sucker for breeder sis. Or anyone. Allthey have to do is come to the cage and he runs to the door.

I'm better at flirting to get their attention and then going to the back of the cage till I make sure everything is ok.

Nana, I was the second one in. and its a BIG cage...

Yeah and Dusty was last..but he was the first one to chin a lot of things....he thinks everything is his.

I'm going to share with you guys. Breeder mama says sharing is nice.

Nana, I've got to go back and explore my new cage some more. Bye!

Hey wait....I've got to go back too so I can explore stuff.

Mama - I better go back......I've got stuff to do too. Love ya!

Dusty, Sneaksy Drew & Bun Bun
Hehe...whenever I'm having a hard time, all Ihave to do is read your notes to me, and I can't help butsmile. I was able to read your note to me last night, but wastoo sick to respond. But it did make me smile lots oftimes. :)

Love you!


This is Drew (of course). I sneaks out of our brand new cage to write this to you.

Dusty was a boy...a bad boy according to breeder mama. He's had to get a cage of his own.

I's ok. I jumped up on something and sat taller than him so he couldn'tboss me around...but he was trying to boss Bun Bun by "playing house".Bun Bun and I didn't want to play....adn then Bun Bun tried to playhouse back with Dusty.

So Bun Bun and I can have the big cage together for a little bit longer - then we may have to all have our own cages.

I think a cage of my own might be nice. Maybe. As long as I can find a way to sneaks out of it.

Anyway, breeder mama said she had to separate us before someones got hurtz. I thought hurtz was a truck company...

We'z ok though. And I gots more of a big cage to play in now!


Gonna Sneaks back to my bigger cage.

Hi Mama - its Dusty.

Guess what?

I am a BOY now. Wow....I never knew that being a boy could feel so....interesting.

I want to boss everyone. I want to play in different ways than ever before.

Drew and Bun Bun didn't understand - but breeder mama did. So I have myOWN cage now and she's talking about getting me a stuffed toy orsomething help me when I feel like I HAVE to play.

Oh well - I gotta go back and explore my NEW cage.



Drew is exploring our cage and trying to sneak around in the corners so I thought I'd take a minute to write to you.

I'm ok. I know breeder mama is probably going to tell you about Dustybecoming a boy....and how he tried to show me what boys are supposed todo.

I didn't get hurt at all and decided to show him how it felt whensomeone did that to them....but breeder mama wasn't happy with the waywe were playing.

So I thought I should let you know - I'm ok. We're all ok and Drew andI have agreed to share this BIG cage for at least a little bit..

Bun Bun
Dear Miss Rosie,

I wanted to tell you that Dusty is HOT! He has been looking so good andtoday he..."changed". Unfortunately, I can't even get close to makegoogly eyes at him anymore.....mama says that's too dangerous and couldget him "hor-mon-al". Hmm...i thought only us girls got that way.

I told the girls in the rabbitry to pass along my messages to Dusty - how hot he is and how much I hope to see him again.

I know mama has said that he's going to be able to breed withButterscotch. Mama said she MAY let him breed with Sundae too. But shesays that I need a buck with smaller ears if I'm going to breed again.

I don't think the sise of the ears really matters...but it does to mom.

The girls in the rabbitry have promised me that they will talk to Dustyon a regular basis so he won't be lonely. He's in a bottom cage so hecan look out and see them and talk to them. Some of the girls have beenstanding up on their hind legs so they can look into the cage and flirtwith him...I told them to LAY OFF. If I can't have him - they can'teither. They ignored me.

I'm thinking about talking to mom about Drew....but she's been saying "no" so far. Oh well.....I'll get me a buck.

But Dusty sure is one NICE buck.....I miss him.

If I get a chance - I'll go make some googly eyes at him and let him know he's still loved...

Miss Bea
Oh my goodness!! My little boy became a BIG boy overnight!!

And Bun Bun, too! :shock:

Wow...well, Dusty, Sweetheart, don't despair...you'll have a girl soon,Hunny. :) And, don't worry...it's not that you'renot loved...it's just that you're lovin' the wrong buns!Hehe...:)

And Bun Bun & Drew...enjoy your cage...and play fair with each other, okay?

And all three of you...don't worry...when you come here, you'll all bereunited and rebonded, and everything will be a-okay. :)

And Miss Bea...hehe...I understand...Dusty is quite the handsome little boy, isn't he?

Hugs and love all around,

Mama/Nana/Miss Rosie*

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