Dusty, Drew and Bun Bun
Well-Known Member
Dear Mama,
That's right - this is Mopsy and I can say "mama" 'cause I's adopted!Breeder mama said it was ok for me to go to California with Dusty andDrew.
I'm so excited....I can hardly wait. I did binkies today just thinking about it.
Just think...I'm a mayor...
Um.....Mopsy...that's "Maher"...you're going to be a Maher.
Right. 'cause the Mayor guy is letting me come..
No Mopsy. The "Maher" guy - aka your new dad isletting you come. (Hey mama - this is Drew. I sneaks out of the pentoday but breeder mama caught in on video for everyone to see.)
So if I'm not gonna be a mayor - am I gonna be a governor? A senator?
Mopsy. Let's talk about this later. We got on here for a specific reason...does anybunny remember what it was?
I do! I do! It's to say a "Happy Fiesta mama" ..
Yeah Mama. Happy Fiesta! But why do we need to wish her a happy nap?
First of all, we aren't wishing her Happy Fiesta. Fiesta is the celebration over in San Antonio and a nap is SIESTA.
Now come on guys....we can get this together.
WHY are we writing to mama? (hint: it has to do with cake and candles)
Oh yeah....
Happy missing me day!
No dummy. SHe misses you EVERY day. I gots it....
Let me whisper it to Drew and then we can all say it together..
We gots breeder mama to help us do your presents. We won't give you allof them right now 'cause some of 'em still gottsta uploads to someplace...but we can give you some of them..
Yeah. We can. And I want to say that in the videos Istayed in the bowl 'cause I was trying to think about something reallyspecial to do for you. A binky didn't seem special enough so I kepttrying and trying and trying to think of something....
and Mama - I wuz good. I only sneaks out that one timeso you can sees how I do it. Do you have lots of things there I cansneaks with? I hope so. I like to sneaks under and over but especiallyunder.
That's cause you're too small to go over things. I like to climb.
Hey wait guys...we're just talking and talking and mama wants her presents...
Hey - good point!
Mama - here are the photos. I know breeder mama already sent them to you - but now you can share them with everyone!
See - I can be alone sometimes!
Breeder mama loves my color. I like it too.
Honest - I'm not beating up on him....I'm coming to ask him what he's doing...
Now he's coming to tell me what he did...
I don't know - sometimes I think the bowl makes my butt look fat.
What do you think? Does this bowl make our butts look fat?
Well, let me see how I look in it. Maybe its just the color...
Hey - don't tip the bowl over...I'm IN here..
Mama - I's tired after my sneaks...so I'm resting and just looking cute..
Hey - I can nap in here...
It was my bowl first...
See mama - I'm staying in the pen....
While I look for another ways to sneaks out...
And now mama - for your first birthday video of us -'cause we want to wait and share the rest ON yourbirthday....
Yeah....we better go so the rest of the videos can upload..
I gotsta go so I can practice some more sneaks...I like sneaks...
And I gotsta go find something to chew...uh....read...so I can learn more about being a mayor..
It's M-A-H-E-R not MAYOR.
Mama - I'll straighten him out..I promise. I know I'm the biggerbrother and it keeps me busy - but I do try to keep an eye on thesetwo...
So from me....
and from me...
Oopsie... imeant um....let me find a better one?
Ouch. Dusty bit my butt...
Ok..how about this one?
and from me...
:happyrabbit: I'm ADOPTED!!!!! I'm gonna go live in the same state as the governator!!!
ooh wait - its 'sposed to be for mama. Ok - back off Dusty - I'll find one...
There.....FLOWERS for my mama...
Good choice.
Can I chew on them now?
NO! THey're from ME! I gets to chew on them.
Bye mama!
Bye mama......from your favorite sneaks!
Bye mama.....watch for your videos here soon!
That's right - this is Mopsy and I can say "mama" 'cause I's adopted!Breeder mama said it was ok for me to go to California with Dusty andDrew.
I'm so excited....I can hardly wait. I did binkies today just thinking about it.
Just think...I'm a mayor...
Um.....Mopsy...that's "Maher"...you're going to be a Maher.
Right. 'cause the Mayor guy is letting me come..
No Mopsy. The "Maher" guy - aka your new dad isletting you come. (Hey mama - this is Drew. I sneaks out of the pentoday but breeder mama caught in on video for everyone to see.)
So if I'm not gonna be a mayor - am I gonna be a governor? A senator?
Mopsy. Let's talk about this later. We got on here for a specific reason...does anybunny remember what it was?
I do! I do! It's to say a "Happy Fiesta mama" ..
Yeah Mama. Happy Fiesta! But why do we need to wish her a happy nap?
First of all, we aren't wishing her Happy Fiesta. Fiesta is the celebration over in San Antonio and a nap is SIESTA.
Now come on guys....we can get this together.
WHY are we writing to mama? (hint: it has to do with cake and candles)
Oh yeah....
Happy missing me day!
No dummy. SHe misses you EVERY day. I gots it....
Let me whisper it to Drew and then we can all say it together..
We gots breeder mama to help us do your presents. We won't give you allof them right now 'cause some of 'em still gottsta uploads to someplace...but we can give you some of them..
Yeah. We can. And I want to say that in the videos Istayed in the bowl 'cause I was trying to think about something reallyspecial to do for you. A binky didn't seem special enough so I kepttrying and trying and trying to think of something....
and Mama - I wuz good. I only sneaks out that one timeso you can sees how I do it. Do you have lots of things there I cansneaks with? I hope so. I like to sneaks under and over but especiallyunder.
That's cause you're too small to go over things. I like to climb.
Hey wait guys...we're just talking and talking and mama wants her presents...
Hey - good point!
Mama - here are the photos. I know breeder mama already sent them to you - but now you can share them with everyone!
See - I can be alone sometimes!

Breeder mama loves my color. I like it too.

Honest - I'm not beating up on him....I'm coming to ask him what he's doing...

Now he's coming to tell me what he did...

I don't know - sometimes I think the bowl makes my butt look fat.

What do you think? Does this bowl make our butts look fat?

Well, let me see how I look in it. Maybe its just the color...

Hey - don't tip the bowl over...I'm IN here..

Mama - I's tired after my sneaks...so I'm resting and just looking cute..

Hey - I can nap in here...

It was my bowl first...

See mama - I'm staying in the pen....

While I look for another ways to sneaks out...

And now mama - for your first birthday video of us -'cause we want to wait and share the rest ON yourbirthday....

Yeah....we better go so the rest of the videos can upload..
I gotsta go so I can practice some more sneaks...I like sneaks...
And I gotsta go find something to chew...uh....read...so I can learn more about being a mayor..
It's M-A-H-E-R not MAYOR.
Mama - I'll straighten him out..I promise. I know I'm the biggerbrother and it keeps me busy - but I do try to keep an eye on thesetwo...
So from me....
and from me...
Oopsie... imeant um....let me find a better one?
Ouch. Dusty bit my butt...
Ok..how about this one?
and from me...
:happyrabbit: I'm ADOPTED!!!!! I'm gonna go live in the same state as the governator!!!
ooh wait - its 'sposed to be for mama. Ok - back off Dusty - I'll find one...
There.....FLOWERS for my mama...
Good choice.
Can I chew on them now?
NO! THey're from ME! I gets to chew on them.
Bye mama!
Bye mama......from your favorite sneaks!
Bye mama.....watch for your videos here soon!