Letters to our new mama

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Dear Mama,

That's right - this is Mopsy and I can say "mama" 'cause I's adopted!Breeder mama said it was ok for me to go to California with Dusty andDrew.

I'm so excited....I can hardly wait. I did binkies today just thinking about it.

Just think...I'm a mayor...

Um.....Mopsy...that's "Maher"...you're going to be a Maher.

Right. 'cause the Mayor guy is letting me come..

No Mopsy. The "Maher" guy - aka your new dad isletting you come. (Hey mama - this is Drew. I sneaks out of the pentoday but breeder mama caught in on video for everyone to see.)

So if I'm not gonna be a mayor - am I gonna be a governor? A senator?

Mopsy. Let's talk about this later. We got on here for a specific reason...does anybunny remember what it was?

I do! I do! It's to say a "Happy Fiesta mama" ..

Yeah Mama. Happy Fiesta! But why do we need to wish her a happy nap?


First of all, we aren't wishing her Happy Fiesta. Fiesta is the celebration over in San Antonio and a nap is SIESTA.

Now come on guys....we can get this together.

WHY are we writing to mama? (hint: it has to do with cake and candles)

Oh yeah....

Happy missing me day!

No dummy. SHe misses you EVERY day. I gots it....

Let me whisper it to Drew and then we can all say it together..


We gots breeder mama to help us do your presents. We won't give you allof them right now 'cause some of 'em still gottsta uploads to someplace...but we can give you some of them..

Yeah. We can. And I want to say that in the videos Istayed in the bowl 'cause I was trying to think about something reallyspecial to do for you. A binky didn't seem special enough so I kepttrying and trying and trying to think of something....

and Mama - I wuz good. I only sneaks out that one timeso you can sees how I do it. Do you have lots of things there I cansneaks with? I hope so. I like to sneaks under and over but especiallyunder.

That's cause you're too small to go over things. I like to climb.

Hey wait guys...we're just talking and talking and mama wants her presents...

Hey - good point!

Mama - here are the photos. I know breeder mama already sent them to you - but now you can share them with everyone!

See - I can be alone sometimes!

Breeder mama loves my color. I like it too.

Honest - I'm not beating up on him....I'm coming to ask him what he's doing...

Now he's coming to tell me what he did...

I don't know - sometimes I think the bowl makes my butt look fat.

What do you think? Does this bowl make our butts look fat?

Well, let me see how I look in it. Maybe its just the color...

Hey - don't tip the bowl over...I'm IN here..

Mama - I's tired after my sneaks...so I'm resting and just looking cute..

Hey - I can nap in here...

It was my bowl first...

See mama - I'm staying in the pen....

While I look for another ways to sneaks out...

And now mama - for your first birthday video of us -'cause we want to wait and share the rest ON yourbirthday....

Yeah....we better go so the rest of the videos can upload..

I gotsta go so I can practice some more sneaks...I like sneaks...

And I gotsta go find something to chew...uh....read...so I can learn more about being a mayor..


It's M-A-H-E-R not MAYOR.

Mama - I'll straighten him out..I promise. I know I'm the biggerbrother and it keeps me busy - but I do try to keep an eye on thesetwo...

So from me....


and from me...


Oopsie... imeant um....let me find a better one?


Ouch. Dusty bit my butt...

Ok..how about this one?


and from me...

:happyrabbit: I'm ADOPTED!!!!! I'm gonna go live in the same state as the governator!!!

ooh wait - its 'sposed to be for mama. Ok - back off Dusty - I'll find one...


There.....FLOWERS for my mama...

Good choice.

Can I chew on them now?

NO! THey're from ME! I gets to chew on them.

Bye mama!

Bye mama......from your favorite sneaks!

Bye mama.....watch for your videos here soon!

Awww ....what better birthday present can a mama ask for then pictures and videos from her boys??

You boys are so cute...I just love each and every single picture and video I get of you...

Oh...one thing I should clear up...Maher is pronounced like the word"mar". Hehe...no mayors here! :)

But, yes, strangely enough, there is a governator in this state. Hehe!

Thank you so much for the flowers, balloons, and smiley birthday cakewishes!! :) I can't wait to celebrate my nextbirthday with my boys actually being HERE! :D

You boys take care of one another, ok? And...remember...Mama loves you!! :D

Love always and forever,

Your Mama*

P.S. I'm so happy you can call me Mama now, Mr. Mopsy. You three are a dream-come-true!! :D
Happy Birthday Mama! I hope you had a good day.

Hey Mama. I sneaks here to wish you a Happy Birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

Hi Mama. Dusty here. We had to wait for a bit to getonline - but I made sure we were able to get online today to wish you abirthday ON your birthday. I hope you have a good day!

Yeah! Oh and mama - would you please tell the "Mar Man" thanks for letting me come! I'm so happy!

Anyway mama - here are your birthday videos...

There's three of them mama - one from each of us....

But we're all in each of them...

So we decided that all three

would be from ALL of us....even the one where I try to sneaks around a bit...but decide to not get out.

(Video #4)

(Video #3)

(video #2)

We tried to talk breeder mama into letting us go outsidetoday to take MORE videos...but she said that we had enough for now...

Besides....Dusty wanted to stay in the cage so he could make google eyes at Miss Bea if she cames around..

STOP THAT! I just said that I wanted to be able to say "hi" if she got let out to play.

That's what you always say before you make google eyes at her.

Yeah. That.

We gotta go mama. I gotta cuff some sense into these guys...

Oh no you don't. Not that Mopsy is coming too it is TWO to ONE. No more being big brother...

Hey Drew...its mama's birthday. Let's make it nice by notteasing Dusty anymore. I think that would make mama happy.

Even when he makes google eyes?

Even then.....sides...I'm thinking I might want to startmaking google eyes soon - and you'll probably start making google eyesin a bit even if you are smaller!

Ok. No teasing Dusty TODAY....but tomorrows...

We'll worry about tomorrow later Drew. Bye mama! I'mgonna go ask breeder mama for a treat - maybe some more of that gourmethay or something.

Yeah. And I'm going to go celebrate by taking a fiesta in my cage...I'm tired.

And I'm gonna try to celebrate by sneaksing again.....love ya mama!

Dusty, Drew & Mopsy

Awwww ...thank you Boys (and Breeder Mama) for the wonderful birthday wishes and videos!!

It was wonderful seeing you be all sneaksy, Drew...and seeing Dustylooking at how he can climb his way out...and seeing Mopsy content justto be in there at all. You three are so different from eachother. :)

I LOVED seeing the wind blowing around your beautiful fur, too...how adorable!!

Oh, and hearing familiar Texan birds made Mama smile. That was wonderful...:)

I love you, Boys! Thank you so much for being you and for allthe sweet letters you send my way all the time. They make meso happy, and bring a smile to my face every time.


All my forever love,

Hi mama!

Hey - I was here first.

But I wrote hi first! I's sneaksy like that.

Hi mama. Took,me a bit to get up here with Dusty and Drew hogging the chair...

Aw...we made room for you once you said you wanted to come up...

Anyway - mama - we thought we'd drop you a short note.

Might be a medium one...

Nah...let's make it a longs one...so she knows we loves her more.

Mama - we'ze bored...we didn't get out of our cage today.

Now breeder mama told us we might not get out every day..

Yeah and when she went to feed us she even left the door open a bit and asked if you waz gonna sneaks out...

But it ain't sneaksing if mama offers it....

Anyway, some guy named "Puck" needed our pen outside for exercise - so he got to go out...and breeder mama said,

"You guys make too much of a mess in the bathroom - breeder daddy doesn't want you in there..."

Yeah...she said that.

She did tell us though that we'd get some playtime on Monday and we could binky then.

She's been busy with ****erry...who is fighting mama and GI Stasis atthe same time. I don't know if Stasis is in the Army or Air Force to bea "G.I." but I don't think I'd want to fight something like that....

Plus she's busy playing online with dad and her non-fur kids..

Yeah.....why does she like those kids over us? They might've had her first but I bet we're cuter..

Now now...she said her online game time is time when shegets to spend with them...and it is important to her. We need toremember that breeder mama has needs too...

Yeah but we're cuter than them...

Speaking of cute...mama...breeder mama said you changedyour fur for your birthday and had black fur and something called"lace"....

Can we alter the outfit? Tiny's been telling us how to do it?

Hey look - black is ok....anything is better thanbreeder mama. You know something mama - we never know whather fur will be until she comes out here? Sometimes it isgreen...sometimes it is red on top and navy on bottom....sometimes itis chocolate...

Why doesn't she just pick a color and be happy with it? We like our colors just fine - we don't go changing fur..

Mama - as you can tell - we've been bored. I've beentrying to explain to these dumb-bunnies that humans HAVE to changetheir fur all the time 'cause they can't clean themselves with theirtongue. Miss Bea told me all about this (and those two thought we werejust googling at each other). She told me that the year shewas in kindergarten - she learned that humans feel like they have towear something different all the time. This is so they can have aspecial activity called "laundry" to do and sometimes the big peoplemoan and groan because of the laundry - like they don't have enough orsomething...

So I've tried explaining it to these two..

But why not just clean up with your tongue?

I told you before. Human tongues have GERMS. So they have to wear the fur things...

Oh yeah...I remember that part of the lecture now - it was right before I dozed off to sleep....

Anyways mama - I think I'm gonna try to go do somemore sneaks (by the way...in breeder mama's game there's somethingcalled a "burglar". I want to play one if I ever get to be acharacter...they get a "sneaks attack". That sounds like fun!)

Well, I gotta go back to practicing my ear flops so I can looks cute.

Yeah and I've got to go google...I mean - talk to MissBea. I think I'll ask her to tell me more about people andkindergarten. She said she's glad she's not a kindergarten bunnyanymore....I guess she "graduated" and knows all she needs to know?

Love ya mama!

Love ya....have a good night mama - and enjoy whatever fur you've got now....

Aw...I had to come back from sneaksing to say "love ya"....

Sneaksing off again...

Dusty, Drew & Mopsy

Dear Mama,

You would have been so proud of us this morning. Breeder mamais crying and waiting for breeder dad to come home - but I need to tellyou what we did.

****erry shocked everybunny and breeder mama and dad by crossing thebridge. Breeder Mama has been leaking for hours and when she walked byour cage once, I stood up on my hind legs to get her attention.

So she went and got some fruit loops and came down to sit in front of our cage.

Yeah. That was fun. I sneaks out and went to Tiny's room - its BIGGER than our cage...

Well - did you see how big Tiny is when you were sitting next to him? He's BIGGER than you..

Was he that big black blob of fur? He's a gazillion times bigger..

So mama....back to our story.

Oh yes. So mama...I got breeder mama's attention and shesat down to see us and she opened the cage door and shared some fruitloops with us.


I didn't get many 'cause I'd sneaks awayed by then.

Then you came back...

And since Breeder mama was blocking the way...I snuck under the door and got away..

Right. So she blocked under the door with her shoe so no one could get away anymore..

But we had a small area to play in...

No way to sneaks out though..

And Tiny came over and almost knocked mama over tryingto get into the cereal bowl. And he'd put his head right in the bowland grab any fruit loops he wanted...and then start to eat them.

Yeah...he stood up and put his paws on her shoulder 'cause she was sitting on the floor..

And mama - with Tiny's help - we got breeder mama to smile even though she was leaking...

I even lets her pet me once...or twice.

I felt bad too cause she'd told me today that I was gonna get to spendtime with ****erry so she could have "broken blue" lionlops....she saidBooBerry would be perfect for it...and that we could "breed" in June orJuly...

So I lost my future girlfriend...

Hey.....I heard breeder mama say she'd give you another one...

Really? I didn't hear that..

You were crunching on the fruit loops.

:bunnydance: YIPPEE I still get to breed!

Anyway mama - we made breeder mama smile.

Yeah - and its all cause Dusty stood up on his hind legs and begged her to come spend some time with us..

And breeder mama even smiled about me sneaksing.....but she called me a shoe!


She said, "Come back here you little sneaker...".

Drew....she wasn't calling you a shoe. She was talking about what you were doing.

You were sneaking.

I'll have you know that when I do it - its SNEAKSING.

Breeder daddy just got home....

OOPs - better get back in the cage.

Love ya mama!

Love ya mama!

I love to sneaks...but I love you mama!

Hi Boys!

It's the Girls!

We thought we'd write you back this time!

Okay, one at a time...

Hi! I'm Flower! I'm a whitebunny that Mama calls her Baby. She says I'mpretty. I'm just happy to be here with her and not in thatsmelly, wet, yucky, tiny cage that other human gave me. Thosesmelly kids always pokin' at me and Mama says she thinks they picked meup by my ears, too! :(

But now I have a home with my Mama...and I couldn't ask formore. She gives me extra yummy food, more hay that I couldpossibly eat, and lots of yummy sweet water (she says she putssomethin' called va nilla in it).

Mama's wonderful...I can't wait for you guys to meet her. Shelets me out to play all the time with this new tun nel thingy shebought (but I'm not allowed to chew on it...which I just don'tunderstand...what's a tun nel if you can't CHEW it???), and I have twoshort eared, long tailed bunnies to play with. I just can'thelp but try to sniff those tails everytime they're around. Imean, why do they have ones that are SO LONG? They get madand hit me when I sniff them...but don't worry...it's not as scary asit sounds. Mama cuts their nails so they can't hurtme...because she knows I just can't help myself...I HAVE to try andfigure out those crazy tails!

Anyway, I'll let the other girls talk now!

Love you! I'm so excited that I have baby brothersnow! Of course, I'm worried now that I won't be the babyanymore...but Mama keeps telling me I'll always be her baby...so Iguess I shouldn't worry too much. :)

Love you!

Flower HoneyBun

FINALLY!! Hi, it's Maisie...and I only have one thing to say...

I'm not sure if I'm happy you guys are coming or not. Mamakeeps saying she's doing all this planning for my "spay". Idon't know what it is, but she keeps talking like it's gonna hurt...andsays it has to happen for you guys to come here...so I'm NOT happyabout you boys coming.

This cage...it's MINE. MY shreddies...MY food...MY meadow...MINE...ALL MINE.

That's all I gotta say about that. G'bye.

Oh, Maisie...you're so serious...you don't have to worryabout your spay. Yes, you hurt for a few days (maybe acouple), but believe me, the hurt goes away, and you feel SOOOOO muchbetter than you did before they did it once you've healed.

You know that I got spayed, right?

WHAT?!?! NO...WHY??

Because my first Mama said that it was good forme. And it really made me feel so much happier and morerelaxed once I was healed. :) So, don'tworry...you'll be okay...and you, too, Flower...oh wait...she'seating...she can't hear a word I'm saying.

Anyway, this is Trixie! I can't wait to meet youboys!! Mama's been telling us so much about you and yourlittle things that you like to do. :)

Don't worry about Maisie...once she's all healed from her spay, she'llfeel differently about you being here. Right now, she's onlyworried about someone being in her house. I keep telling hernot to worry about it...but she won't listen. She can be sostubborn!

Anyway, I'm a floppy-eared bunny like you, Mopsy, so I thought I'dmatch colors of writing with you. It's hard having floppyears in a mostly uppity-eared household...sometimes I hear Flowergiggling when I'm trying to bathe, and my ears get in the way of myeyes...but I know she loves me. She tells me about all thegames she'd like to play once Mama decides it's time for us to meetface-to-face. She says Flower has to go through her spayfirst, though. I think that's a good idea. I mean,Flower's all excited to be near me, and sniff noses through MYcage...but anytime I try to sniff noses through HER cage, she gets allmad and honks at me.

I think that'll be handled once she's spayed, though...at least that's what Mama tells me. :)

Anyway, Mama has a few things she'd like to say, so I'll pass this onto her...:)

Hi, Boys!!

I thought you'd like to hear from your sisters. They'rereally wonderful, and excited to see you (even Maisie, who's a bitpicky at who she lets into her cage). I thought I'd let themsay a few words to get better acquainted with you. :)

Hehe...yes, we humans change their fur often, though I wear somethingcalled "jammies" most of the time that I'm home. They're thisnice, soft fur that humans sometimes wear while we're sleeping atnight...they're also nice and warm. :)

And yes, I had a special fur that I wore on my birthday. It made me feel really extra special! :)

Well, I can't wait til you're here! I can't wait to see yourgoofy antics here in person...right in our home! :) I'malready trying to figure out a way that the six of you can go on walkswith me throughout the neighborhood (something possibly including youguys riding in a wagon...not sure yet), but I worry about the dog thatlives next door scaring you guys with his big bark. I'll haveto think for a while about it to see what I can come up with.:)

Anyway, I'm happy to hear you're doing well! I'm sorry youdidn't get time in the bathroom. But I'm sure there was aVERY good reason. :)

And yes, I can understand having to give the human kids time.I have to be sure to give my own human kid time, too. She'sstill pretty little, so I don't think she'll scare you guys...butsometimes she does get loud. Don't worry, though...she lovesall animals as much as I do. She'll be real careful aroundyou...because I watch her and teach her the whole time. :)

Anyway, I'm off to read your newest letter!

I love you!!


P.S. I hope you liked the notes from the Girls. :)
Hello again, Boys!

Aww...I'm so sorry to hear about your future girlfriend, ****erry, crossing the bridge. That's awful...:(

I'm happy to hear, though, that you boys cheered up Breeder Mama alittle bit. It's hard for us humans to lose our furrybabies. You guys mean the world to us...and when you cross,there's a hole in our heart where you used to be. It'sespecially hard on people like me and Breeder Mama, because our eyesleak so easily with things. But...it's good for us to getthose tears out with things like this...and it helps when we have otherfurbabies to talk to (like you guys and Tiny), and other humans as well.

But...you be sure to give Breeder Mama lots of love for me, ok?

I'll send her love, too...but you boys are there right now...so you give her some love from me. :)

Love you always,

Dear Mama,

This is Dusty. This is going to be short 'cause we's all tired out fromplaying outside. But breeder mama remembered her promise and she let usplay outside.

And I sneaks out of the pen...

I was going to tell her that. Now go back and sit down - remember - this was going to be a SHORT note?

Anyway mama, we liked hearing from the girls and we'll write more later - but we wanted to share some things with you...

First- Drew's sneaks video...

Mama - I screamed a tiny bit to keep breeder mama frompicking me up and it worked - but it itsn't a loud scream. I just wantsto scare her away - and I did....

And mama - there will be a better video coming of us....two of them really...

And now for the regular photos....

Mama - we'll have the other videos later....promise!

Hi sweeties!

Oh, Drew...you little Stinker...that video was funny...

And what handsome boys you are! I just love each and every picture I see of you...:)

I can't wait to see more! Glad you're having such a wonderful day!

Love and hugs,

This is breeder mama taking the time to post avideo for the boys....they're sacked out and snoozing - I think theyplayed hard today.

Drew got loose another time and I tried to get a video but had to tryand keep him from going down Tiny's hole so you don't really see Drewin it other than the first few seconds.

Man...he's fast..

I also took another video for you of the boys.....with their noses twitching. I'll try to upload it tonight or tomorrow.

Peg aka Breeder Mama
Aww...that video is so cute. I just love watching the wind blow in their cute little manes. :)

I can't wait to see more! :D

Love and hugs to ya'll,

Rosie & the Herd :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance: (I would put six, but the girls are sending love to the boys.)
Hi mama. It's Dusty. Breeder mama has been tiredand sort of sad lately - she says she doesn't feel creativeeither.....so we've just been snoozing and being quiet and gettingready for when we can have more fun.

I liked the letters from the girls. I really like Trixie the best - shereminds me of me a bit. Flower sounds nice too and I hope Maisie ishappier about us once we get there.

I'll makes her happy. I'll sneaks and shows her how to sneaks and she'll be laughing in no time.

Yeah and I'll tell her how pretty she is. I've got three really PRETTY sisters...how nice!

It sure will be fun to teach them to sneaks and then have them help me find the best sneaks spots....

Well, I'm not a fan of sneaking. I like to climb.

I like anything...almost. I like to run in circles sometimes.

So mama...how are you doing? Did you get lots of presents for your birthday? Did the girls do anything special?

I sneaks for her birthday.

You're not a girl.

I know that.

You're not there either.

Well you guys never said I had to be there for us to ask about her birthday! Sheesh...


Mama - we had a big storm here a couple of nights ago.

It rained and it rained

and the wind blew

and it rained and it rained

and the tornado sirens went off

and it rained and it rained.

She knows that now Drew....

and it ra...


Mama..it rained lots.

The sirens scared the bunnies - we even huddled together..

Our cage almost got put in something called a "shower" with Tiny and Miss Bea.

and later on we heard there was a funnel cloud..I've heard of funnel cakes but not funnel clouds..

Breeder mama might put the videos of the rain on herefor ya...if I ask her nice or maybe I can sneaks out and get the videoto put on here..

You and your sneaks...

Oh mama....I may get to breed in June or July! I don't know what that means but breeder mama was smiling when she said it.

Yeah....and I think I'm gonna get to breed.

But mama told him last night - no breeding with Miss Bea. She said his ears were too long...

Hey - she also said she needed me more with some other girls...

Yeah....breeder mama said she might want to breed meBECAUSE of my ears...she says she wants to wait and see if I'm gonnakeep them up or down. I can't decide yet. I like them down a lot ...but I like them up too.

Anyway mama - that's our news for now. Breeder mama saysshe's calling you later tonight to talk about us while she's gonna begone...

Yeah...she wants to tell you all about how I sneaks....

and how cute I am..

No. That isn't it. I read the note... Breeder mama istrying to decide whether to let us live together like we do now - orput us in separate cages. She says breeder sister is coming to takecare of us but we's gonna be alone a little bit and she's not surewe'll behave.

Oh. But I likes sharing a cage....it makes it easier to sneaks..

and take naps together..

Yeah. Well, we'll have to listen to breeder mama's phone call.

But we better go for now....I'm gonna try to get breeder mama to give us some fruit loops..

Bye mama.

Bye mama - say hi to the maher guy for me!

Bye mama....tell Maisie she'll like us - I'll teach her to sneaks!

Dear Rosie,

This is The BunFather.

I wanted to let you know that your little boy likes to sneak into MY room.

I've thumped at him and had a talk or two with him about it. I suspect he'll be pretty good now.

But he might try to sneak when he gets there and mama says she's notsure if he's even gonna go over a pound in his weight...he's gonna staytiny.

Hey wait..that's MY name.

Anyway - the other thing is -mom and dad are leaving a day later forNat-ion-als so that dad can bring breeder sis home to watch overeveryone. She said this means the boys don't have to be separated andrisk breaking their bond so far....

I know mom will be telling you that -but I couldn't resist telling you first.

The BunFather
Wow, boys! You've been through so muchin the past few days!! I'm glad you're okay, though...andthat you are safe and sound after so much rain and scariness.Breeder Mama sure does love you and is doing everything she can to keepyou safe and happy. :)

And Tiny...thank you so much for letting me know all that.Could you please do me a favor and keep an eye on my boys,too? I know Miss Bea is watching them, too, but I think she'sbusy making googly eyes at Dusty sometimes to see what my goofball Drewmight be up to.

And you tell Drew that he can be however big or small he wants tobe...Mama will still love him and give him a home here withus. :) And the same to the other two.

Ya'll are wonderful...thank you for keeping an eye on my babies...:)

Love and hugs all 'round,

Dear Miss Rosie,

I do not JUST make googly eyes at Dusty...but he sure is worth gogglingat. I also tell them stories about my year in kindergarten.

I've been teaching them how to add - how 1 + 1 = 7 if its 1 girl bunny + 1 boy bunny.

I've been trying to teach them how to spell but Drew insists on using"sneaks" and "sneaksing" and Dusty and I have decided that is an uppergrade word so we'll let him keep that spelling.

I've been teaching them about our United States and how Texas is theGREATEST state for a bunny to live in....till they get old enough tomove to California (sorry..but I'll be forever young).

I've been teaching them about the history of bunnies....how we'vealways been around and even when we cross the Rainbow Bridge...we'llhave left a history behind us so folks will remember us.

I've also been teaching them tolerance by showing them how Tiny acts when I annoy him (ok - so I needed his help for that).

I've taught them sharing by sneaksing (um..I mean sneaking) some of their fruit loops.

I've taught them how to beg for treats (even though begging is beneath me).

So you see - I can do more than google eye Dusty..

Now...to go back to googling...I mean...talking to him.

Miss Bea

maherwoman wrote:
I know MissBea is watching them, too, but I think she's busy making googly eyes atDusty sometimes to see what my goofball Drew might be up to.
Oh Miss Bea,

It's wonderful that you're teaching them all that! Whatbetter things to teach them than how to sneak around and share theirfood. :)

It's really great that you're around so they can see such a wonderful example...:)

Many hugs and love,

Rosie (and the Girls)
Dear Mama,

Its Dusty starting out....its been boring here. We haven't been able toplay outside of our cage. One of us is too messy in the bathroom andbreeder daddy gets upset...and breeder mama's been too busy to put usoutsides.

Yeah...I don't even get to sneakses 'cause whenbreeder mama goes to feed us - the food is so good I forget to sneakswhile I have the chance.

Ok...so now that you've complained - tell her the GOOD news.

Its raining outside again?

You and your rain. NO...the REALLY good news?

Yeah Drew - certainly you remember - you almost binkied over it..

Oh - that good news?

Well - its not totally good.....we won't gets to see Miss Bea so much...

But we'll be able to run in circles more...and stretch our legs..

Ok guys. I'm gonna tell mama.

Mama - we're gonna get a cage that is like almost 3 times the size ofour cage right now. We're gonna get a whole "weanling" cage toourselves. Ok..so maybe it isn't 3 times the size of our cage..but itsLOTS bigger. And we're gonna be able to run and play...

And she's gonna put some things in there that I can sneaks behind...she said so!

And Dusty is gonna have room to stand up and practice climbing...

Plus we're gonna get to meet "Tiny's Sis" - she's ourbreeder sister. She lives way way way far away....like 200 miles...andshe's coming here just to take care of us...

Um...no Dusty. She's coming to take care of ALL the bunnies...

But she said she could hardly wait to see us! She'd read our letters to mama she said.

Right...so she's coming here to see us.

Well, we better go - breeder dad is getting ready for work andsometimes we can convince breeder mama to give us some FRUIT LOOPS..

And maybe I'll get to sneaks.

I'll get to look cute...

Love ya mama!

Bye mama!

Sneaks to you mama - cause they're lots of fun!

Yay!! That's wonderful news, Boys!! :D

I'm so happy you'll be able to have so much more room! How awesome!!

I can't wait to see pictures of it, too!

Yep, I'm sure Breeder Mama is busy...she's going on a trip and has SOMUCH stuff to plan and make sure are going right for hertrip. BUT...I think you boys will have LOTS of fun with"Tiny's sis". From what I hear, she's a real sweetie...soyou'll really love her company...so don't worry. :)

My love to my Boys!! :D

Dear Mama,

This is Mopsy. I told Drew to go sneaks somewhere and I made sure MissBea was there with google eyes at Dusty so I could come here alone.

I've been thinking about some things...and I thought I'd share them with you.

You know - I really like you a lot - but I think I'd like to belong to someone else...since you have five bunnies....

Breeder mama mentioned you have a daughter named Emily. I like thatname...do you think she might like to be my person? That way ... Iwouldn't have to share my person with so many bunnies.

Drew gets lots of attention 'cause he's so small. Dusty gets attention'cause he's....well....just cause he's Dusty and he knows how to getthe attention from humans. I think I'd like to not share my human withso many others.

And about my name....you know...its ok...but well - its all about theears - sort of a play on the fact that my ears were flopsy...and thenit got turned to Mopsy.

I think I'd like a name that described me better. I know "best bunny inthe whole world" is too much for a name...and "bbitww" doesn't soundright.

But what about "Bun-Bun"? Or better yet - "BunBun"?

Anyway - I overheard mama and know she was already talking to you aboutthis 'cause she told Breeder Dad....and I thought I'd come here and letyou know right off that I LIKE the idea of Emily being my person and Ireally like the name "BunBun"...

Mopsy - hoping to soon be known as "BunBun".....or however Emily wants to spell it...

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