Yeah, the small ring goes around the neck.. of course, it's adjustable.
All the people who like do that hopping thing with their rabbits (I dunno what it's called) use the H harnesses.
You just have to be careful... most people get a long leash so the bun can't accidentally freak out, yank to the side, and hurt themselves with the harnesses.
Which, that could just as easily happen in the vest one too.
So there's an equally dangerous chance for ANY harness, because rabbit bodies are so complex.
To me, no offense, the vests just look uncomfortable XD
Solara looked sooo awkward in hers and all she'd do is sit there and chew it. Not only that, she could easily slip out of it, and so could Sabriel (It was only one size? D:< ).
It was also in this hideously ugly pink/green combination, lol.