Layla is getting spayed this week

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Thank you Dawn and Haley! :)

Today Rodney and Layla are even playing in each others cage swithno territorial issues. I will still wait a fairly longtime before I decide to move them in together, but it looks like everything is going really really well with the bonding now. At least they can have run of the house together now and not have to take turns(although I will still supervise them at all times when together).
Thank you so much Cheryl!

Rodney is all stretched out snuggling next to Layla in her cage, it's so cute.

It just feels so strange, they weren't friends when indoorsfor months, Layla got spayed, and now they are instantly in love after just a few days of bonding. :shock:
Isnt it so rewarding to finally see them together? Thats how it was with Basil and Max. They were enemies through lots of bonding sessions. When they finally gave in and groomed each other I was so happy I cried.

It makes life easier when bunnies get along ;)
Hi Haley!

Yes, it is so rewarding to see them together. Aftermonths of previous bonding sessions,I thought they would have to be caged seperately forever.

It is just amazingseeing them acting like such a couple already. They are at each others side constantly, and Rodney is doing adventurous things that he would never do before when Layla does them.It looks like she is having such a positive influence on him.

It is also so much better for both of them now in terms of free roaming. Before they had to take turns atbeing let outand only one bunny could be up on my bed at a time. Now they are free to do what they like and I can let both of them cuddle on my bed with me when I watch tv.

How long did it take to bondBasil and Max? I can't imagine trying to bond two male bunnies, congratulations!
I had them both for about a year before I really tried bonding. They both had to be neutered first, then I had to wait for summer so I could really put the time into it. It took a little over a month. I did hour-long sessions 3-4 times a week. It was so much work.

It does make life a lot easier though, for them and for you. As you said, you can give them each more run/play time because you dont have to divide yourself. :D

Oh, and we need some pics soon too!
I can imagine how happy you must have been when Max and Basil were finally bonded. They are such a cute pair.

It is so much easier giving Layla and Rodney attention as a pair.It's so cute whenthey cuddle up next to me,their heads are squished together so I can pat them both with the one hand.

And I will definately get some new pictures this weekend. I need my camera at work so I havn't been bringing it home much lately, my bunny blog is very neglected.