Layla is getting spayed this week

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Sounds like Layla is going to be okay.

I tried mixing meds with a whole bunch of things for Binkie. She settled for banana baby food, but it had to be enough to cover the taste of the meds. I think I used 3 parts baby food to one part meds(liquid). She still didn't like taken them, but she tolerated i tbetter.
how much did u pay to spay ur rabbit? I called this animal medical center in manhattan and they said it cost 250 to spay my rabbit and a check up is like 150.
Hi JimD, your girl Binkie sounds like quite a fussy rabbit. A bit like my Layla I would say. :)

Thanks for the reply Luvabun, yes it does look like the worst is over.She is doing really well today. She has been eating carrot tops and a bit of hay this morning.Shewas moving around and rearranging her towels today, and now she is lying with her feet all stretched out. I am so surprised how good she has been after the spay.

Kawaii608, I paid $160 to spay my bunny, whichI think is very cheap.The check up visits at my vet after a surgery have all been free of charge. I live in Australia, however, so I am not familiar with whatthe normal price for aspayand check up is in the USA.

Thank you Cheryl, I am so happy Layla is feeling better too. I am just so glad she is recoveringso wellfrom the spay. I was so worried about putting her through another surgery so soon after her last operation. I would have held it off for a few months, but my vet is taking maternity leave in February, so it had to be done now. I wouldn't trust any of the other vets I had been to to spay Layla. This way she can get all the post operative care she needs before my vet goes on leave.
Pipp was leaping off the bed and attacking the cats two days after her's, and she had a rough first 24hours. :rollseyes

Silly rabbits! Happy to hear Layla's bouncing back.

And Kawaii, I think Pipp's spay was under $150. A vet visit I think is around $42.

sas :)
Yay! I'm glad she's doing so well. It's normal for them to start flopping and such. Fey and Sprite were after about one day. By four days they were doing binkies and jumping over the barrier I put up to keep them confined while I cleaned their cage, so I had no choice but to just let them play like normal.
Thank you allfor yourreplies :)

It is one week since the spay and Layla is doing great. She is eating,pooping and drinking as normal. She had a check up on Monday and the vet said everything is healing very well and she won't need any more check up visits.

I was just wondering how long I should wait before I give her access to the top 3 levels of her cage, which have been blocked off.

Also, how long would you recommend I wait before giving her access to the rest of the house?

My vet has gone on her baby leave as of Friday, so I do not wish to call and bother her with questions which aren't critical.

Any advice would be very much appreciated.
Hi Eve!

It sounds like Layla is doing wonderfully well!

Since it has been a week,i'm sure Layla should be fine with having access to the rest of the house

With her cage,i'm not really sure,maybe you could just open the next level and see how she goes with that,but you know.. she will probably do just fine with all the levels open,they seem to bounce back pretty quick after surgery.

Just keep an eye on her and see how she goes :)

Different vets recommend different waiting periods after a spay. The vet who spayed Mocha, who is good with rabbit surgery but doesn't diagnose rabbits, said to wait 2weeks. The all-around rabbit savvy vet who spayed Fey and Sprite and does all the check-ups and treatments for rabbits said 5days.

She sounds like she's acting well and healing nicely. i would think it would be okay to let her play in the house and give her the rest of her cage back.
Thank you all so much for all of your support and adviceduring Layla's spay and recovery period. :kiss:

Layla is doing binkies and looks like she is back to feeling 100%.

It is a nice day today so I was thinking of taking her and Rodney outside. This may be a silly question, but I am just not sure if it is too soon to be letting her outside to play with my other bun (it has been 3 weeks since her spay). When she goes outside she runs around like mad, and there is also the possibility that my bun Rodney may try to hump her. I was just wondering if this can cause any internal damage at this stage or if I do not need to worry about that anymore.

Thank you in advance for the help!
I know that 2 months is not too much time for the hormones to completely wear off, meaning that she could still get preggo before then, but I'm not positive, Better to be safe than have more bunnies! :D
Layla should be fine,i would let them out to play,but would just keep an eye on Rodney for a while and see how he goes with her.

And you are right,it is such a beautiful day today, the sun is shining and there is a lovely warm breeze,just what bunnies love ;)

I'm glad to hear that Layla has fully recovered :kiss:

Snuffles: unlike boy bunnies, the girls are actually infertileimmediately after the spay, so she cant get pregnant. :)

I would just keep an eye on her and she should be fine. Lucy was doing binkies a few days after her surgery and I let her and Tumnus see one another about 4 days or so after the surgery.

Im glad to hear shes doing well!
Hi Snuffles, thank you for the reply.My other bun Rodneyis neutered anyway, so there shouldn't be any problems :).Your display pic is so cute, I love how your bunny's ears stand.

Hi Cheryl and Haley, thank you both for your advice :). I will definately keep a close eye on Layla and how Rodney behaves with her, as they haven't had their regular bonding sessions for the past few weeks. I hope they will still get along fine. If not, I can always divide the yard with a play pen so they can both play seperately.

The weatherhas been sonice today, and it looks like it willstay the same over the weekend. I'm trying to make the most of the cooler days so that the bunnies have lots of outside time. Last week was far too hot for my fur kids to be outside. Poor Rodney would sprint to the back door whenever he saw me going to the backyard,he wanted to go outside so much. I felt so bad pushing his little furry butt back indoors whenever he tried to follow me out.

Thank you again for all ofyour well-wishes for Layla. I am so pleased withhow quickly she has recovered. I am used to always having many post surgerydifficulties with my bunnies, so I wasn't expecting the spay to go so smoothly.

Hey Eve!

I really do hope Layla and Rodney willbond together,i'm sure they eventually will anyway;)

They would really make a lovely couple

The weather isjustlovely for the Australia Day long weekend!! :D

Hi everyone! :)

I am just stunned at the progress I have had in bonding my two since Layla's spay.

Before the spay, I had been attempting to bond my two bunnies for about7 months or so. They only got along when they were outside, and Layla was always bullying my other bun Rodney.

It is about 5 weeks after Layla's spay and there has been no spraying,no biting, no growling and no humping. She is so sweet and affectionate.

This week I have had fantastic bonding sessions in neutral territory and they are already friends on non-neutral territory in my bunny room as of today! Layla is so sweet to Rodney and is forever grooming him and following him around. She has even decided to let him be the top bunny, which is a real surprise as she is so bossy and feisty.

They have been cuddling and playfully chasing each other (with lots of binkies) for most of the day and I am just so thrilled. I just wanted to share :)
That is awesome news!!! There is such a difference between altered and un-altered buns.

I had a similar experience with Zeke. Went from humping anything that moved and liberally coating everything and every bun in urine, to being a sweet little angel.

Yay for non hormonal bunnies!!
