He's gone for good.
He went unexpectedly, he went fast. There was nothing i could've done to save him.
I came home yesterday, at around 20:20; gave the boys their pellets and let Lümi eat from the bowl, on my lap. He ate them just fine. Some time passed and he started acting odd-he couldn't get comfortable, was all zippy snd zappy everywhere, breathing heavilt as if he were overheating. I tried to calm him to no avail-his energy dropped, yet his breathing didn't stabilize.
He didn't take fresh grass, hay, tomato or pellets, wouldn't drink water, would only spit everything out or just not swallow. His mouth was also very dry and then he refused to move from one spot.
I helped him off the bed and watched as he struggled to hop away, fallibg flst on his stomach as soon as carpet ended. He tried jumping on the couch but his hind legs wouldn't carry him.
He didn't react to me tickling his hocks and tail, pulling tufts of his loose fur. I woke my parents in a hurry and we called animal ambulance. As i talk what had happened, i see Lümi lean his head back, toss with his legs and then.... He stopped breathing. I hugged him as he stiffened in my arms and left me his last droplet of pee.
My poor poor baby prince, without any prior notice, started going downhill 20:30 and died right next to us roughly around 00:30.
Weirdly enough i don't feel AS sad as when Musti had to go. My guess is that unlike Musti, who fought his battle for months and we knew there was a high chance of him not making it, Lümi's death was sudden and fast, most likely fairly painless and short.
There was nothing we could've done to save him-the only emergency vet was 3 hours away and when i realized that he's not just nervous, it was already around 23:00. Even if we were able to get going, he would've still died shortly after during the ride.
But i still have Storm. He's still here, luckily alive and kicking, full of spunk. He binkied like crazy and went chinning all over what used to be Lümi's crate.
So i can't understand-why did he die? He'd been absolutely fine before i came home, and he didn't seem to have gas issues-his poop was light, dry, fibrous, of average size and fairly uniform, no stink, no weird substance. He didn't grind his teeth even once. His nose was clear, eyes were clear. The only weird thong was that he stretched himself a lot, a lot, and tried to hide from something. The emergency vet told us it might be bloat, but his stomach had been soft.
Although the fact that it largely expanded and stiffened after his passing, is probably what happens to dead bodies.
I'll miss you, my little prince. Rest in peace and may your soul find Musti's so you could traverse the etherworld together. Please do wait for us until we also join.

He went unexpectedly, he went fast. There was nothing i could've done to save him.
I came home yesterday, at around 20:20; gave the boys their pellets and let Lümi eat from the bowl, on my lap. He ate them just fine. Some time passed and he started acting odd-he couldn't get comfortable, was all zippy snd zappy everywhere, breathing heavilt as if he were overheating. I tried to calm him to no avail-his energy dropped, yet his breathing didn't stabilize.
He didn't take fresh grass, hay, tomato or pellets, wouldn't drink water, would only spit everything out or just not swallow. His mouth was also very dry and then he refused to move from one spot.
I helped him off the bed and watched as he struggled to hop away, fallibg flst on his stomach as soon as carpet ended. He tried jumping on the couch but his hind legs wouldn't carry him.
He didn't react to me tickling his hocks and tail, pulling tufts of his loose fur. I woke my parents in a hurry and we called animal ambulance. As i talk what had happened, i see Lümi lean his head back, toss with his legs and then.... He stopped breathing. I hugged him as he stiffened in my arms and left me his last droplet of pee.
My poor poor baby prince, without any prior notice, started going downhill 20:30 and died right next to us roughly around 00:30.
Weirdly enough i don't feel AS sad as when Musti had to go. My guess is that unlike Musti, who fought his battle for months and we knew there was a high chance of him not making it, Lümi's death was sudden and fast, most likely fairly painless and short.
There was nothing we could've done to save him-the only emergency vet was 3 hours away and when i realized that he's not just nervous, it was already around 23:00. Even if we were able to get going, he would've still died shortly after during the ride.
But i still have Storm. He's still here, luckily alive and kicking, full of spunk. He binkied like crazy and went chinning all over what used to be Lümi's crate.
So i can't understand-why did he die? He'd been absolutely fine before i came home, and he didn't seem to have gas issues-his poop was light, dry, fibrous, of average size and fairly uniform, no stink, no weird substance. He didn't grind his teeth even once. His nose was clear, eyes were clear. The only weird thong was that he stretched himself a lot, a lot, and tried to hide from something. The emergency vet told us it might be bloat, but his stomach had been soft.
Although the fact that it largely expanded and stiffened after his passing, is probably what happens to dead bodies.
I'll miss you, my little prince. Rest in peace and may your soul find Musti's so you could traverse the etherworld together. Please do wait for us until we also join.