Lümi crossed over.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2019
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He's gone for good.

He went unexpectedly, he went fast. There was nothing i could've done to save him.

I came home yesterday, at around 20:20; gave the boys their pellets and let Lümi eat from the bowl, on my lap. He ate them just fine. Some time passed and he started acting odd-he couldn't get comfortable, was all zippy snd zappy everywhere, breathing heavilt as if he were overheating. I tried to calm him to no avail-his energy dropped, yet his breathing didn't stabilize.
He didn't take fresh grass, hay, tomato or pellets, wouldn't drink water, would only spit everything out or just not swallow. His mouth was also very dry and then he refused to move from one spot.
I helped him off the bed and watched as he struggled to hop away, fallibg flst on his stomach as soon as carpet ended. He tried jumping on the couch but his hind legs wouldn't carry him.
He didn't react to me tickling his hocks and tail, pulling tufts of his loose fur. I woke my parents in a hurry and we called animal ambulance. As i talk what had happened, i see Lümi lean his head back, toss with his legs and then.... He stopped breathing. I hugged him as he stiffened in my arms and left me his last droplet of pee.

My poor poor baby prince, without any prior notice, started going downhill 20:30 and died right next to us roughly around 00:30.

Weirdly enough i don't feel AS sad as when Musti had to go. My guess is that unlike Musti, who fought his battle for months and we knew there was a high chance of him not making it, Lümi's death was sudden and fast, most likely fairly painless and short.
There was nothing we could've done to save him-the only emergency vet was 3 hours away and when i realized that he's not just nervous, it was already around 23:00. Even if we were able to get going, he would've still died shortly after during the ride.
But i still have Storm. He's still here, luckily alive and kicking, full of spunk. He binkied like crazy and went chinning all over what used to be Lümi's crate.
So i can't understand-why did he die? He'd been absolutely fine before i came home, and he didn't seem to have gas issues-his poop was light, dry, fibrous, of average size and fairly uniform, no stink, no weird substance. He didn't grind his teeth even once. His nose was clear, eyes were clear. The only weird thong was that he stretched himself a lot, a lot, and tried to hide from something. The emergency vet told us it might be bloat, but his stomach had been soft.
Although the fact that it largely expanded and stiffened after his passing, is probably what happens to dead bodies.

I'll miss you, my little prince. Rest in peace and may your soul find Musti's so you could traverse the etherworld together. Please do wait for us until we also join.received_858098428119491.jpeg20210515_005911.jpgreceived_282531743441044.jpegreceived_237943574468636.jpeg20201011_205253.jpgreceived_3106711899555409.jpeg20200811_191348.jpgreceived_321364738911654.jpeg1596550575439622195899523293015.jpg
Considering what has been told to me by Jbun, the pet ER lady and my dad(concerning Lümi's behaviour a few days before passing) we have reached the conclusion that it was most likely some sort of heart failiure, noted by his continuous heavy breathing, restlessness, desperate desire to hide and the fact that his digestion had finally been absolutely a o.k for the few last weeks.
Dad had discussed with mum about taking Lümi for necropsy/autopsy?? (What's it called?) to find why exactly he had died. But it wouldn't give us anything-there's no deadly rabbit virus here, and we had given him our best care and lots of love. He had finally become healthy and made a 95% recovery from the pastuerellose, fully healed from scabby flaky skin. If he had still died despite looking okay and our best possible care, then there would be no need for us to know why exactly he'd passed. We'll accept the possibility that he may just have been born with a chronic, underlaying health issue that would've taken him down one time or another.
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Im so sorry for your loss, it is super hard to have a pet die. Just know that you did everything possible to save him. :(
I know I already said this on another thread, but I'm so sorry! You are such an amazing rabbit owner and you did everything you could. He was such a beautiful rabbit and was so loved!

Could he have possibly choked? I know Theo eats his pellets really fast if I put them on his plate so I have to scatter feed to keep him from eating too fast.
Thank you all.
@Mariam+Theo no, he couldn't've choked. He was a speedy eater (after getting fully used to us a long time ago) so i also scatter fed him, or had him roll a treatball for it. This last time, he did eat from the pellet can's lid, but i moved it further away when his mouth was full, so that he wouldn't just gulp it down.
I did some snooping 'round the internet and found that some heart diseases may be related to infectious illnessesand bacteria, like the pastuerella he had fought through. It was a very long cure, so it stil probably left its mark.
This is what i had found:Screenshot_20210515-142306_Samsung Notes.jpg
He was kept in a smallish cage, but he still had at least five hours out time every day.Screenshot_20210515-142405_Samsung Notes.jpg
I am so sorry. I know losing a pet is super hard, and what happened with Lumi was a shock and probably very unexpected. I hope that your other little bun will be able to cope well with Lumis loss. I know that you are a great bunny owner and love your rabbits dearly. I’m so sorry Lumi had to go this way. We will always remember him.
I’m so so sorry for your loss, it must have been very traumatic for you seeing him deteriorate so rapidly 💔 sending you love, rest in peace little Lümi x
Thank you, everybody. He meant so much for me and i still can't imagine a house without him in it. Although he ended up falling out with Storm, they were still an awesome duo, almost polar opposites of one another. Missing that crucial half really hurts.
I really want to have the other side of the coin in the house, but my situation states that it is not the best thing to do in the moment- i am about to switch homebase in a year/year-and-half, not to mention migrating every summer-fall, the apartment not having enough room to comfily house two separate buns until bonding, and having no shelters to get already spayed/neutered peeps from. I don't think i would want to get another hit-or-miss with a rehomed adoptee, or even a breeder-bought one where genes, temperament and possible health stuff can be taken a look at. I also don't know if Storm would like the new companion, and i'm kinda skeptical on being able to rehome a bun to an equally caring household if it came down to it.
Eeh, i guess it'll be just like the month in June when Storm was the only one anyway.
Thank you for reaching out to all of us in here despite of the emptiness and the tremendous pain you must be feeling inside after the sudden death of Lumi.

I´m so very sorry for your loss but in the midst of it all I´m also so very grateful for knowing such a wonderful Rabbit Mom like you. Our precious little Bonnies deserves the very best - and you CERTAINLY was all of that for him.

He will wait.

- I couldn´t have said it any better. Thank you SirLawrence
I can't believe that it's already been a week since he left us. I still feel a bittersweet whirl of emotions, but it's not as bad anymore.
Storm moved into the condo they were supposed to be close neighbours in, but since the situation... well... happpened, Storm has nobody to roommate with him.
As it stands, finding him a bun roommate would be difficult in execution, and thus risky, so we collectively found that currently he just has to adapt to being the only one again. He'd done marvellous before being solo but he's so zippy all the time, i'm mildly nervous that something might be wrong with him too, but he's active, has an appetite, comes when called and all that. He's fine other than the absurd display of energy. Dad said that he's been getting more chill with himself too. I guess it takes longer for him to readjust alone. Plus, now the whole house is open for him to roam if any of us is home-our way of saying/showing "so sorry that you're alone."
I'll be spending this weekend's nights on a camping floatie next to his condo to hopefully make him feel less lonely. (Yes, i don't have a prooer bed without a musty-smelling mattress there, no thanks.
Oh how i wish that Lümi would be alive to console him in bunny language.
Last friday, i drew some referenced small pics of Lümi in honour of his two weeks going. Three weeks since then, i thought i would share em here.


I asked if the middle pic would look better on his gravestone (imo he looks better there), showed him the sheet and dad started crying. I couldn't help but join him. Still, dad seems to have gone with the original pic we'd had in mind:


I must admit that Lümi was a bit dearer to me than Storm, just because he had the personality of a therapy bun. He was so sweet, kissy-go-lucky, pet-me-hug-me-hold-me-please bunny, exactly what my unstable-tendenced mental state needs. It was the same with Musti, and i guess that i'll never feel whole until i have another bun of similar nature. But that won't be happening anytime soon, as i've explained above. Anyone have an idea how to help in that aspect?
Those drawings are amazing.❤️ I'm glad you found a way to honour your beautiful boy and I hope it brought a little bit of peace to you.
Thank you, everybody. He meant so much for me and i still can't imagine a house without him in it. Although he ended up falling out with Storm, they were still an awesome duo, almost polar opposites of one another. Missing that crucial half really hurts.
I really want to have the other side of the coin in the house, but my situation states that it is not the best thing to do in the moment- i am about to switch homebase in a year/year-and-half, not to mention migrating every summer-fall, the apartment not having enough room to comfily house two separate buns until bonding, and having no shelters to get already spayed/neutered peeps from. I don't think i would want to get another hit-or-miss with a rehomed adoptee, or even a breeder-bought one where genes, temperament and possible health stuff can be taken a look at. I also don't know if Storm would like the new companion, and i'm kinda skeptical on being able to rehome a bun to an equally caring household if it came down to it.
Eeh, i guess it'll be just like the month in June when Storm was the only one anyway.
Just saw your post today Catlin. I've have enjoyed hearing about bunny-tales. So sorry about the loss of your rabbit. I'm glad to hear Storm is doing well. *hugs*
Those drawings are amazing.❤ I'm glad you found a way to honour your beautiful boy and I hope it brought a little bit of peace to you.

Oh, Lizzy you´ve said it so well :)!

I want you to know Catlyn both you, your family as well as Storm are on my prayer list. Because as we bonnie lovers all know (and it doesn’t matter whether we walk - or jump around) : Loosing a dear friend is just Sooooo hard!

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