I'm so sorry for your loss.
I have lost several bunnies, in different ways. My first had a mass on her head, and though she seemed ok in the morning, by the afternoon, she was listless in her litter box and then lost all bodily control. I had to have her put to sleep. my second, hit her head really hard on a table when she jumped out of my hands. she was gone by morning. my third bunny,my Lola: ( also developed a mass, this time from and absess on her tooth, I took her in for a pretty expesive surgery, but she died from the anaesthesia. the bunny I had left, Charlie, got sad, so not wanting to lose another bunny friend, I got her a new companion, who turned out to be a boy (surprize!) a month ago, she gave birth to two babies, one alive, one not. the next day she had two more, both still. we had our sweet little baby Lucky, for 11 days before the dog got to him. he had just opened his eyes.
I buried my friends in the garden under perrenial flowers. the garden has memorials to them, a sweet statueof a bunny just Lola's size. there is also a small stone headstone looking thing, (don't know how else to say it) that has a relief of two bunnies on it. it helps me to know that even though they are gone, they are still with me. the flowers grow so beautifully every summer.
ink iris: