isay that next year we should move the boat house bunny party out hearin the west . the wild west egh egh you know what i mean know what imean??? everyone could see the sites mountains yellowstonearhces. lol i wish i could come but to far
have fun everyone!
you guys crack me up sometimes, i sware! i wanna climb thewall. ive climbed yp 50 foot trees before, how tall is the wall?
Hmmm....will there be an emergency medical staff available?I LuV MaH BuNs wrote:youguys crack me up sometimes, i sware! i wanna climb the wall. iveclimbed yp 50 foot trees before, how tall is the wall?
One wall is 12 feet, another is 28 ft., and the third is 30 ft.
I certainly understand why you wouldn't want to bring your rabbits, butYou're Not Taking Mine, People; so bunnynappers,better planon someone else totarget.Ifyou are coming from far away and need a place to spend the night, I canarrange to have you and yours stay in a dormitory room attheprivate school that the party will be held atfor $25 perperson per night.