Well-Known Member
can we move it to....say...france?
LOL! That would be fun!Hip Hip HOOOORRAAAYYY, Stephanie!!
Bring your mom and we'll pick on her hair!
(An elephant never forgets, Pam!)
P.S. We'll definitely celebrate your Birthday!
Carolyn wrote:LOL! That would be fun!Hip Hip HOOOORRAAAYYY, Stephanie!!
Bring your mom and we'll pick on her hair!
(An elephant never forgets, Pam!)
P.S. We'll definitely celebrate your Birthday!![]()
Oh, come on, folks! Don't tell us who can't/won'tcome. Tell us who is definitely going to be there, so we canlook forward to meeting you!
Good Lord willing, the Missus and I will be there with some, if notall, our buns. The Boathouse Bunny Party environs are prettyposh and exquisite in a New England kind of way. This is thetype of place Norman Rockwell used to depict in many of hispaintings. I doubt you would be disappointed.
pams spawn wrote:?Carolyn wrote:LOL! That would be fun!Hip Hip HOOOORRAAAYYY, Stephanie!!
Bring your mom and we'll pick on her hair!
(An elephant never forgets, Pam!)
P.S. We'll definitely celebrate your Birthday!![]()
Helloooooooooo -- I can see that you guys are plotting against me! :X
You really should think twice about putting it there. I got a tattoo mysenior year in high school and I really wanted to get it on my lowerback, but I kept thinking, if I ever have a baby it's really going tolook bad, so I decided to put it up higher between my shoulder blades.At the time I really wasn't a kid person and had never imaginedmyselfEVER having kids, but I wanted to be on the safe side,about 3 months later I got pregnant. Now I'm not saying that you'regoing to do what I did, but you have to remember that the person youare now, is not the same personyou're going to be 10 yearsfrom now, and things change, but the tattoo will still be there, so youneed to think of things like that when choosing where and what yourtattoo will be.of corse not! my mom said i can get it when i graduate in ayear and a half! i want to get it on my lower back!
*whining voice* Carolyn....... Wegotta live a little!!!! I hate hats! :XI have a funny head! Ithink we should have a theme too! Something that rhymes withhats.....hmmm.....TATS!