JULY 9, 2005 - Boathouse Bunnies Party

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pamnock wrote:
As arepresentative of the ARBA who must uphold the highest standards ofdignity and good judgment, I *can not* go streaking across the beachwith my bunny friends!!!

(There's alsothe fact that my thighs arevery fat).

You'd never let it down if ya did LOL!
Big thighs my butt LOL! You're not as 'big' as you make yourself sound! LOL! ;)

Gotta love those ARBA representatives! *thinks of a judge that WOULD gostreaking across a beach with bunny friend* I can think of a few malejudges that would LOL! Little Afro Fender. :) Maybe Mr.Vacation Hartzell.... :p(you'd get me to the boathouse streakbeach party if ya had umm... well we won't say who! there)
I LuV MaH BuNs wrote:
what if i got it somewhere besides like my back... like myankle. that why i could hide it!!

I have one on my foot, it certianly hasn't stretched with mypregnancies LOL. The cutest one I ever saw was a lady bug on someone's"ring" toe. In retrospect I wish I had done something like that.Another thing that I didn't think of when I was getting my tattoo, isthat by putting it up higher, it showed when I wore my wedding dress. Ididn't/don't regret that, but brides without showing tattoos are FARmore elegant :)

pamnock wrote:
As arepresentative of the ARBA who must uphold the highest standards ofdignity and good judgment, I *can not* go streaking across the beachwith my bunny friends!!!

(There's alsothe fact that my thighs arevery fat).


This is the funniest thing I've read all day, all I could picture isyou standing there arms crossed.... or maybe with a camera..... dressedvery conservatively watching everyone else streak on the beach.

hmm, lets see.. I dont want it on my lower backbecause Thumper will get fat if i have a baby, dont want it on my upperback because it will hit spine... dont want it on my foot because idont want it to show if i wear open heels or when i get married. Howabout just a nose ring?! Ill wait until after babies and weddings formy tattoo!
It is my understanding that the number of menplanning to attend the Boathouse Bunnies Party has risen in directcorrelation to the number of women who have stated their intention tostreak and/or demonstrate their tatoos.

Either/or will suffice to keep my interest from lagging, but far be itfromme to suggest that you ladies refrain from stoking thefires. Bring it on, Ladies!

"See" ya then!*chuckles sardonically*

Buck/Duck and their shiftless, male, ne'er do well, chauvinistic pig friends.
YES we are makingBIG plans!!! Carolyn calls me at night and tells me storiesabout her wildwoman days,but she thinks she's gonnabe good around you all....NOT if I have anything to say about it!

I have FUN planned for the BunnyBoathouseParty!I will be off having adventures with myfriends!

Bungi jumping with Carolyn! Riding roller coasters with BunnyMommy! Drinking beer andriding electric bulls with Laura!

Jumping out of planes with Pam! Rock climbing with Steph!

Surfing waves with Buck and TheMissus! MaybeMambo and Jimwouldbe kind enough to cook us up some grub! Then I'll have dinner with my friends! After that I'llguard thebushes while Carolyn getsnaked forour run on the beach!


Oh I wish I could come! :(:(:(:(:(:(:(
Please take lots and lots and lots of pictures and then put them up soI can see, and if you take any video movies I'd be only too happy tohave them emailed to me so I could see you all and probably laugh atyou..mmmmm... nevermind I was going to say laught at you all streakingalong the beach but I not wanna see that , so just smiling faces andbuns would be great!
How do you know you'd be laughing at thestreakers? I'll have you know that our streakers will be ofthe highest quality and ultimate beauty that can be found at any greatbunny gathering. All that, and with tattoos also!

For obvious reasons I doubt any of us UK contingent will be there.

But it would be a great idea for those who do go to document the event with many many photographs.

Hope you all have a great time.

Rebecca x:D
I am looking forward to this =) And then Raspberry can see what a brat Gir can be ::muhahahaha::

Or not ;) I know Guin would behave on an outing, but I am not quite sure about the Girdom
Buck Jones wrote:
How do you know you'd be laughing at the streakers? I'll haveyou know that our streakers will be of the highest quality and ultimatebeauty that can be found at any great bunny gathering. All that, andwith tattoos also!


Just the thought of all of you streaking along the beach cracks me up!I not laughing about body shapes here, I laughing cause I have thisimage in my mind of one person daring the rest of you and the whole"I'll do it if you do it" thing. I can see one person running making itsafely across then another following then another , you gotta admit ifyou seen these people streaking past one by one it'd look funny, or areyou planning on all streaking together in a race??? LOL
Well yousee.......the plan will all fall into place after manycocktails.The great masterminds Pam and Buck, who are sogifted with words and the talent of persuasion, will I'm sure keep inmind that Carolyn and I have lived our liveswith relativerespect and humility. They know we would never want to return to ourfamilies with a rap sheet that includes indecent exposure or publicnudity. So, their plan will have to be very crafty! I believe there mayhave even been a discussion about Buck driving the get away car andhaving a "lost bunny" story all prepared in case we were apprehendedalong the way......I'm still not sure how Pam plans to stay honorablein all of this, unless the honor is in trying to keep the rest of usout of trouble! :cool:
