JULY 9, 2005 - Boathouse Bunnies Party

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What after party party? :mad:

I have to leave Sunday morning!

If there is an after party party, wemight have to do it all nightlong!

RaspberrySwirl wrote:
What after party party? :mad:

I have to leave Sunday morning!

If there is an after party party, wemight have to do it all nightlong!

The agenda doesn't say when the after party party is. Iassumed it was Saturday night, but you know what happens when we assume.


RaspberrySwirl wrote:

What after party party? :mad:

I have to leave Sunday morning!

If there is an after party party, wemight have to do it all nightlong!

..ummmmm....'member dis? ***fades to flashback***:magicwand:

Carolyn wrote:
RaspberrySwirl wrote:
Sushi, sake andtsing-tao???

What about the hotdog dinner you promisedme? I want a hotdog dinner!

Beans& Weenies and Beerwould be okay too. That does fit right in with my hayseed image,doesn'tit?

I'm not eating raw fish Carolyn. :X:X:X

If it's a HOT DOG Dinner you want, It's a HOT DOG DINNER You Get...and so does everyone else.

There you have it folks. We'll be cookin Dogs on the Beach at the Lake for the After-Party.

HHHHHHHot Dooooooggggg!!!! :bunnydance:


AND........I'm bring the s'mores!! Enough for all!! Well...enough to make at least a few dozen, anyway.:D

I like the idea of the chocolate covered graham crackers. :cooking:

We'll just have to scrounge up some long pointy sticks!:zoro:

The "After-Party Party" is immediately followingthe end of the Boathouse Party. 5:00 - down at Lake Wononscopomuc. Ihave to look into see how much it would cost to get onto the Lake. Notmore than a couple of dollars. I'll follow-up on that and get back toyou.

If you look at your postcard, across from the School, on the water,you'll see what looks like a white line. That's the beach that we'll begoing to after the party. It's within 2 miles from the School.

Getting into the lake is going to be like getting into Hotchkiss. It'sa private beach just for members of this town, and they strongly stickto it. They'll have a list of your names on it as my guests. They won'tlet you in if you're not on the list.

It is then that we will have a "Hot Dog Dinner"


mambo101 wrote:
I am a big race fan, and it would be remiss of me to be so closeto Lime Rock for the first time and not take in some racing.

I'll see if I can get you a discount on a pass into the Park.


I hope I included their brochure in your packet. That weekend is the Ferrari and Maserati Racing Days.

..ummmmm....'member dis? ***fades to flashback***:magicwand:

Need it be said????? NO! I didn't member it!

I've felt like a preschooler with ADHDstuck in a Grandma's body allweek.

My brains felt like overcooked spaghettiafter all my studying. There obviously wasn't room to member nuthinextra. :(

But I membernow!

Carolyn wrote:
I'll see if I can get you a discount on a pass into the Park.


I hope I included their brochure in your packet. That weekend is the Ferrari and Maserati Racing Days.

That would be great however the regular 20 dollaradmission doesen't seem too bad. I did the brochure you sent out.
FreddysMom wrote:
come onnnnnnnnnnnnnn sombody's gotta stick around that sunday soi can drive up!! :(?i tried again to get the day off thatsaturday.....its not happening :(

There are going to be just a few left on Sunday. Almost half the partyis coming in on Friday night. The ones that have the furthest commutethat is.

Buck Jones and The Missus, dajeti, Dale and Jeremy will still be therewill Apollo and Company, Laura and Ally, I think may still bethere, so there will be some of us orphans left to give you a warmgreeting. By that point, we'll need you because we'll have saidgood-bye to others and having you appear would certainly perk us rightup again.

Don't know what time folks are pulling out on Sunday, but maybe they'llspeak up if they read this - for those that are leaving on Sunday.

Hope you can stop in, FreddysMom. REALLY WISH you could get that Friday and Saturday off. REALLY A LOT do I wish that.


mambo101 wrote:
Carolyn wrote:
I'll see if I can get you a discount on a pass into the Park.


I hope I included their brochure in your packet. That weekend is the Ferrari and Maserati Racing Days.

That would be great however the regular 20 dollaradmission doesen't seem too bad. I did the brochure you sentout.

Yea, but I want to try to get a discount on one of the pit passes. :blueribbon: No promises, but I'll see what I can do.

I'm glad I sent that to you. Not everyone got exactly the same packet.They got what I thought they'd be interested in seeing.


Originally they were going to leave Sunday Morning.


Thanks Dale! :bunnyangel:

OK ya'll know how I went to pick up Merlin in CT where the Boathouse party will be.

You guys wont believe the view from the boathouse! Its GOREGOUS!!!!

Carolyn gave us a tour of the school andthe boathouse while we were there getting Merlin and it is just soawesome!

When you are on the boathouse porch it feels like you are on the water :)

I wish I took pictures of it, but then it would spoil it :D

Actually the whole state is goregous! Ifyou are used to big towns like I am, it will be a nice refresher, thereare so many fields, and open skys! I cant wait to go back :D

RaspberrySwirl wrote:
Laura, every time I try to liven things up a bit, Carolyn scolds me! :X?

Mark my words, I'll not be driving halfway across the country?to sit and sip tea! :mad:

Maybe?Tina and I will stuff Carolyn in abag and drag her off to have "Dajeti and Raspberry" Tattooed on herbehind.?? ? Then she will remember us forever! ??


Like I could ever forget you Clowns! :foreheadsmack: :disgust:

...And as for your crocodile tears :tears2: about holding you back from 'doin your thing',


I don't think there's a Person on this Earth that can change your mind once you set it.

Now, tell us something we don't know Raspberry, because we do know You: Mother of Sebastian's Little Girl!

Dale said you are more than welcome.

Amy, I am so pysched. I can't stand this waiting lmbo. I knowthe pictures are gorgeous. I can only imagine how pretty it is inperson.

Carolyn wrote:
FreddysMom wrote:comeonnnnnnnnnnnnnn sombody's gotta stick around that sunday so i can driveup!! :(?i tried again to get the day off that saturday.....its nothappening :(
There are going to be just a few left onSunday. Almost half the party is coming in on Friday night. The onesthat have the furthest commute that is. , Laura and Ally, Ithink may still be there
My mom and I will definitely be there on Sunday! We will beleaving Tucker Town on Monday afternoon. We are also comingin on Friday, as Carolyn said. OH!! I just can'twait! Only 26 days...
