JULY 9, 2005 - Boathouse Bunnies Party

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Ally wrote:

I've had them. Believe it or not, I don't like them very much. :embarrassed:

I think I'm the only person in America that doesn't care forthem. I'll give it a try though. It's beenyears. Maybe I'll like them now.


Wawawhat?!:shock: You don't likeS'mores!! My mom speaks the truth, I love them! Ican't believe that!

Ally,I belivesmores arehevean.
Laura wrote:
Carolyn, are you an Elvis fan? 'Cause you know mycity is "the home of the King", baby.


VERY Much of an Elvis Fan!

I even love his movies. :)

Carolyn, you missed my name on the list ofattendees. I'm planning to come up with my boyfriend, Scott and mostlikely Hef and Skittles. We're just coming for the day, though sinceit's only about a 2 hour drive, if that.

Got my package the other day!:bunnydance: Can't wait!

Nice job on the info! Very informative! I'm sort of familiar with thearea - my ex-sister-in-law used to live in Sharon so I used to drive upthere on holidays.

I can't wait to meet everyone!

I had the wrong BunnyMom typed in. Ichanged it. Thanks for letting me know.:highfive: Sorry about that!

I'm glad you got the package.

It really brightens my day when I see how excited everyone was to get their mail. :sunshine:

That is so cool!!i looooooooooovesmores! does anyone remeber the ones you could buy and microwave.i wishthey still made them...the lil sandwiches were already made for you andall you hadda do was nuke 'em... ...I told Carolyn that maybeif some of you guys are still hanging around that sunday, ...i candrive up then (I dont work on sundays) ...its only two hours away fromme...so I have no problem driving up for a few hours!

***p.s. Jim where did you get that kit..i MUST have one!
You guys have been having all this fun without me. :X

I've been stuck in a testing class allday, after a miserable week of training. My practice test went welltoday though. I passed the law part with a 92% and the general partwith an 80%. I have a lot of studying to do tonight, as the real dealis tomorrow! :shock:

Now on to more important things...thesmore thing...we do them all the time when we camp and we camp with 20teenagers at a time. I found the coolest way to simplify things andeveryone loves it! Buy the chocolate covered graham cracker typecookies to use instead of the graham crackers and the candy bars. Webuy the Wal-Mart brand and it's actually cheaper, less messy, lesstrash, and I think much more yummy!!!!


I believe in you, Raspberry Swirl.

You'll pass the 'real deal' tomorrow with flying colors.


Will say a prayer and be thinking of you.

Reading through this thread is really making mesmile. I can see feel the excitement in every post I read. I hope allof you that are going have a wonderful time. It sounds as though itwill be so much fun :bunnydance::ele::balloons:

To our Friends that Can Not Attend the Party,

Just know that you and your rabbits and your stories and contributions will most definitely come up in our conversations.

There's so many of you that we all wish could attend. So many of youthat have prayed for us, supported everyone, and are such a part of ourhearts and minds.

I hesitate to mention names because I don't want to leave anyone out,but you know I would've loved to have you here, as would everyone else,if it were feasible.

Trust me. Although you will not be there physically, you'll be with us in heart.

It's a Small World, and all we've got is time. If not this party, somewhere down the road, we'll catch up with each other.
