JULY 9, 2005 - Boathouse Bunnies Party

Rabbits Online Forum

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Thanks for all the votes of confidence you all!

I had to jump on here first for a dose ofpositive energy before Igotake my test!

Bunny People Rule! :dude:

Anyway, bringing the thread back to theparty? I do believe Rabbits Only Forum may be the only onlinemessage board to host annual meetings and I think Danielle and Carolynare due some kudos for that.

I simply don't think it occurs to other boards, or no one is willing tomake the effort to organize such gatherings. Both are coveredhere!

The Forum also has its Annual Night of the Lepus TVscreening around Halloween in which members across the country andCanada simultaneously view the horror classic movie,Night of the Lepus, while being connected online hereand/or telephonically. All the communications are necessaryin order to survive the onslaught of the giant rabbits, who spill outof the movie and begin to incite our own buns to rebellion!

So, out of curiosity. Please indicate if you know of anyother message boards who hold annual get togethers.:groupparty:

Carolyn wrote:
To our Friends that Can Not Attend the Party,

mmmmmmmmmmmwaaaaaaahhhhhh! :(Wanna go! I'm jealous!

Have fun, all of you lucky souls. You wouldn't want Bub there. BELIEVE me, you wouldn't want Bub there.:p

Ally, how much do you love smores? Because the smores are on me.[I`ll by them.]


Thank you for that. I told Danielle how you said that and she was quite certain that no other forum does it either.

You and The Missus inspired me to do this again when I was giving you atour of my favorite places on the campus. Had it not been for that day,I would never have had this party. You know how I love parties. :wink:

Also, it was you who inspired me to find a copy of Night of the Lepus.

I do think we've got a good thing going here.

I'm so grateful to the people that are attending the party. I know thatthey're putting themselves out, are spending more money than they wish,are nervous about that, but are feeling the fear and doing it anyway.Bless their hearts. I can't wait to welcome everyone.

Even today, when Amy had picked up Merlin - as she was going down thedriveway, I waved to her until she was out of sight. I thought tomyself, I'm going to hate to see them all go when the party's over.Rabbit people are so easy to hang out with. We have a really specialand courageous group.

* * * * * * * * * *


Every single time I think of you today, I send a prayer up. I know it will go much better than you had anticipated.

You're right, Buck. It is very rare tofind another message board so tight knit as this. And even rarer onethat hosts annual get-togethers and other "bonding" events.

I have seen such events elsewhere, though Rabbits Only is the first onewhere I seriously considered attending (darn scheduling!)

Just in case you're curious, out of the other boards that hold events,three are parenting forums (two of which are Christian), and the otheris for Christian Hippies :p

What can I say, we Christians love a good party :D
RaspberrySwirl wrote:
Carolyn wrote:
Raspberry: You're Nuts!

* * * * * * * *

I think we should haveA Theme:


*whining voice* Carolyn....... Wegotta live a little!!!! I hate hats! :XI have a funny head! Ithink we should have a theme too! Something that rhymes withhats.....hmmm.....TATS!
What happened to these ideas???


Carolyn wrote:
To our Friends that Can Not Attend the Party,
I hesitate to mention names because I don't want to leave anyone out,but you know I would've loved to have you here, as would everyone else,if it were feasible.
Too bad us Canadians couldn't make it. Then it would of been an International Event.

Rainbows! :angel:
Laura, every time I try to liven things up a bit, Carolyn scolds me! :X

Mark my words, I'll not be driving halfway across the countryto sit and sip tea! :mad:

MaybeTina and I will stuffCarolyn in a bag and drag her off to have "Dajeti and Raspberry"Tattooed on herbehind. Then she will remember us forever!


RaspberrySwirl wrote:
Laura, every time I try to liven things up a bit, Carolyn scolds me! :X

Mark my words, I'll not be driving halfway across the country to sit and sip tea! :mad:

Maybe Tina and I will stuff Carolyn in abag and drag her off to have "Dajeti and Raspberry" Tattooed on herbehind. Then she will remember us forever!


RaspberrySwirl wrote:
Laura, every time I try toliven things up a bit, Carolyn scolds me! :X

Mark my words, I'll not be driving halfway across the countryto sit and sip tea! :mad:

MaybeTina and I will stuffCarolyn in a bag and drag her off to have "Dajeti and Raspberry"Tattooed on herbehind. Then she will remember us forever!

I'm going to bring some temporary tattoos to the party.Surely, Carolyn will allow that! I'll bring her some smileysor elephants, unless you want to hold her down and put something bad onher like "Biker Babe" or "Hot Mama".

Hee hee


I'll considerabsolutely anything, because that's the kind of girl Iam!!!

(except eating raw fish)

You do remember that it was I who had theoriginal "streaker" plan, don't you???

Sooooo, going to LimeRock withyouwould be a "walk in the park" Ha, Ha,Ha! I crack meup!
