Jen's Cheeky Bristolian Bunners

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Well, here's your bunny closeups!! :biggrin2:



And Snowy wants to do a closeup as well:


I think Chalk has sooo much Nethie in her in this picture, does anyone else agree?


Barney wanted to do his trademark cutey-pie pose:


That's it for now! :biggrin2: All the bunners have been really good today- I probably speak too soon though lol.... Chalk did silently hop over the barrier between our living room and hallway, and we didn't realise until we heard a 'bump' from upstairs- Steve immediately looked over at the buns and one was missing.... off he went to find her! :p Luckily she'd only just got up there and hadn't done too much damage lol....

Will get some more pics tomorrow!

Oh, and thanks Alicia! :D
LOL! I've gone from no-one looking at my blog to people demanding pics immediately within a few days lol! I love it! :biggrin2::biggrin2:

I'll get some new pics tomorrow- hopefully it'll be nice enough for the garden....

ACTUALLY! I took a load of pics last week that I didn't manage to post... I'll get some up now! :)

And thanks Michaela! I love that my bunnies always seem really happy, and I'm glad that other people think so too! :)
OK!! Here, by popuar demand, are more pictures! All of these were taken with my DSLR and telephoto zoom lens, whilst I was sat on the sofa lol... they aren't always the best as they were experimental :)

Snowy, flopped by the fireplace/TV unit, where she spends most of her time:



Big Bunny Butt:


'What do you mean my nose is cute?'


Pretty Chalk:





'Hmm, I wonder what's out the window....' RAIN Mouse, that's what!


'Your ear is dirty!'


Daydreaming of kissing Barney....


More pics following... I'll leave you with that for now! :biggrin2:
I :hearts Chalk

End of.

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny

P.S that thing about your back.. that is so weird! So like, the skin on your back thinks its still on the side? So if you cut that piece of skin it would feel like it was hurting on your side? Weird!
Fran, yep! Basically what they did was cut a flap of skin, and swing it over, to cover up the bit in the middle, and then stitched it down. So even though the skin was now in a new place, it was still attached at the old place, if that makes sense? They moved the nerves over too, which I guess are also still attached to where they used to be, and there's no nerves in the middle bit (as they were removed with the skin etc), so if you touch the 'moved' bit of skin, it still seems to think it's back where it was! Sorry if that sounds gross, I'd like to say it's not as horrible as it sounds, but unfortunately, it really was! :?

Time for some more pics I think! I haven't taken any new ones yet, but I still have some from the other day that I didn't finish uploading...







Look how happy Chalk looks here!



Meeting Barney nose to nose (look at that bunny butt!)



'He's behind me, right?'


Spying on Barney and Snowy:


'Careful Chalk!'


So, that's the pics for now! I'm trying to decide whether I should build them all one big cage so they can live together or not.... but I can't decide lol.... so PLEASE PLEASE reply to my thread about it if you have any advice.... please!! :p

mouse_chalk wrote:
Fran, yep! Basically what they did was cut a flap of skin, and swing it over, to cover up the bit in the middle, and then stitched it down. So even though the skin was now in a new place, it was still attached at the old place, if that makes sense? They moved the nerves over too, which I guess are also still attached to where they used to be, and there's no nerves in the middle bit (as they were removed with the skin etc), so if you touch the 'moved' bit of skin, it still seems to think it's back where it was! Sorry if that sounds gross, I'd like to say it's not as horrible as it sounds, but unfortunately, it really was! :?
Brings a whole new meaning to 'stab in the back'.

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
I can't believe it's been a whole week since I updated! :shock: I was getting so good at this blogging thing!

I have SO many new pictures to add... :shock:

Mouse, Chalk, Snowy and Barney moved in together the other day... They now all live in one giant NIC cage, that looks like this:


And so far they're all getting along ok! Snowy and Barney use the shelves loads now, where as in their old cage they never used the shelf they had in there. All the buns now have loads and loads of space! Barney and Snowy used to be sort of free-range, and for the time being they aren't anymore, which is a bit sad, but they never really used to use the time for anything. Barney would just sleep in his cage, and Snowy would just sleep by the fake fireplace thingy. They'd only really play, if Mouse and Chalk were out, or when they're in the garden. In fact, it was getting to be a bit of a pain, because they would let Mouse and Chalk out during the night, at about 5am, and then they'd all run around together and make a terrible noise, and me and Steve would awake to bunnies binkying around our bedroom! :shock: :p

So the new place is working out well now. I've reinforced the doors since that picture, I must take new pics to show it. I've also supported the lid on the top, with dowels, and the shelves too. It's ROCK SOLID! :biggrin2:

In other news, the cardboard castles arrived yesterday too! :biggrin2: I've posted about it in the main forum, but I'll put the pictures here too:

Here's the small hideout:




And here's the Look Out:




And here is Chak having some fun with it!





Poking through the window:








And here's some pictures that I took in the garden today. Firstly, prepare yourself for the cutest picture of Mouse EVER!!! :p


I don't know why I have such trouble uploading from Photobucket? I usually use an uploaded tool that Steve built for me, but for ease, I thought I'd try Photobucket, but if I use the 'insert image' button, nothing happens when I enter the URL, but if I just paste the IMG code then it adds the link as well? :?

Oh well, here are more pics:


Mouse giving you a kiss:





Snowy in the bottom of the castle, at the end of the tunnel under the drawbridge :p:




Chalk, why aren't you talking to me?




Hi Mouse!


Bye Mouse!


Cutey Chalk:


Cute bunny chin:



'Nom, nom, nom!'



That's it! I'm sorry there's not many of Barney and Snowy- Barney preferred to nap across the other side of the pen, and Snowy wouldn't budge out of the bottom of the castle lol- she loves it too much! I'll try and get some of them tomorrow :p
Jen, these pictures are STUNNING! I am green with envy, I want a fancypants camera :(.

I really like this one in particular, her mouth is oh so adorable! And I love her little paws so neatly placed together with the furry 'underfur' bits touching. Something about that is just so sweet. Snowy you are so pretty!


Thanks Michelle! My pictures are soooo amateur in comparison, I've only had this camera for a couple of months but I've now managed to figure out how to get good pictures in low light without using the flash! You basically use a high ISO setting, and a lower shutter speed to allow more light to pass through the sensor, thus making the picture better lit, if that makes any sense at all! :p Now I'm using my Macbook I also use iPhoto, which edits the pictures pretty well to bring out more detail etc :)

Snowy is cute isn't she? I love her little 'slippers' on her feet! Built in slippers, what more could a bunny want? :D

I was sat here earlier watching TV, when I looked over and saw that Chalk was sat in the hay rack! She was just sat there nibbling hay, looking all cutesy, so I had to take a couple of pics, although I used my old camera so the pics aren't as good.... It's hard to go back from a D-SLR!

I'm uploading the pics now and I'll post them in a minute :)
Argh! The forum died! It's only just got working again for me....

Here are the pics!

'Nom nom nom!'


'What, am I doing something wrong?!'


'I am doing something wrong, aren't I? Am I not supposed to be in here?'


'Oh, I'm so sowwie mummy to be sat in da wong place! :('


'Oh well! Nevermind! Nom nom nom!'


So, for some reason I feel like embarrassigng myself to the World Wide Web all for
the sake of Mouseickle, and here are some God-AWFUL pictures of me with little baby Mouseickle! :p:shock:



ARGH!!!! What terrible pictures! There were more but Mouse developed a strange urge to start climbing down me, head first, and I sort of ended up doing the limbo, and eventually she jumped from my stomach back into the cage happily lol... Silly bunny!

Ok, I'm now going to press enter with my hands over my face in horror that I've let such pictures of me escape the safe confines of my hard drive lol! :shock:

Jen xx

Love all your new pics, Jen! All the buns are just gorgeous as always. The ones of you and Mouse are not terrible by any means, you are just all natural and no make up, whoohoo! I think you look great!:D