Fran, it's great I promise you! There's nothing better than seeing 2 (or more) bunnies cuddle, groom and lead each other into mischief lol! When they're all out together, if one starts to binky, you can guarantee that another one will be at it soon enough! Snowy is still a bit funny with Mouse and Chalk and can chase them a bit sometimes, but it's never anything serious, and on the whole they can be left together pretty much all the time. I can't wait until we can un-separate their cage and they can live together!
Well, time for some more pictures I think. It's been an AMAZING day today, and I've had them out all afternoon. In fact. I'm currently sat in the pen with them, with my MacBook typing this! :biggrin2:
I took loads of pictures earlier, here are some:
Mouse has taken to jumping in my lap and asking for cuddles recently in the garden. She literally tries to jump into my arms!
'Oh, hello! I love you!'
'Nom nom NOM!' (Although I have since noticed that she was 'nomming' a leaf that I have to check is safe- Laurel, our hedge?)
'Is this my best side?'
'Or is it this side?'
'3 way cuddle!!!'
'No take pictures of Chalky when she sleepy!'
'Mmm, a mid-afternoon snack!' :shock:

Sleepy Snowy:
Look how shiny Barney's coat is! I want that conditioner lol!
'I'm the queen of the....gian tennis ball!'
Snowy thinks that if she can't see you, then you can't see her.... WRONG! :biggrin2:
'OMG HELP! Where have my eyes gone?!'
Cute trio of Chalk:
'You got the closeups? Kthxbai!'
Will the Big White Bunny love me?
'Ok, just one more close-up'
Ok, I know that's a LOT of pictures, I'm sorry! I have a few more to post, but I'm scared of losing all this so will do it separately!