It was really cute. Then it turned into them just touching faces with their eyes closed. That's a good sign, right? I'm glad he didn't mount her. I would have had to get him off, and I'd have some very unhappy buns on my hands. He was very caring, let her do her own thing, and when she came back to him, he'd pay attention to her. But she seemed to want to go wherever he was going, even if she was in the background.
Since the spay, she hasn't lunged at me in fear when I stick my hand up to her, or when I hold food out to her. She sniffs it, looks at me, and turns away. At least she isn't lunging at me, but she's still not trusting. He's gone back to not trusting me, where before, he'd follow me around and circle me. I guess he's paying all his attention to Kaylee. She's more important lol.