Jayne and Kaylee

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Ok, I will watch for bleeding. But my mom's gone from the shop this week, so I'm down there from 9 am to 5 pm every day this week. I'll keep her confined pretty much for the next few days and watch for any bleeding.

I'll do half a pill, then. I don't want to give her too much.
Ok, so I tested giving the applesauce to my male, who will eat, and he couldn't get enough. It has cinnamon in it, but I don't think the little she'll be getting will hurt her.

I just found out Wild Harvest pellet mixes is really bad for buns. They've been on it for a few weeks now, and now I have to go find new pellets on Wednesday.
Feel better soon Kaylee!...sending lots of gentle nose rubs and comforting vibes
I looked in on her this morning before coming to work. I gave her a piece of lettuce, and she nibbled on it a little. She was jumping over her food bowl, and running around a little, so I'm not so sure she's in a lot of pain yet. I tried to get her to take the aspirin applesauce, put the syringe right next to her mouth, and she just looked up at me like I was an idiot. I'm not sure how I'm going to get her to take the applesauce, because she hardly trusts me. My male, on the other hand, would gulp up that applesauce anytime like it was water lol.

I'm thinking I'll put the applesauce in a bowl and let her go at it at her own leisure. I go back for dinner around 5, so I can check on her then. If she doesn't act in pain, I'm not gonna give it to her. But if she does act like it, I'll give her the applesauce. No reason to dope her up for no reason.
That's not a bad idea. It still might be good to look for children's ibuprofen if she does seem to be in pain, since aspirin will interfere with blood clotting and most doctors say not to use it after surgery. Although it is rare, some bunnies will do ok without meds after a neuter, and occasionally a spay.
Jayne did absolutely fine. It was that one night really that he wasn't moving real good, then he was jumping around and running and acting like his own self within a day or two. Kaylee acted fine this morning, but I got to check on her this evening. I'll look tomorrow for the children's motrin/ibuprofen. I have to get them new pellets anyway, might as well look for that stuff.
I checked on Kaylee earlier this evening, and when I got off work. She does not seem like she's in pain. At least not yet. She's showing her usual self. She was moving around well, and she's been eating. So far, I think the recovery is going to go well.
I moved Kaylee to her cage today. It was difficult because I didn't want to hurt her, and I had to lift her from the carrier. I did it, and she didn't seem to be in pain, but she didn't struggle, so maybe that was from pain.

Noticed when I got back from my knitting group that she had pooped right in front of the door to the cage. Maybe she can't get up into the litter box? Idk. I'm gonna put the poop into the litter box, but I really don't think she can get into the box. Of course, she hasn't really been good about going in her box when she has been out. I think she just doesn't know where to go.
Is the box really tall? You can re-litter-train her once she's healed from the surgery. It should be a lot easier with all those hormones gone.
No, the box isn't real tall, but the towels I put down in her cage didn't allow her to get over the lip I guess. I put more towels down, and she went in the box.
I have noticed this evening that Jayne does not seem real interested in Kaylee anymore. Multiple times, she put her head down at the bars of the exercise pen, and the first time, he picked at her, the scratched her. It was really mean from a stand point. She put her head down multiple times for him to groom her and he ignored her. Now she's ignoring him. It's really funny, actually, watching the two of them. I'm wondering if they'll flop with their backs towards eachother, or if he'll groom her when I'm not watching them. They do that a lot.
Sorry I haven't mentioned this. Kaylee is absolutely thriving without the pain medications. She is jumping around, and moving great. She even stretched earlier a couple of times. She eating and drinking. I've been really lucky with these two.
I'm so glad she made it through ok.

Re: the behavior, A lot of times bunnies will reject their mates if they seem "weak"--it's a method to avoid being seen by predators. If your buddy gets slow or sick, they're a bigger target for predators, and if you stay with your buddy while they're sick, you too are a target. So, it may change once she's back to feeling 100%.
Ok, that makes sense. And she was also in the carrier the first two days with a towel covering it. He would jump up on it and sit there like he was protecting it. That was really cute. Then, she was in her cage for three days with a blanket over it. It's just today that I've let her come out of her cage. He may just be getting used to her again. She really wants him to like her again, though. It's really sad to see him ignore her, when he was so attached to her before. When she left, he looked for her for hours, looking around her cage, and even jumping inside. He even sat outside, hunched into this little ball. Even when I put him in his pen, he stayed where he could see her cage. It was really really sad.
She was only gone until that afternoon, but he still missed her.
Alright, so bunny bonding has commenced! I have put the two of them on my bed. Either have yet to mount the other one. They just wondered around at first, Jayne trailing, but trying to groom Kayle along the way. They lay for a few moments together, their eyes closed. And they are pretty much close to eachother whenever they move. Except for now, they are wondering in their own directions, but Kaylee is always watching Jayne to make sure where he is. It's awesome!!! I hope this keeps up. It's funny, though. They keep trying to get the other one to groom them.

LOL I know what you mean! It's the bunny "you groom me first," "no you!" competition.
It was really cute. Then it turned into them just touching faces with their eyes closed. That's a good sign, right? I'm glad he didn't mount her. I would have had to get him off, and I'd have some very unhappy buns on my hands. He was very caring, let her do her own thing, and when she came back to him, he'd pay attention to her. But she seemed to want to go wherever he was going, even if she was in the background.

Since the spay, she hasn't lunged at me in fear when I stick my hand up to her, or when I hold food out to her. She sniffs it, looks at me, and turns away. At least she isn't lunging at me, but she's still not trusting. He's gone back to not trusting me, where before, he'd follow me around and circle me. I guess he's paying all his attention to Kaylee. She's more important lol.
Alright, so day two of bonding without the bars. I've been gone most of the night at a knitting group. I came back and let the buns out to keep the bonding up. They were running around for a while, then got into a corner, and Jayne mounted Kaylee on the front. She let him do that for a few seconds, and I was about to separate them, because I've read that he can be damaged if she bites him. She got fed up I guess and ran right through him, and he kinda fell to the side. She just looked at me like 'that was ridiculous, i'm kinda pissed now'. So, I put her back in her own pen, and now Jayne is trying to apologize to her, I guess, cause he won't stop trying to get her attention. I couldn't stop laughing, it was really really funny, but I know it wasn't for her. That's the update.

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