Jayne and Kaylee

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Okay, so there's closer vets, but they're still hours away. I didn't want to take an already stressed bun for a drive like that.
I understand. Maybe we can help get some info to take to your vet so that they will give her some pain meds for her spay. It would be very difficult going through that without pain meds, as it is a more invasive procedure.
Yea. With males, they just cut into the skin a little, right? I don't know if they remove or just block off tubes or what. But females, I know they go through the actual abdomen and cut veins and remove the entire reproductive system. I understand where the vets are coming from, though. If I didn't know much about rabbits and I was a vet, I would want to give the rabbit a medication and not know how it will react. I know not a lot of people have rabbits in this area, so I understand that these vets don't know much about animals they don't see most of the time.
Okay, so Jayne has been moving around. I checked his incision site earlier, but saw no blood, and it didn't look like it'd been opened. He stretched, he jumped on top of his cage, exploring under the blanket behind his cage, and he was standing up on his hind legs like he was curious. I'm thinking that if he's in pain, it's not all that much. At least right now. He's back to trying to get Kaylee's attention. He hasn't eaten much more, but the fact he's moving around makes me feel better.
Jayne is recovering quite nicely, even now. He is moving around like he had before the surgery, is jumping around, not eating as much, but still eating, and is back to trying to get Kaylee's attention. He doesn't act like he's in pain anymore, but I am going to check the site and he is not going to be happy about that.
The other night, I hadn't seen Kaylee eat for a day or so. Then I found out, she'd been eating the bedding in her litter box. And the dog training pads I'd put on the floor to keep the carpet clean from accidents. I tried to catch her, and of course she ran. I don't want to hurt her, of course, so I'm a little hesitant to pick her up in case she struggles really bad. She lashed out, and bit me. Right between two of my fingers, and it's bruised now, so it kinda hurts. Anyway, I did catch her, and I felt her stomach, because I'd read that if a bun doesn't eat, and has a hard stomach, their digestive tract could have stopped moving and they could die soon. Her stomach wasn't hard, but I'm afraid she may be building a blockage. She's been urinating, and producing fecal matter, and she's been eating, so I think she'll be alright. She acts like she normally does, but she doesn't do a lot when I'm in the room, nor does she eat really when I'm in the room. I hope her fright of me will calm down next week after she is spayed. She lunges forward when I put her food down, or when I even touch any of her things. It's like she thinks I'm her rival, but I'm more dominant, so she feels like she has to protect everything around her from me. If I lay down on the floor, she'll come up, slowly, sniffing me, and if I move, she runs away. If I even come towards the two pens, she'll run to the opposite side of the pen. I think she'll calm down after she is spayed and her hormones aren't running rampant.

As a side note, Jayne is doing great. He won't let me touch the area, but I haven't seen any blood, he's moving around great, being himself, eating well, drinking. He's healing up just fine.
I have some buns that my daughter has termed private eaters. They eat when I leave the room, evidently they like their privacy while dining.

Occasionally one of my rabbits will lunge at me when I go to get her litter box. I tell her stop it or clean your potty box yourself. She backs off and sulks in the corner of her cage.
I know I haven't been on a lot lately. Jayne is doing great. I have to let them out of their pens individually, especially Kaylee. She gets jealous now when Jayne is out and she isn't, and vice versa. She even gives me some binkies, and it's so cute! She still does not trust me, and now Jayne has gone kinda wild now. I think it's because I'm not on the floor as much as I should be. She will approach me if I'm not moving, but other than that, she stays away. I got a spinning wheel, and that kinda scares them when it's going.

Anyways, Kaylee went earlier this morning to the vet in Springfield to be spayed. I got back later, the said after 4, to pick her up. I hope it all goes well, and they'll probably call me when the surgery is over to tell me how she's doing.

That's about it. I'll post later on how she's doing, and if I have any problems, I will post on the infirmary to get some answers!
The vet just called me and said Kaylee had woke up and was doing fine! I can pick her up later this afternoon.
Jayne is sitting in Kaylee's pen, in front of her cage, like he's looking for her. He's been eating her hay, or just sitting in front of her cage. And now, I've noticed he's inside her cage. I wonder if he misses her, and is looking for her.
I hope it all goes well too. I'm going out to pick her up in a little bit. I'm leaving about 3, going to get my shots, then going to get her, so I should have her around 4:30 or 5. The drive is 45 mins and I have to wait in the doc's office 30 mins after the shots, to make sure I don't react to them.
Ok, so I picked up Kaylee, and they didn't give me any pain meds for her. I think it's because they aren't real experienced with buns, but they said they don't give pain meds to buns because they're so small. I don't know. I'm gonna watch her throughout the next few days. Right now, she's in the carrier I took her in, with a towel, her food, a few chew things, and her water. If I see she's in pain, I'll do the warm water bottle, or the heating pad. I'm not going to argue with the vet office.

The vet did say to keep her pretty confined for 10 days, and tomorrow, she's going from the carrier, to her cage, then in a few days, she'll be let out into her pen. She is alert, and moving around, but she's still doped up.

And Jayne investigated the carrier. It's covered in a towel, so he can't see what's inside. I found him on top of the carrier, sniffing around. He was even taking a bath. It was really cute.
Uhoh. Well, I hope she doesn't feel pain, but honestly it's hard to imagine that she won't. If she starts to show signs of pain, you should call them and try to get a prescription written. Their reason to not give pain meds is totally bogus--you can give them to anything, any size, it just takes a bit of math to calculate the dose. You can give these meds to animals like mice!

Maybe pick up some liquid ibuprofen just in case.
Well, they don't see a lot of rabbits. I guess they see a lot of ferrets, cause they have pics of them on their site. I'm gonna do heat for her if she acts like she's in pain, but I'm going to restrict her area of movement, so she won't be able to stretch it or anything to feel a lot of pain.

At least, though, they did have the water and food I brought in her cage when I picked her up. It's better than the other vet I went to that I think fasted him that day.

I really don't want to argue with them, so I may just pick up the liquid ibuprofen like you suggested. I'm going to see how she's doing in the morning, and if she's acting really in pain, I'll put a heating pad under a towel for her for when I got to work. That seemed to help with Jayne. And she may be a trooper and heal really nice without a lot of pain. We'll see how it goes when the pain medication they gave her today at the office wears off
I just called my bro. He's gonna go to WalMart tomorrow and get me the liquid ibuprofen. I told him to even get liquid children's Tylenol. Can that be given to a bun? I think it can, it just causes blood thinning. I remember reading that somewhere. He said he'd bring something of that kind.

Aspirin and ibuprofen can be given to bunnies, but aspirin causes more blood thinning. Ibuprofen causes blood thinning but to a lesser extent. Some people say not to use ibuprofen after surgery, some say it's fine and good. I say it never hurt me after surgery, and it's better than nothing!

Tylenol isn't safe for bunnies.
Well, I didn't get Tylenol, because I read it was toxic. I didn't find children's motrin, but maybe I didn't look. I got Aspirin tablets, 81 mg. The calculator online says to give about 45 mg. But it also says to give 81 mg to relieve pain, but it was talking about arthritis pain. Does that apply to regular pain as well?

I got an oral syringe, but I'm not sure how I'm going to give her this stuff. I'm going to crush the tablet up, and dilute it with water. She doesn't like me touching her as it is. Maybe being in pain will make her not struggle.
I would go with the smaller dose. Good luck with the pills. Some people will crush it up and mix it with applesauce to get her to take it. Be careful to watch for bleeding.

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