Today, I tried to brush the buns. Jayne doesn't really seem to shed, but I noticed Kaylee had groomed herself and clumps of black hair were all around the back of her cage. Jayne didn't let me pick him up. It might be from when I leave him out all the time and pretty much leave them alone even when I'm sitting on the floor. Kaylee's in her pen, so I don't worry about her getting into trouble or Jayne getting to her.
After chasing Jayne around the pen, I finally caught him in his cage and took him over to the couch. He struggled, and I had to hold him for a little while before putting him on my lap and brushed him. He bit me! I have a little bruise on my arm from it, even though I had a sweatshirt on!
I got Kaylee real easy, and she struggled a little, but as long as she was in the crook of my arm, she didn't move. I brushed her, and then put her back in her cage. And now Jayne is doing some binkies so I don't think he's too traumatized from the experience.