Hello everyone!
I've been on this forum for two months now and i felt that it was time to do an introduction
I am from a sunny little island of Singapore, halfway across the world from most of you. I have posted on this forum before a few times before.
I am a first time rabbit owner, and with that brought a lot of worries and insecurities about whether i was doing things right. Rabbits aren't really a big thing here in Singapore, and there currently isn't an active forum for rabbit owners here. I was so glad when i found this forum and am honestly loving it, because there are people from halfway across the globe who are willing to provide advice to me, and my fluffy little bun.
Lily is a Netherland Dwarf rabbit, and i got her from a breeder. She was from a litter of three. I chose her not because of the color of her fur, or how special she looked, but instead for the look on her face. She gave me the cutest stare.
I never thought that i would be a rabbit person. If there is such a thing. I grew up with my parents telling me that rabbits pooped a lot and smelt bad. But Lily has been nothing like that. She has changed everyone's mindsets about rabbits, and i am thankful to her for that.
Now this is getting a little emotional, haha. I guess i'll end my story here. Hope to see everyone around the forum sometime!

I've been on this forum for two months now and i felt that it was time to do an introduction
I am from a sunny little island of Singapore, halfway across the world from most of you. I have posted on this forum before a few times before.
I am a first time rabbit owner, and with that brought a lot of worries and insecurities about whether i was doing things right. Rabbits aren't really a big thing here in Singapore, and there currently isn't an active forum for rabbit owners here. I was so glad when i found this forum and am honestly loving it, because there are people from halfway across the globe who are willing to provide advice to me, and my fluffy little bun.
Lily is a Netherland Dwarf rabbit, and i got her from a breeder. She was from a litter of three. I chose her not because of the color of her fur, or how special she looked, but instead for the look on her face. She gave me the cutest stare.
I never thought that i would be a rabbit person. If there is such a thing. I grew up with my parents telling me that rabbits pooped a lot and smelt bad. But Lily has been nothing like that. She has changed everyone's mindsets about rabbits, and i am thankful to her for that.
Now this is getting a little emotional, haha. I guess i'll end my story here. Hope to see everyone around the forum sometime!