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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2013
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Hello everyone!

I've been on this forum for two months now and i felt that it was time to do an introduction :)

I am from a sunny little island of Singapore, halfway across the world from most of you. I have posted on this forum before a few times before.

I am a first time rabbit owner, and with that brought a lot of worries and insecurities about whether i was doing things right. Rabbits aren't really a big thing here in Singapore, and there currently isn't an active forum for rabbit owners here. I was so glad when i found this forum and am honestly loving it, because there are people from halfway across the globe who are willing to provide advice to me, and my fluffy little bun.

Lily is a Netherland Dwarf rabbit, and i got her from a breeder. She was from a litter of three. I chose her not because of the color of her fur, or how special she looked, but instead for the look on her face. She gave me the cutest stare.

I never thought that i would be a rabbit person. If there is such a thing. I grew up with my parents telling me that rabbits pooped a lot and smelt bad. But Lily has been nothing like that. She has changed everyone's mindsets about rabbits, and i am thankful to her for that.

Now this is getting a little emotional, haha. I guess i'll end my story here. Hope to see everyone around the forum sometime!

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Hi & :welcome1 to you & Lily!
Glad to have you join us! Yes, everyone here is friendly & helpful! I still feel like a newbie bunny mom & thanks to Rabbits Online I am learning so much each day! Almost everyone starts out as a newbie bunny parent unless they were born into a family that raised & was knowledgeable about bunnies. So I think we all or almost all can identify with feeling a bit nervous with our new bunnies. I'm used to dogs, cats & birds but bunnies are so totally different! Glad to have you & Lily & hope you will enjoy your stay here at RO! Make yourself & bunny at home! Lily is a lovely bun & I hope you will post lots of pix of her!
Awe! She does have a cute little stare, and I'll bet that you find some of the most delicious vegetables for her in Singapore. I can't wait to see more pics of her!
Welcome to the forum. She is a very cute little bunny. There may be a chapter of the House Rabbit Society in your neck of the woods as they are world wide. The last and only time I was in Singapore was June of 1969 so it's probably changed a little since then.
Hello everyone! Thanks for the welcomes, Lily must be feeling pretty smug about all the compliments she's getting! Hah.

Oh and about vegetables! Veggies are mostly imported around here because there's so space to grow them. By the time they reach here they aren't entirely fresh ): Also, it's difficult to find veggies based on the HRS website because "western" type veggies and herbs like fresh time and parsley are not available here. She's been on bokchoy and spinach for a while. Still looking around for more variety!

I've been to the HRS website of Singapore and it sadly isn't very active as well. They have a list of rabbit savvy vets though, which I guess puts my mind to ease a little.

Thanks again everyone :)
Are parsley etc just not available in the shops or altogether? If there isn't any prohibition on them or anything, you could easily grow them in pots. Have you got a balcony or somewhere outdoors? You don't need much space, you can grow vertically. Google pallet garden to see what you can do in a small space.

What do you have there? Mine like lots of stuff, I just get whatever's cheap. Pak choy, bok choy, endive, chicory, brussel sprouts, cauli, broccoli, celery, rocket, chinese cabbage, whatever. I don't really worry about it. If it's fresh and they like it, it's not on the forbidden list and it doesn't make them sick, I'm not going to stress out about it. They've always got their hay.
They are available, but come at about $6-7 for a tiny pack. The only ones I've seen around are at supermarts in the refrigerator section :s

There are alot of Chinese vegetables around here. But those names seldom appear on the vegetable list so I'm a little skeptical to try them. Lily has so far had celery, cucumber, bokchoy, and spinach. Western herbs are seldom available here because I guess it just doesn't cater to the market. Organic veggies are also realllyyyyy expensive around here.

Also, the names of the veggies are sometimes really vague. Like lettuce is just called "lettuce" and you don't exactly know what kind of lettuce it is.
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