I'm not sure if she likes the taste or not, butshe sure doesn't like me forcing anything in her mouth. Iwish I could get her to take it voluntarily. Any ideas??
I've had to give my mice several rounds of antibiotics (for URI's) andit is next to impossible, not to mention dangerous, to force-feed amouse anything. So we've come up with a couple different tricks.These are for mice, obviously, but you might be able to make somethingwork with Iszy:
Ritz crackers: broken in half lengthwise, the inner part of the crackerholds liquid medication very nicely. My boys wolf the cracker downwithout even realizing there's medication in it.
Mixing the medication into food they will eat: I took some of the innerfilling from a Tofutti Cutie and mixed it with the meds in a smalldish. One of my mice loves this concoction. For a rabbit, oneoption might be mashed bananas or canned pumpkin.
If you're mixing her medicine in with a treat food, just remember touse very small portions, or else you'll have a porky lil' bun
Trix is on liquid antibiotics right now and Iput it in a small piece of mashed banana every morning. SHE INHALES itall in just a few seconds. Works like a charm!
Lissa, does she like papaya tablets? Iwas surfing around, and in a discussion of enzymes Pam mentioned thatthey might have anti-inflammatory properties. It could beworth a try. If nothing else, she'll enjoy the treat.
Here's the thread. The post I'm talking about is a ways down the page
I'mnot sure if she likes the taste or not, but she sure doesn't like meforcing anything in her mouth. I wish I could get her to takeit voluntarily. Any ideas??