Iszy is having problems again! :(

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UPDATE: The vetnoticed toothat Iszy was a bit stiff in the backend. So he tookx-rays. The x-ray indicated either the start of arthritis ora pinched nerve. There was no way to tell by the x-ray whatthe white cloud on her low spine was exactly. In order tofind that out a CAT scan would need to be taken in anothercity. He put Iszy on Metacam to see if that helps herpain. He said that this could definitely be the reason shehas stopped cleaning herself and has stopped using thelitterbox.
Well, I know it's not the greatest news, but at least you know whats going on now. Poor baby.

Give her a nose rub for me:kiss:
Do you think her pain will worsen?Right now he said that it's very minor and she isn't in that muchpain.I have a big problem with animals in pain. :(
Fen is a bit stiff lately too (he's about 5),ever since a sprain that made him run around 3-legged for awhile. Hegot really poopy too, and required cleaning--but he didn't seem to bein pain (he was running at top speed on 3 legs).

Now his back end seems somewhat weak when he tries to stand, but he haskept himself mostly clean. IfIszy doesn't seem to be hurtingtoo much(eating, etc.)she may just have to adjustto a slower pace. And you may have to adjust to cleaning. Yuk!! Isympathize!!!;)

So far I haven't had to clean Fen in awhile. Crossing fingers!

Poor little girl. At least you know what it is now!

Can you trim the fur around her nether regions by yourself? Keeping it short will make it easier to clean.

Where was the problem spot that the vet saw?

It's possible that the pain will get worse as time goes on, but it's amanagable pain. Many arthritic animals can still live manylong happy years as long as they're being taken care of well.Last time I was at the vet I met a very happy rottweiler. Shehad bad arthritis in her hip, but her owner said she was usually okayand still liked to play with the younger dogs. She couldn'twalk well but she looked ready to lick everybody's face!

If you'd like more info on possible treatments, check these articles
Bone Spurs
Arthritis, and the use of Glucosamine/Chondroitin
Metacam will take that right away, no worries there. That's what it's best used for.

Give her a pat for us, too..

sas :)and gang
Thanks everyone for all your help.

The whitish blur in the x-ray was towards the very back of her spine...almost at the very end.

The vetsaid that a wire bottom cage wouldn't beagood idea. He said that it would probably cause her morepain. So I'm going to have to clean her butt up every now andthen.

The vet also said he's never seen arthritis in a rabbit before but hesaid that was because rabbits would never sit still long enough for himto take an x-ray. Iszy just wanted to be held and pet thewhole time. I think the vet was shockedhow tame and friendly she was. I was so proud.:sunshine:
Lissa wrote:
Thevetsaid that a wire bottom cage wouldn't bea goodidea. He said that it would probably cause her morepain. So I'm going to have to clean her butt up every now andthen.

That's interesting, Lissa. As kind of an aside, I'm going to be sellingthe rabbits' cage (they use it, but it takes up space and is a pain toclean), and instead using an excercise pen to create an environmenttaylored for mellow, older, and possibly arthritic bunbuns.

Since we're dealing with a lot of the same issues (flexibility, messybums) I'd wouldn't mind sharing what I find for flooring, litterboxes,etc :)
Hi I am sorry to hear that iszy is notwell. I hope she improves with pain killers, it could be thatit is one of these things that will flare up from time to time butothertimes she will be better. Don't worry too muchabout her being in pain, bunnies are pretty good at letting usknow. If she is still moving about and eating ok then she isfine. I have found bunnies tend to get very still if theydon't feel well.

I never had it confirmed by an x ray but I suspect my netherland dwarfmay have had arthritis near the end of his life, he had hadan injury to his lega few years beforedue tolanding funny and I think it maybe led to joint stiffness lateron. You could just tell he didn't hop quite thesame. But he was fine living with it he seemed to get used tomoving differently. And he was 10 years old at the time sosince Iszy is younger she will likely have less trouble.
Bunny was on that medicine for a little while,then we went to a low dose baby asprin twice a day. Thespecialist said she was nt in pain soshe did not needit. It can get better, worse or stay the same. Ithink her problem is from and injury since the bone spurs should not becausing her problem since they are small.

Just make sure she is comfortable and she should be okay and adjust to her condition.


You'll never guess what happenedyesterday. I took her outside to play and she was runningthrough the grass grazing for about an hour. I haven't seenher this active in at least a year. Mommy was intears. :( It was so nice to see herenjoying herself outside again. It's been a longtime. She was still a bit wobbly and almost fell over a fewtimes, but it didn't seem to bother her none.
Thanks Pam! Do you know if Metacam canbe dropped into her water bottle? I'm trying tothink of the easiest way to give it to her.
Pipp wrote:
Pippis a Medicam junkie, she LOVES the stuff. I'm not sure whatthey mixed it with, but she chases the syringe and stinks itback. :ponder:

Haha. What is Pipp on Metacam for?
Lissa, does she like the taste?Metacam is supposed to be honey-flavored and some rabbits love thetaste. When I was giving it to Fey I mixed it in a tiny bitof pumpkin.

I don't think you can use it in the water bottle, but you could callyour vet and see if he'd have a dosing recommendation for that.

Edit: Pipp's a junkie!:huh:headsmack


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