Well, if it's notage related, then it could very well be genetic, congenital, a disease,whatever. I think this time your instincts are right, and all of thesesymptoms add up to a larger problem. Limping is a huge sign,especially in a young rabbit (does she have access to high places thatshe could have jumped or fallen from and landed the wrongway?A past injury would explain the reluctance to cleanherself)
I really don't mean to alarm you oranything :hug1 I just think it would be wise to see if thevet can help you get to the root of this.
As far as the wire-bottomed cagegoes,I bought one for my rabbits over a year ago. They haveaccess to a large excercise pen as well, but even their litterboxeshave grated covers because of Peanut's messy butt issues. I think Iunderstand how you feel about the wire bottoms - it seems cruel. Itseems too much like...well, a cage, and less like a bunny home.I felt like a bad bunny mom just for buying it.
But honestly? It's mostly psychological.My rabbitsfrequently choose to sleep stretched out directlyon the wire ratherthan on my bedroom floor. Really, theydon't mind it as much as we do. They've got grass mats in there withthem and they're pleased as punch. Never noticed any mobility issueswith the wire floor, either.
Hope you can figure our what's going onwith your little girl (and Iszy, stop worrying your mom, she's gotenough on her mind! :nono)
:kiss:to both of you.