Sorry I'm late to the parTaY..
Here's my two cents worth:
You must stop all treats, pellets and greens/fruits.
Hay and water only for a week straight, no gives (I know how those sweet twitchy little noses can make you cave, but don't do it
No alfalfa anymore, that's for baby buns.
My last girl was THE PICKIEST hay eater, I had to get 4 different kinds of hay and rotate or mix them.
For hay I purchased: Timothy, orchard, oat and also oxbow hay stacks with chamomile.
The hay stacks always got her eating her hay again. When you start to re-introduce veggies/fruits back in, do so 1-2 at a time once a week and see if that helps. I'd also stick to oxbow pellets but only ever give up to 1/4 cup a day. I give theirs at dinnertime, but make pellets the last thing you re-introduce.
My little fella has what we call intermittent soft cecaltropes or ISC. He is a doublemane lionhead so his fur is longer than other buns and so he gets clumps stuck to his underbottom if I don't notice he's got a flare up of ISC.
You can read about it here:
But when in doubt, always take bun bun to a vet for a check. I understand your bun is young, but it may be having tooth spurs which would cause bun a great deal of pain when eating, so they don't want to. There could be an underlying condition.