Well-Known Member
When I rescued Harper, I NEVER planned on goingsomewhere that he couldn't come. When I went to college, I knew I'd begoing to LSU here in Louisiana, living at home, and would be able tokeep him by my side. Having him is THE one reason I decided to stayin-state instead of going out-of-state. Because I couldn't imagineleaving him.
However, I've been at LSU for a semester now, and I HATE IT. Can'tstand it. Ready to drop out of it. I skip most of my classes because Ican't stand the place, I dread going each day, and my grades arefailing because of it. For years now my dream college has been UMaineat Orono. I've dreamed of going there and it's the only college I everwanted to go to. So, I decided to put in my transfer application tothem and see if they'll accept me.
However, my dilemma is, if I decide to go if they accept me, what inthe world would I do with Harper? I guess I'm not really looking for awhole lot of advice since there's not too much that can be given. Iguess I just wanted to hear what other people have had to do so I feellike I'm not alone. He couldn't stay here, my parents hate him and havestated that he would not be taken care of. So that's out of thequestion. I know I'd have to get rid of him, but I don't think I couldEVER make myself do that. But then, I hate not to live out my lifebecause he can't come. On the other hand, I hate to ruin HIS lifebecause then I feel like I am abandoning him and being selfish.
*Sigh* I'm stuck between a bunny and a hard place.
However, I've been at LSU for a semester now, and I HATE IT. Can'tstand it. Ready to drop out of it. I skip most of my classes because Ican't stand the place, I dread going each day, and my grades arefailing because of it. For years now my dream college has been UMaineat Orono. I've dreamed of going there and it's the only college I everwanted to go to. So, I decided to put in my transfer application tothem and see if they'll accept me.
However, my dilemma is, if I decide to go if they accept me, what inthe world would I do with Harper? I guess I'm not really looking for awhole lot of advice since there's not too much that can be given. Iguess I just wanted to hear what other people have had to do so I feellike I'm not alone. He couldn't stay here, my parents hate him and havestated that he would not be taken care of. So that's out of thequestion. I know I'd have to get rid of him, but I don't think I couldEVER make myself do that. But then, I hate not to live out my lifebecause he can't come. On the other hand, I hate to ruin HIS lifebecause then I feel like I am abandoning him and being selfish.
*Sigh* I'm stuck between a bunny and a hard place.