If I were to move from Louisiana to Maine, what to do with Harper?

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2006
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Fordoche, Louisiana, USA
When I rescued Harper, I NEVER planned on goingsomewhere that he couldn't come. When I went to college, I knew I'd begoing to LSU here in Louisiana, living at home, and would be able tokeep him by my side. Having him is THE one reason I decided to stayin-state instead of going out-of-state. Because I couldn't imagineleaving him.

However, I've been at LSU for a semester now, and I HATE IT. Can'tstand it. Ready to drop out of it. I skip most of my classes because Ican't stand the place, I dread going each day, and my grades arefailing because of it. For years now my dream college has been UMaineat Orono. I've dreamed of going there and it's the only college I everwanted to go to. So, I decided to put in my transfer application tothem and see if they'll accept me.

However, my dilemma is, if I decide to go if they accept me, what inthe world would I do with Harper? I guess I'm not really looking for awhole lot of advice since there's not too much that can be given. Iguess I just wanted to hear what other people have had to do so I feellike I'm not alone. He couldn't stay here, my parents hate him and havestated that he would not be taken care of. So that's out of thequestion. I know I'd have to get rid of him, but I don't think I couldEVER make myself do that. But then, I hate not to live out my lifebecause he can't come. On the other hand, I hate to ruin HIS lifebecause then I feel like I am abandoning him and being selfish.

*Sigh* I'm stuck between a bunny and a hard place.

I would if I could, however dorms and residencehalls do not allow animals. Then, if I snuck him in and ended upgetting a roomate that was allergic or decided to tattle, then I'd havea whole new problem.

Id say look for a place off campus that allowspets...or find a roommate who's pet friendly. I have a friend whosearched and found a roommate before she moved to another state for ateaching job.

If that doesnt work, would your friend who runs the rescue help out?Either foster him for a year or so or help you find him a home whereyou can interview the new family?
Daisy, to my understanding, I'm not required tolive on campus. However, I'm not sure I could hold down a job ANDstudy. I know SEVERAL students do, however I already struggle in schoolwithoutworking, I'm not sure how well that would go over.Even though I know I'll have to one day.

Haley, Wendy (my friend from the rescue), would take him in and fosterhim I'm sure. However, her family is allergic so all her rescues stayoutside. That worries me because Harper's never stayed outside beforeand it gets SCORCHING hot here, and she's lost rabbits before due tothe heat. She would put him up for adoption however, although I coulddo that.

I didn't know I could interview a roommate before I move in. That's agood option for me to seek out. I've just never lived in a dorm orresidence hall before and I just wasn't sure what the odds were of himbeing discovered, and what would happen if he was.
i can completely understand this whole college thing.

i would first suggest getting the housing information from the college,decide if you are better off living on campus or getting an apartment(the college i am at right now you would pay about $200 less a quarterto get an apartment then paying the housing fees, we did the math, thecollege i am transfering to has some of the most expensive dorms i haveseen, so an apartment is simply easier. . .plus my experiance withliving on campus housing- i live in a townhouse community that is ownedby the college and only has college students living there- is that itsucks. . .i hate it, campus security will search your house for almostno reason in hopes of finding drugs or drinks- we live on a dry campus-and our niegbors calls noise complaints on us to get back at us forcalling a noise complaint on them during a huge party they had. . .on aschool night that everyone in our house had to get up early the nextday, you have to sign each guest in and they have to leave by 12, noovernighters, and stuff like that). if you choose to live off-campus,then i would get on to google and type in "apartments near_______"(fill in city and state), it should bring up a link to a map that willtell you locations of apartments, they often have phone numbers tocall, or websites to look at. call, get information (don't forget toask about student discounts!), then i would plan on going up there fora day or 2 and just looking at places and putting applications in(because a description is way different that really looking at aplace). you can also check in the paper for that area (many havewebsites now) for "roommates wanted" and call and see about pets.

that is the steps i took, now that is yet to lead me to an apartmentthat will let me take my rabbits with me, and my roomate is againstsneaking them in, hopefully you will get luckier then me. . .

As i said in katts post, is there no way you canfoster him? At least for the first year so you can make some friendsand maybe rent a house together? If not, maybe you will have to givehim up. It can be hard but you have to decide if you think your'eeducation and possibly the fate of your life is more important to youthan keeping a pet. Its a hard decision to make, but as you said, youdon't want to limit your life and stop yourself from reaching yourlimits just because you have a pet. Good luck.
IfI had the room, I'd take him in until you could find a place. I'm aboutan hour south of Orono :lookaround

I'd call shelters and rescues in the area, even Etherbun or the HRS, tosee if a rabbit person here in Maine would house him for you :dunno
Why not take out a loan for housing for thesemester? I know of college kids who do it when they do not think theycan handle working and going to school. My ex roommate did as did ourneighbor at the time. Roommate requested 800 a month and the neighborgot 1000 a month for his living expenses. Mind you, you would want tohave a roommate or a very small apartment. I know it is not throughSalle Mae. I cannot remember who you can get it through. I think onewent through their bank to get a loan, and one found several placesthat let you get an extra amount for school costs without declairingwhat it was online.

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