If hate could kill

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I do respect that you've studied dog behavior foryears and years, Fergi. I just wouldn't trust some dogs nomatter how well-behaved I thought they were. I in no waymeant any disrespect to you, Janelle, mesilly, bunnylover, or anyoneelse.

If you guys want to debate, go for it - I just ask that some need tostop talking down to others because they're opinions aren't thesame.

No more from me. I'm out. You can't beat somesense into someone who can't accept anothers experience on things. I'mdone. You'll get no more from me on this thread. :)
Thank you for making some valid points in thissubject, Janelle. Others with experience are speaking aswell. Hopefully something good can be taken away from this.


Ok so I am posting again. :p I hope so. I justhope to god the original poster does something to protect both her dogsand her rabbits. And prevents another pet death.Its veryfrustrating, sad, and hard reading something like that without blowinga gasket.
I hear what you're saying, Janelle. :)

This whole thing got way out of hand.I'm just looking at it again today, and it is insane. I don'twant to stir anything up, but I am wondering where everyone with allthese "breed specific" dog statistics are getting them? Iwork with dogs and read info on all the breeds we have at our storeeveryday and I can tell you that most of your statements are probablytaken out of context. Also, generalization about a breed ofanimal, a race of people, a gender, whatever, is wrong. Nomatter how you slice it, it is bigotry. My biggest concernfor everyone who lets their dog run loose is that if your dog killssomeone else's pet and is not confined to the standards of yourmunicipality, you will be sued and most likely your dog will bedestroyed. I just don't want to see that happen.

Finally, I'm really wondering how that bunny is? I'm going togo look for another thread about her to see how she is feeling.


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