If hate could kill

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Also once a dog gets the taste of blood like thatthey kill again. Trust me. i lived on a farm once and dealt with dogskilling livestock and other animals. Its not because its a huntingthing. Good hunting dogs are trained to hunt on command. Not killanimals at random. And labs are mostly retrievers. They hunt andretrieve birds. When they start killing small animals like cats andrabbits at random without supervision, then its time to keep them awayfrom the smaller animals. Or find them a new home. Or have them putdown. Either way its better for the dog.
And to think....our minx cat bosses our black labmix female around and wouldn't let her get to her food when we firstgot her (the cat). And Lady (lab) is afraid of thebunnies...she tries to duck away from them.

But I always keep my eye on Lady. We've had her since she wasborn in 1997 and as much as I know her and love her and know her gentlenature...she is still a dog.

And to think....our minx cat bosses our black labmix female around and wouldn't let her get to her food when we firstgot her (the cat). And Lady (lab) is afraid of thebunnies...she tries to duck away from them.

But I always keep my eye on Lady. We've had her since she wasborn in 1997 and as much as I know her and love her and know her gentlenature...she is still a dog.

I had a black lab mix named Lady once. She wasgreat with all animals except poulty. She had a craving for them. But,we fixed the problem by keeping the chickens and the dog penned up awayfrom each other. We never punished her for it, cause we knew shewouldnt know what was happening, and didnt know better. She was greataround the bunnies, horses, and everyone else. the guy I have nowdoesn't really bother anyone. He'll chase cats, but thats it.
dixonsrabbitry wrote:
Also once a dog gets the taste of blood like that they killagain. Trust me. i lived on a farm once and dealt with dogs killinglivestock and other animals. Its not because its a hunting thing. Goodhunting dogs are trained to hunt on command. Not kill animals atrandom. And labs are mostly retrievers. They hunt and retrieve birds.When they start killing small animals like cats and rabbits at randomwithout supervision, then its time to keep them away from the smalleranimals. Or find them a new home. Or have them put down. Either way itsbetter for the dog.

i dont have a Lab.. i have a Springer.. i wont EVER get a lab.. eventhough my grandparnets have one and is very sweet, and my cousins justgot a black lab mix. i just wont get a lab, bacause in an evalouationthat was done, Labs and Cockers were tied at number one for the nippestdogs.. my grandparnets dog used to nip ALL the time when she wasyounger.. then she got hit by a car (on her popperty my grandpa owns atralior company) she got FAT! and so she clamed down.. and the lab mycousins got my little cousin tripped over her, and the dog turnedaround growled showed her teeth and tried to bit her! now thats notright! and the dog is only 6 months. and everybody (but for my mom anddad, brother, and i) yelled at her, for that! when it was the dogsfault for laying right there, and showing her teeth and growling andtrying to bit her!
mesilly wrote:
Cinnabun wrote:
thats SOOOOOOO NOT true! not every EVERY dog! only SOME dogs! my dogbit me drew blood stiches (4) on the lip.. everyone slapped her (i hither more) she NEVER bit anyone that hard again! and my dog drew bloodon other animals too.. she didnt continue to "kill"

You abused your dog and you openly admit that here? Gods, no freakin' wonder your dog bit you. I'd bite you too.

UHH HELLO! i was bending down to give her a hug! after she bit me islapped her across the face, and slamed the gate in her face.. at leasti didnt hit her with a 2X4 like what someone i know did to their dog!its not wrong to slap your dog.. not hard.. and then everyone eles hither too! and in the morning i woke up to her SLEEPING RIGHT NEXT TOME.. after that me and her got close! how eles are you soppose to trainthem without giving them a slight slap on them?! yelling no?! thatdoesnt help WITH A SPRINGER MIGHT I ADD!

BTW; your a Newbie here so which means you dont know me.. so if youhave a problem with me please PM me. so we can talk about this in awell behaved manner!
The few of you that talked about hitting,slapping, or beating your dogs...you do know how cruel that is don'tyou? And that it's a crime?? You're a million times worse than the dogsthat chase your rabbits...dogs do it out of instinct, you do it bychoice. Humans have the ability to reason and make good judgmentswhereas animals don't. Anybody that lays an ill fated hand on an animalis pathetic, plain and simple.
mesilly wrote:
Cinnabun wrote:
she HAS a fenced in yard! and i let my dog run in the fron tyard, ANDthe back yard.. back yard is fenced.. front isnt.. and my dog beforethat had FULL access to both and the back wasnt even fenced in! so yeahand my dog attacks cats, and other animals.. the labs she has areHUNTING dogs.. but arent trained to be one the hunting side just kicksin.. its the same with my dog! she wants to kill my bird and any birdsthat come in my yard (same with cats) and if she ends up killing a catoh well.. that cat was on MY popperty.. the cat SHOULD be inside, or ona leash! and yeah its not her fault that the dogs grabbed the rabbit!and even before.. the dogs BROKE into them! she KNOWS what she isdoing

Then both you and she are freakin' idiots. Why would you leave dogsthat have KILLED ANYTHING loose in an unfenced, or an obviouslyunsecure yard? If her dogs are killing things at night time, obviouslysomething's wrong. And I really don't think she knows what she's doing.In fact, I can tell that she doesn't. If she did, this recurringpattern wouldn't keep happening to her. I hope someone does rescuethese dogs from her. And soon.

hey now, we DONT do name calling here! and that was very rude of you!my dog HASNT killed anything.. and did you read it the right way?! WEHAVE FENCED IN YARDS! i dont knwo what hers is like but mine is aPRIVACY FENCE.. so any animal that comes in my yard we are not to blamefor what happens to them.. and im sure she knows what she was doing!she loves animals very much i am sure.. just like me!
chiquita090 wrote:
The few of you that talked about hitting, slapping, or beatingyour dogs...you do know how cruel that is don't you? And that it's acrime?? You're a million times worse than the dogs that chase yourrabbits...dogs do it out of instinct, you do it by choice. Humans havethe ability to reason and make good judgments whereas animals don't.Anybody that lays an ill fated hand on an animal is pathetic, plain andsimple.

All right. I think enough is enough for one night ya'll.

I understand everyone is upset but arguing and name calling arenot going to solve anything. Let's all just walk away take a deepbreath and approach this thing in the morning.

i agree.. people are taking what i say tooseriously, and arent reading things that i write the right way! i'm nottyring to be mean.. i hope i aint sounding mean in that, but its justthat people are reading what i write the right way and its bortheringme.. just wayyy too much stuff on my mind now.. im sorry i shouldnthave posted, but i am standing up for Bunny lover

Come on, people!

It kills me when people accuse others of being rude, when they need tocheck themselves first. If you have an opinion, express it; don't useit to slam someone else.

If you put up you hit your dog, don't expect that others are going tosay, 'Good Job!' On the other side of the coin, don't expect callingsomeone an idiot is going to get through to the person.

Take a breath and think twice before you hit the send button.

Carolyn wrote:
Come on, people!

It kills me when people accuse others of being rude, when they need tocheck themselves first. If you have an opinion, express it; don't useit to slam someone else.

If you put up you hit your dog, don't expect that others are going tosay, 'Good Job!' On the other side of the coin, don't expect callingsomeone an idiot is going to get through to the person.

Take a breath and think twice before you hit the send button.


Amen! :) And that's all I have to say ^_^
I can agree with you for the most part. But Ithink everyone gettingupset becausetheirresponsibility over a situation that could have easily beenprevented. I feel sorry for the bunnies, the dead kitten,bird,and the dogs. And hitting an animal is no way to helptrain, or correct the situation. And dogs should never be left outsidewhere the small animals are being kept(without protection), orallowedto run all over the place during the night.
My daughter has a collie mix that killscats.somebody dumped her out. she listens well and we did some trainingwith her shes very sweet with people, then one day we discovered shehad broken her chain andshe killed my cat.bluebird
The "taste of blood" thing is a complete and total myth.

All dogs have predatory instincts. In dogs like Setters and Pointersit's channeled towards seeking out prey, in Labs it's channeled towardsretrieving prey, and in Shepherds and Collies it's channeled towardsherding (which, if you look at it, has all the characteristics of ahunt - without the kill)

So the instinct is there, and if a dog is allowed to hone thatinstinct, they take it to the next inevitable level: attacking andkilling.

They're simply acting to the full extent of their instints.

Dogs do not get "a taste of blood". Dogs develop a skill. They learnhow to chase and kill an animal, and they want to do it again. Kind oflike the dog who learns how to get into the garbage or open the fridge.It gets them some kind of reward, and they want to do it again.

Plain and simple.

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