If hate could kill

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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2005
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Hutto, Texas, USA
If hate could kill my dogs would be dead... Let me explain my long sad story.

Me and my sister have 2 dogs... They are black lab mixes. Well, one is named Midnight (my sisters) and one is mine (popcorn).

Midnight was found about 1 year ago killing a kitten of our neighborsin the middle of the night.The kitten happened to be the favorite ofthe whole neighborhoods... Then she was found attacking a budgie (wedon't know whos that was...). After that she was caught withone of my rabbits in her mouth. She was running around and throwing itby the time we caught her (also in the middle of the night). I was somad. That was when we decided to get rid of her... But nobody wants adog that cant be with other animals smaller than her (everything). Wehave posted about a million ads on the internet and in the newpaper butnobody wants her so we are stuck with her.

Tonight; Today I had Bell in for the first time in about 1 month (wedidn't want to stress her out). She was very skittish and shy. When itwas time for her to go back in the cage (which is outside) she flipped.We had just built this new frame for the cages with slits so poop couldfall through. Well, when I tried to stick her inside she jumped out ofmy arms and fell through one of the slitts. My dog Popcorn immediatlyattacked her. Then Midnight attacked Popcorn and then attacked Bell.Bell tried to run away. I grabbed Midnight (on accident) by her ear andthe skin on her back. She started yelping and dropped Bell. Popcornstarted to chase her. Then I let go of Midnight to get Bell andMidnight grabbed her and started to run away. That is when I started toscream. I ran after her and finally she dropped her. I ran and pickedher up (kicking my dog and Midnight on the way).

I ran into the house and me and my sister washed heroff.She does not have any injurys. We let her stay in for therest of the day but then I took her out and she is now safely back inher cage.

Midnight and Popcorn are still looking for homes. They are locked on a20 ft. chain around a tree. They don't know they did anythingwrong. They have had training but it failed. They are very good exceptwith other ANIMALS!

I could not believe she was still alive... After watching my otherbunny die I could not believe she survied. I cried for the next hour. Ikeptthinking about how she could be gone and killed likeGemini (the rabbit)and BBQ (the kitten). I still can'tbelieve she is here and I really wish that I couldkeep all myanimals inside but everybody is allergic to them and my mom says theystink!
:(:( That really stinks....glad to hearyour bunny is ok though!! My son has a cocker spaniel and shedoes great with the bunnies...almost wants to mother them, if not playwith them. I also have a siberian husky that saw them oncewhile they were in the playpen and she snapped at one...thats the lasttime she's seen em!! She's outside if the bunnies areout! I'm guessing that if worked with she'd be fine...but dueto her size I'm not gonna chance it.

Sorry to hear everyone can't get along...but again, glad to hear your bunny is ok!

Good luck finding homes for the dogs!
Oh, hun, I'm so sorry. I can't imagine how horrible you must be feeling :(

Some dogs just can't get along with smaller animals, and I'm so sorryyou're having to deal with the dogs being aggressive towards yourbunnies.

Take good care of the dogs, make sure they're healthy, socialized, welltrained, and well loved, and it'll be a lot easier to find homesfor them if they behave and are people friendly.

Oh, no. Sounds like you've had a rough time...Onetime i had our dog Patches in the coop (he let himself in) so ifigured, the buns are in their hutches, no biggie, right? Wrong.

I opened Briar's door, Patches barked and jumped up, Briar flipped andjumped/fell onto the floor, luckily, he ran behind me, and Patches wasin front. I was in a panick and just grabbed whatever of Patches icould before he took off after Briar. No one got hurt, and Briareventually calmed down...This is partially why Patches is chained, hechased cows out of the fence and ran them miles around our place...andhe nips at people he doesn't know.

First of all Bunny lover you have a major problem on your hands

Labs are Hunting dogs they aremeant toflush and retrieve animalsespecially rabbits, birds andsuch . My suggestion is to find aHunter who needs a good retreiver theystill can be trained to do itthe right way not the way theyare now.

Or your going to have to take them to ashelter and let them find thema home . how old are these dogs ?Honestly they really do not know whatthey did wrong , they were only doingwhat they have been doingfor years , theyaretrained todo that , You may not have trainedthem but someone trained the mother andfather and it is instinctnow with your dogs .Personally after the second instence i wouldhave found a Hunter who wantedgood dogs or i wouldhave had them put down . sorrycold cruel maybe but whatsworse than a dog running amok killing everything inits path .

another point Hon , you couldhave been severly bittenyourself , you were very lucky.
My dogs have never bitten anyone but I don't tryto think about that possibility. We have payed for numerous trainersand they all did really good. But as soon as she got home she wouldforget everything she learned EVERYTHING!! We were going to put her inthe shelter but the shelters said Nobody ever adopts Black Labs becausethey are known to cause trouble. She said they most likely would be putto sleep but we can't bear that because other than her animal problemand her lisenting problem she is very sweet and the perfect dog (notethe problems up above). We got her when we bought the house 3 yrs. ago.The owners found her on a railroad and didn't want to keep her sincethey were moving, so we took her. We know she is around 3 1/2 yrs. old.
oh wow! if i were you, i would have beaten thosedogs the first time they killed one of my rabbits! (and i LOVE animals,i just hate it when that happens) like when my dog bit Missey on herear one day, i Smacked my dog and yelled NO! and then i just left heralone for 3 days! when she attacked a Cat in OUR yard, i was mad forabout 5 min.. i dont really like cats (bad bad experience with them)..and after she bit her, my Dog LOVED Missey.. they sit on the ground andplay with each other (while i am watching of course) and if Britt gotto out of hand i just made sure she knew.. and Britt now trys to playwith Cinn.. bt Cinn doesnt want anything to do with her! whats reallyfunny though, is holding the rabbit down to the ground, and chasingBritt downstairs wit her.. LOL thats soo funny! im glad your bun isokay! and i hope you find a good home for them! oh and my dog is also aHunting dog, but shes more of a Bird Dog rather than hunting rabbitsand such.. (English Springer Spaniel) so i cant have her in the roomwhen Buster is out.. because one day i had them in the room togetherand my Dog would NOT get her eye off of Buster.. and when he took offto fly Britt followed him!

She also Chases the birds in the sky esp Geese! LOL.. and she chasesthe birds out of the yard.. shes a VERY good bird dog, to bad shedoesnt hunt
Play with her often, labs are family dogs, youneed to practice that obedience!Of COURSE they'll forget allthey've learned if you never pracitce it! Make sure she gets lots ofexercise to work off all that excess energy, play with her, give herchew toys, and give her praise when she does what is asked.

You may need to extablish dominance over her, that way, she'll respectyou. If you're not sure about establishing dominance, or if you haveestablished dominance, ask me.

Well, we worked with her for a long time but mymom decided we would try again with a different trainer since shedidn't seem to be doing very well. So when she came home she was fine..But, after that first day things went down hill again!! We are justtired of dealing with her!
ok i understand you have hadmany trainers withthe dog but may i bea bold to ask who gottrained with the dog ? a fullytrained dog isnt going to staytrained unless there is a person who knowsthe commands and is there toenforce it . basically what needs to bedone is when a doggoes into training the owner goes in also, that way you learn how to handle thedogs . They learn to listen to youand to not go off on a willynilly when the mood strikes.

Its a very sad lifefor a dog chained to a tree allday and all night , think about whatwould be best for thedog hon , My Husbandhad fully trained bird dogs andrabbit dogs , he said tryputting an add in your news paper sayingATTENTION HUNTERS 2 Black Labs trainedbut need work: To AGood Hunting family only .

I do have to ask why thesedogs were left to rn freeespecially at night ? doesnt your town orstate have leash laws? Or do you have them insidea fenced in enclosure?
Hi, first of all when Midnight was in training(and Popcorn) either me or my Mom was working with him and thetrainer... The next thing is, they were only chained to the tree for acouple hours since we considered that their punishment (they love torun). They have plenty of toys and we go on walks with them almostevery weekend. They have 2 acres to run around on and on the weekendthey run around the whole neighborhood (about 2 miles around and the 11acres next door belong to my grandpa) , only coming back when they needa drink and then we lock them up. They also are contiunally played withwhen we get the chance and get treats all the time. Yes, the state lawis keep dogs on a leash at all times unless kept on your property. Theyhave a huge fenced in yard.
Once a dog gets the taste of blood, thats it.they continue to kill the animals they want to play with. Beating neverevercorrects the situation. No matter how many times you trycorrecting the dog, they will turn around and do it again because theydon't know any better. They see smaller animals as prey, and somethingto play with.
Get that rabbit to a vet asap! Dogs shake andpuncture their prey when they bite. It doesn't always means she's gonnableed either. There is a possibility she will die within the next fewdays from shock, or hidden bite wounds from the attack.

Never let your dogs run all over the place. I don't carewhetheryou are in town, or in the country.Thatsjust asking for trouble. Dogs left to run loose without any control orgood training do these things. 1. Start killing other small animals. 2.run off. 3. Start killing lives stock. 4. Take chances of getting shot.5. destroy other peoples property. 6 get picked up by the local lawwhere it ends up at the pound, and you get fined for it. So what youshould do is confine the dogs in a nice fenced yard, or a roomy kennelwhile they are outside. Or train them to stay home.

And lastly(and I think I have said this to you before), keep your dogsaway from your other pets. Period! cause if you don't they'll end upkilling them. But since they've already got the taste of blood(eventhough it aint their fault), your probably better off having themeuthanized at the pound or a vet. Or give them to someone who isresponsible enough to take care of them.

dixonsrabbitry wrote:
Once a dog gets the taste of blood, thats it. they continue tokill the animals they want to play with. Beating never ever correctsthe situation. No matter how many times you try correcting the dog,they will turn around and do it again because they don't know anybetter. They see smaller animals as prey, and something to playwith.

thats SOOOOOOO NOT true! not every EVERY dog! only SOME dogs! my dogbit me drew blood stiches (4) on the lip.. everyone slapped her (i hither more) she NEVER bit anyone that hard again! and my dog drew bloodon other animals too.. she didnt continue to "kill"
Ok, I'm just sharing my opinion, because I'vebeen in your situation. First, I have to agree with Gypsy,for a dog to be trained and remain trained, they have to be worked withevery day. I also agree with dixonsrabbitry, to anextent. We had a husky/shepherd who was very aggressivetoward our cats when she was young, to the point that she made 1 bleed,but she got past that as she got older. I know this is ararity though. I also agree that you are very lucky not tohave been bitten. I was bitten when I was young when I gotbetween 2 fighting dogs and anyone I know who has been bitten wasbitten in this manner.

Being labs, your dogs have tons of energy. You have to takethe time to exercise them daily. I have a lab/rottie mix andhe gets walked every morning before I go to work and everyevening. He also has a lot of time outside, but he is on achain then. Also, in the summer, I take himswimming. He is really good with my animals, but he has beenaround them since I brought him home when he was 6 wks old and Iintroduced him to my ferrets that day. He is funny with therabbits, he basically ignores them and just stares at the wildones. On the other hand, my mom's great dane, who would neverhurt a fly, thinks she is the great white hunter of rabbits and takesof like a crazy woman when she sees one outside. (She has badknees and hips, but boy can she run when she wants to.)

My suggestion is to look for a good hunting family. They needexercise and training and they will receive this from people who areused to training hunting dogs. Until this can be done, youhave to keep them separated from other animals. This is yourresponsibility. If they get off your property, and hurtsomeone else's animals, your family could be sued. I alsowould look into that leash law, most of the time it specifies you musthave your dog under control, meaning that just running free is notacceptable. In my area, you have to have a fence, aninvisible fence or the dog leashed or chained unless you are certifiedas a trainer.

As far as beating the dogs, that never gets you anywhere, in fact, ittends to make them more aggressive or they are scared of you.

Good luck, (I didn't mean to lecture, sorry.)

dixonsrabbitry wrote:
Get that rabbit to a vet asap! Dogs shake and puncture theirprey when they bite. It doesn't always means she's gonna bleed either.There is a possibility she will die within the next few days fromshock, or hidden bite wounds from the attack.

Never let your dogs run all over the place. I don't care whether youare in town, or in the country. Thats just asking for trouble. Dogsleft to run loose without any control or good training do these things.1. Start killing other small animals. 2. run off. 3. Start killinglives stock. 4. Take chances of getting shot. 5. destroy other peoplesproperty. 6 get picked up by the local law where it ends up at thepound, and you get fined for it. So what you should do is confine thedogs in a nice fenced yard, or a roomy kennel while they are outside.Or train them to stay home.

And lastly(and I think I have said this to you before), keep your dogsaway from your other pets. Period! cause if you don't they'll end upkilling them. But since they've already got the taste of blood(eventhough it aint their fault), your probably better off having themeuthanized at the pound or a vet. Or give them to someone who isresponsible enough to take care of them.

she HAS a fenced in yard! and i let my dog run in the fron tyard, ANDthe back yard.. back yard is fenced.. front isnt.. and my dog beforethat had FULL access to both and the back wasnt even fenced in! so yeahand my dog attacks cats, and other animals.. the labs she has areHUNTING dogs.. but arent trained to be one the hunting side just kicksin.. its the same with my dog! she wants to kill my bird and any birdsthat come in my yard (same with cats) and if she ends up killing a catoh well.. that cat was on MY popperty.. the cat SHOULD be inside, or ona leash! and yeah its not her fault that the dogs grabbed the rabbit!and even before.. the dogs BROKE into them! she KNOWS what she is doing
Cinnabun wrote:
she HAS a fenced in yard! and i let my dog run in the fron tyard, ANDthe back yard.. back yard is fenced.. front isnt.. and my dog beforethat had FULL access to both and the back wasnt even fenced in! so yeahand my dog attacks cats, and other animals.. the labs she has areHUNTING dogs.. but arent trained to be one the hunting side just kicksin.. its the same with my dog! she wants to kill my bird and any birdsthat come in my yard (same with cats) and if she ends up killing a catoh well.. that cat was on MY popperty.. the cat SHOULD be inside, or ona leash! and yeah its not her fault that the dogs grabbed the rabbit!and even before.. the dogs BROKE into them! she KNOWS what she isdoing

Then both you and she are freakin' idiots. Why would you leave dogsthat have KILLED ANYTHING loose in an unfenced, or an obviouslyunsecure yard? If her dogs are killing things at night time, obviouslysomething's wrong. And I really don't think she knows what she's doing.In fact, I can tell that she doesn't. If she did, this recurringpattern wouldn't keep happening to her. I hope someone does rescuethese dogs from her. And soon.
Its funny how my lab mix is well behaved aroundother animals, despite his hunting instincts. Of course he's beentaught to leave the other animals alone, and knows the meaning of theword no. Even a trained purebred lab won't bother smaller animals. Theonly thing he has ever done is chased a cat before, but never hurt it.He's been around my rabbits. He's never hurt them. when he isallowe din my house he is not allowed to touch my birds. He knows it isa big no-no. It all boils down to teaching the dog how to behave aroundother animals.
Cinnabun wrote:
thats SOOOOOOO NOT true! not every EVERY dog! only SOME dogs! my dogbit me drew blood stiches (4) on the lip.. everyone slapped her (i hither more) she NEVER bit anyone that hard again! and my dog drew bloodon other animals too.. she didnt continue to "kill"

You abused your dog and you openly admit that here? Gods, no freakin' wonder your dog bit you. I'd bite you too.