I need to have my wisdom teeth taken out.....

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Myne where impacted on the bottum which mean they where growing towards my other teeth instead of up.

I did not have the choose but I hate being put completly under so I would have been awake anyway. Being so young though I thihk my mom made the choice.

I got up and walked out of the office you will be fine. Good luck when it comes
All four of my wisdom teeth were growing up under my back molars, so my experience was really unpleasant. My mom didn't have any insurance (on herself or me) then (I was 16), so they did things as cheaply as possible, meaning that I just got the local instead of being put under, which they wanted to do with me. Even so, I didn't feel any pain during, just after the meds wore off. Then, I was able to control the pain with otc stuff at home.

Amy, you will have a much easier time of it than I did! If you're worried about anxiety, make sure you go through your concerns with the dentist beforehand, and they should be able to give you a valium to take beforehand to help deal with it. I recommend talking everything over with the dentist first, so you know exactly what to expect. At least that way, you won't be wondering about it. (Unless knowing stuff like that makes you more anxious, of course.)

ETA: When you'll be getting them done, make sure you have some soft foods on hand to eat after. If you feel pain or discomfort, you won't want anything crunchy or that requires a lot of chewing, that will make things worse. My mom made me some hearty-but-soft split peas with tiny ham chunks soup. I didn't have to chew anything! Mashed potatoes, stuff like that, is good.
Aaah, I'm sorry my thread scared you! Just remember that I was on a lot of tramadol and codeine whilst posting much of it lol :p

Mine were more painful because they weren't even remotely poking through the gums yet, so it was a bit more of an 'involved' procedure to get them out. I also ended up with an infection afterwards which caused a lot of pain. Most of the 'bad' pain I had was over within a couple of days though, with lots of strong painkillers.

Are you having your top or bottom wisdom teeth out? Because I had a top one removed a couple of years ago and that was a piece of cake. I just had heavy sedation, woke up a few minutes later and it was all done, and I was eating chinese crispy noodles that night! The recent ones I had out were bottom ones, both sides so it was more painful. I was also in hospital overnight because I had a high blood pressure, and they didn't get to me until late in the day.

Make youself a big batch of soup or something to eat afterwards! I also could eat rice as well which went down ok.

It's scary, but you'll be fine, really. I would still have mine done again if I had the choice. Much better to get them out rather than deal with infections etc later down the line. If you'd feel better with a general aneasthetic, make sure you ask about it. My brother had his upper wisdom teeth removed under a local the other week, and he's super scared of dentists, and he said it was fine, no pain at all.

undergunfire wrote:
You guys are making me feel better about getting them removed, but I am (of course) still very scared. Hopefully the surgeons (is that what you'd call them?) are nice and work with me through my panicking.

I am worried about having to miss work. I can miss as many days as I want, but I get paid hourly. I hope they can take them out on a Friday and I can be back in work by Tuesday...that is already missing 2 days!

I can totally live off of ice cream shakes, apple sauce, and mashed potatoes. I had to live off of that for a few days after getting my tongue pierced :p.

I think the key to keep in mind is, these people don't want to hurt you. They understand, and they will do everything they can to make you comfortable. :)
Thanks you guys.....you are such big helps :biggrin2:!

I decided that when Ryan goes into our dentist on Friday to get his fillings, I will ask about rescheduling my fillings. My bottom wisdom teeth are killing me today (and were yesterday, too)...so I want to make sure I have all of the deductible (right word?) there for my wisdom teeth removal. I can then just get my fillings in January since they aren't causing me pain and the dentist said they were really small.

Yeah, I will definitely let them know about my anxiety issues before we do anything else. I will also stock up on soft foods for recovery!

Jen...I have to get all 4 removed. My top right has come down, but the other three are working their way down as I type, lol. It is really painful. My whole bottom jaw feels tight, my teeth feel like they are smashing together, my ears/sinuses are hurting....and I keep having head aches. So...I am hoping they will let me get them taken out ASAP instead of doing my fillings right away.
Also, make sure you have someone scheduled to drive you home after. You will be groggy after waking up, and you won't be able to drive yourself.
I assuming that an oral surgeon (not the dentist) will be removing your wisdom teeth? I'm much more comfortable with an oral surgeon removing wisdom teeth.

I had mine removed when I was about your age (plus 2 other teeth - a total of 6). I didn't have any problems and even ate a Wendy's baked potato when I got home right after the surgery! The pain pills did make me nauseous, so I just took Tylenol. My face was bruised, but no excessive pain.

Most certainly better to get it over and done with now.


So....they are still in. This is such bad timing, seriously...

I am waiting to have them removed because my mom's long time boy friend is dying of cancer (it's been a process over the last 6 years...started getting bad 6 months ago). We are down to the last few weeks. Ryan and I will be flying back to NY when it happens and will be there for 1 week. I am thinking of making the appt. the day I find out my mom's boy friend passes away...so I can get right in to have my teeth removed *hopefully* within a couple weeks of getting home.

I just hope I can schedule it after October 17th, as a bunch of rabbit people from Phoenix and a couple from my area (that I have never met before) are having a "bunny meet up picnic" a few minutes from my house and it is something I don't want to miss.

My teeth are killing me...randomly, like right now...but I haven't felt them hurt in days. I hope I can last a while longer. I am scared that my other teeth will get pushed around and look bad!

I am just not sure if I should try to schedule an appt. soon (hopefully within 2 weeks) because with my luck...my mom's b/f will pass away the day after and I will have to get on a plane with chipmunk cheeks.

Hrm...I just don't know what to do!

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