I hate my rabbit.

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I've often wondered about toilet paper or paper towel rolls... they are glued together and I've always been afraid to give them to my buns... won't the glue harm them?? Just curious

Not gonna lie idk, but bailey loves it stuffed with alfalfa and celery
Humans are very ignorant regarding certain species. Good to know you are talking in a non-aggressive way as rabbits will pick up on negative tones, harsh language. Morgan, our bunnies love chewing on the cut-out bottom portions of food boxes in addition to roll towel tubes, that are sectioned, and stuffed with hay. Our 5 y.o. n/male harlequin mix will carry the bottom part of the wheat thins box around like a puppy dog would carry a stuffed toy. And he makes the cutest sounds in addition to grunting when he doesn't want your hand in his private space.

StormReaper, have you reached out to any local rescue groups to speak with fosterers about your bun and her behavior? There are lots of helpful resources (via rescues, fosterers) in addition to the helpful advice already given here. One of the small mix dutches we took from the shelter just needed time to feel safe. He bit and clawed when frightened & threatened at the shelter. In our safe, loving, rabbit-friendly home he turned around and became a snuggle bun - eventually.

There are many excellent groups on Facebook. Many excellent rabbit-friendly people who can offer advice. I totally feel for the prior "existence" your Bailey had and for how she was treated by former guardians.

I'm glad to learn you have patience. And you're acting calmer and making progress with this small, frightened, dwarf bun (and dwarfs can have lots of bunny attitude). So disturbing that people get two rabbits, don't know their gender, and then babies occur. I've seen it too damn many times. Ignorant humans who shame and ridicule.
Google on Mary Cotter and Amy Sedaris Howcast rabbit videos. Novice bun humans can learn tons from the above-linked videos.

I'll try to find more links for education purposes. I know what it's like always being around grumpy, negative, shaming humans. People start to bully and absorb the negativity. Your little girl who was an outcast by sister and nephew and her awful former existence will transition in time - with the right guidance. She is lucky to snuggle with you -- and you have a caring heart.
Donna Standar, glad you are concerned about glue or toxic elements on roll towel tubes or tt rolls. Nearly all the roll towel empties we've purchased in the last few years are void of any gummy substances. Typically I cut the r.t. tube in sections, notch the corners a bit to provide a notch for their incisors to grasp, and stuff with hay. Digestible-safe cardboard material from nommage won't harm their digestive tract or cause a serious to fatal blockage/obstruction.

StormReaper, happy to learn that Miss Bailey likes the simple toys and you've got hay to keep her GI tract in optimal health.
Taking a closer look at your picture of Bailey. Lionhead/himalayan mix. Dwarfy gal. From Facebook I've seen many posts about behavior of lionheads. Many posts in general about spunky bun-tude of dwarf rabbits. Bailey is a lucky girl you care, and are teaching her you are a safe Bunny Momma. Not a human who doesn't care. Kindly keep us posted on progress. Our experiences over the last 16 years have shown that many aggressive behaviors can be redirected and channeled into positive interaction.

One bun took a year or so to acclimate and transform to the woman who adopted her. Plus the woman's scents on her hands from guinea pigs, and the strange environment she moved into.

She gave me kisses in the time we fostered her. And was fearful of certain fast movements. As Mary Cotter explains.

Our harem-boy removed from the shelter that left a scar on my hand, prior to being high on euth' list, became the sweetest bondmate to two disabled girls, and a 3rd feisty garage-sale, unwanted thriantra girl. Oh man, the red-haired gal only connected with hubby more so than I. I suspect a female in her past did her harm, and she Remembered the female scent!

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