I hate my rabbit.

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1- I respect and appreciate your honesty of the situation and how you feel.
2- Reaching out for help is great.
3- I think you need to not only read up on bunnies but watch videos as well because each one is different and seeing is different than reading.
4- She isn’t albino...it’s a REW (red eyed white).
5- She senses your frustrations with her and vice versa.
6- Bunnies dig and chew. Trying to will that behavior out of her will make it a long term battle not worth having. Instead, learn to accommodate that in an appropriate way.
7- How old is she? Females not only need to be fixed for reproductive and behavior reasons but for health reasons. They develop uterine/ovarian cancers at a higher risk.
8- Rabbit spay/neuter is expensive and actually dangerous. That is why you need to have a bun-vet do it. They are more sensitive to anesthesia.
9- Due to cost, please find your local (state) House Rabbit Society and discuss her with them. Any good bunny rescue will either help you with the spay, offer to take her (verses rabbit stew), or help you re-home her.
10- Like others have stated, rabbits cannot vomit. They just can’t. The vet who told you she was doing this for behavior reasons is a complete moron.
11- Bunnies are rarely vocal. I have one that is adorably grumpy and he will grunt (or honk) at me if I pick him up or mess with his face. *He is an Angora so touching him for haircut purposes is necessary. I love his grumpy little self.
12- If she had destroyed “irreplaceable” items more than once, that’s on you. “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me”. Those things should have been put out of her reach in the beginning...or where she could not access them.
13- No matter how hard you try to bun-proof a house, those little clever bunnies will be sure to remind you what you missed... all the time.
14- Like others stated, create her a space. Block off a room or a hallway... I have free-roam bunnies but there are still places they are not allowed to go.
15- Declawing any animal is cruel and inhumane. Would you like the end of your fingers chopped off at the knuckle?
16- I have a bunny that can jump like a deer and one that can climb like a bear. Make their space accommodate their needs.
17- She may be bored. Rabbits get bored unless they have things to stimulate them- and you still have to mix it up from time to time. Branches are good (bun safe ones) because they tend to crack and break and every one is different. I have a bun that loves the noise the branches make as he chews them. Dig boxes are great. “Treat grabbers” are great. I have a string of twine spread across an area with clothespins on it. I will put their Romaine lettuce, pieces of cilantro, parsley, a carrot chip, or whatever they love on the clothespins and they have to work to get them. Standing, spinning, hopping...anything to enrich their minds.
18- Treat “bags”. I recently went searching for new enrichment ideas and my buns really have a love/hate relationship with them. It is literally a brown paper lunch bag (an get 50 at the dollar store) and I put a small handful of hay (so they have to search a little) and then I drop a few pellets, papaya pieces, dried apple, or another treat they love (and can smell) in the bag and tie the top closed with twine (they can chew that too). Then I cut little 1/2 inch slits in several places (to let the “aroma” out) and give them the bag. I will give them a few little bags a day. It keeps them busy for a good amount of time- because they just know that treat is in there! I put a few in each one so it’s not a one-hit-wonder. Super cheap and boom- bunny enrichment!
18- Personally, I believe you do have a soft spot for her. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t have taken the time to reach out or even take her in the first place. I think you need to step back, take a deep breath, relax and get to know her and learn her behaviors. I have 5 and each one could not be more different. Rabbits take time and patience. Their nutritional needs are quite extensive (and a requirement). You don’t trust her and she does not trust you. Time for a re-set. If you are willing and able to put in that time, a bunny can be a best friend. They are very loyal to their “hooman”.
19- In all seriousness, if you are not willing to make that effort, please try to find her another home. Bunnies are a 10 year commitment (give or take). Find a rescue to help you. Please don’t post on Craigslist or give her to just anyone. Rabbits are treated so cruel in so many situations. I know you hate her, but someone else may love her. Find her a safe transition.
20- Finally, welcome to the forum. I can tell you that no matter what my squad does, I can find help, an answer, a resource, a shoulder to cry on or even someone else with the same exact thing going on in this forum. Real people. Real lives. Real bunnies. Real experiences. Reach out- you are not alone.
Oh.....and so many great stories to make you laugh! *I recommend reading and following Flakes just as one example. His bun Dortmund is hilarious. His molestation and sex-capades with his stuffed Moose were too funny and unleashed many others to tell their tales of similar experiences. Maybe your bun needs a “stuffie”.
Good luck and have a little patience in dealing with her currently and thinking of what is best for both of your futures.
Try cutting her nails or at least check their length, she might be trying to fix them herself. When you get her fixed, her bad behaviour will die down. The cost forgetting a female bunny will cost significantly more than a male. Rabbits are NOT cheap animals. If you can afford Rabbit Insurance, you should get that. I think I pay £16 a month for Apollo. You can also limit her space to one room so she doesn’t get into everything until she knows what to do and not do. Get her a dig box ( a cardboard box filled with hay). Give her time and space. She will not like being held by you for a long time because she’s had bad experience with you. But loaded with banana (which is a treat and should be used in moderation) and lots of time, she’ll love you.

By the way, no matter how hard I laughed at the comment, please don’t cook her. If it’s the last resort you could put her up for adoption or sell her.

“...please don’t cook her.” Made me giggle but also realize you are being serious. Just not something you see every day.
As you being a new rabbit owner, you start with a small area of your home for your rabbit to free roam.
So about 2 weeks ago, I came to be the owner of an albino rabbit. Now imma be honest. The only reason I got the rabbit was because my nephew (8). Who the rabbit was bought for. Changed his mind and don't want it. Ight, sis was going to sell it to be eaten. But, I felt bad for the little girl. So I adopted her.

I've owner her for 2 weeks. Spent 5 weeks handling and feeding before she got moved to my quarters.


Now, most I've seen is stuff saying the rabbit is bored. NAH, see Ive always raised birds and dogs. So besides for when I'm at work. The little bun bun is able to roam free.

She has chew wood things, bell toys, and toliet paper roll cleaned and filled with hay.

She is happy. Shows all the signs of a happy rabbit.

But. She hates me and the feeling is mutual.

So I sleep on a couch and she will snuggle me if I force it. (Not smart but I need her to get used to me.) She refused to cooperate with doing it slowly. She let's me pet her. Let's me feed her. Let's me do the stuff I should be happy to be able to do.

But, she claws everything. I had nice blankets gone, photos of deceased. Relatives, gone. Anything on a high shelf. Guess what she's climbing it and chewing on it. Oh going to play pin her. Nah she going to whine till she pukes them claw you the whole time ur cleaning it up.

Oh u made a sharp noise to get her attention. Hope u hated ur wallpaper.

Oh was ur box spring NEW ad you saved for a mattress.. HAHA not anymore.

I've abandoned rabbit training and am 800 in debt from damages she has caused me.

I wanna just yeet. Her out my window.

I hate her
I hate this rabbit.

No amount of light butt pops, or lower quality feed as punishment works.

Nothing fixes it. She has 1 week before I have rabbit stew. I can't take it much more

I give up

It's natural behavior for bunnies to chew, dig, forage and mark their territory . I would suggest that you have an a proof area for you bunny to free roam in when your not home. Puppy pens are great cause attach more pens or you can get extra panels. What is recommend is 24 square feet or more of a bunny proofed area for your bunny to free roam in while your not home. Also having a home base for you bunny where they know where their litter box is, food, hay and water may help your bunny with litter box training. Rabbits poop while they eat. That may help with your rabbits litter box training. When your home you can supervisor your bunny out of her enclosure.

Rabbits are very delicate creatures. They have fragile neck and backs. Pinning your bunny to the ground can seriously hurt her. If your bunny is making screaming or whining noises, you're hurting your bunny and it can kill your bunny by putting excessive force on her. Hurting your rabbit by pinning, swatting any where on its body or face, throwing things and yelling at will cause your rabbit to distrust you and they'll never bond with you.

For bonding with your bunny it a good idea to hang out in area with her supervised. Reading a book, lying on the floor with a treat in your hand and talking to your bunny. With bonding with your bunny she'll get to know you and you teach your her voice command them to come to you.

Rabbits don't understand punishment, they understand being rewarded with positivity. If your bunny is chewing on something, give her a toy instead to chew on and say good girl. Same thing with her litter box. Pick up the poop or wipe the urine up with paper towel. Put it in her litter box. Where she had peed spray it with vinegar. When you catch her about to pee or poo but scooting backwards pick her and put her in her litter box and reward with a treat and say good girl.

This is why its best to supervisor your new rabbit when free roaming. Its a common mistake that rabbit owner do when they get a pet rabbit cause they misinformed.
The common thing I hear lot when I tell people I have a rabbit as a pet people say, " I once had a rabbit" then they tell they had a free roam bunny and it died because it chewed a house plant, an electrical cord or that they had a collar leash around their rabbits neck and when their rabbit jump it snapped it neck.

Here are some resources in Illinois if you can't take it anymore and if you really don't want to work with her - please consider contacting them. From the House Rabbit Society - GREAT resource if you own a bun

Rescue locations below, accessible links to them are here: https://rabbit.org/independent-rabbit-rescue/

Illinois House Rabbit Society/Bunnies United of Chicago* (HRS chapter)
Red Door Animal Shelter
Critter Camp Exotic Pet Sanctuary
Chicago HRS
Wonder Bunny Rabbit Rescue

If you decide to keep and work with her, there are about 35 vets on this list in Illinois (House Rabbit Society of Illinois): https://bunniesunited.org/vet-listings/
We took in a bun who disliked my female scent enormously. She was a stray, and was abandoned or found near a mink farm area. She developed a strong bond with hubby. We got her spayed of course. For many months to over a year, she always preferred hubby! Jumping in his lap as he sat in an ez-chair. Plunking down in his lap as he gave gentle ear rubs. and she readily tooth-purred. As she aged, she mellowed and became fond of affection from me. Gradually applying kisses.

Hope you can reach-out to rescue organizations that will help your NZW or pink-eyed/albino gal find a forever-loving home. Plus get spayed.

I'm aware of several exotic vets in northern IL who are recommended by alumni adopters. You can also check into Hoppy Hour activities planned by certain rescue groups. Hoppy Hour events are a fun way to interact with other bun parents and share information.
Update at the start of week 6.

So, behavior has changed. The last 2 days. I noticed it. Her biting. Turned. To more soft nibble. What I used to have to pop her little butt for she is now doing to drag my hand where her face inches. I assume. Usually the edge of the neck/behind the ear.

She also is starting to "communicate better. Her food got wet and I haven't noticed yet. Don't spill it. Stomp. In front of it while starin at human. And he notices.

Clawing. Is, still there. But. I've noticed it's more accidental. And not to be mean. She gets scared when I go to sit and now she is getting used to being moved onto the couch with me more. She is clawing less

She hates wires, idk how I got lucky with that one. She is free roaming as I sleep rn. And I wake up these last 3 days with bun bun on my belly.

I took a full force stomp when I got called into work before she was ready to get up.

I removed the bed frame and box spring.from the room as I said I didn't have a mattress yet so no need for it.

She and my parakeet are getting along. Shiro, will drop like, a peice of wood from outside I get for him to build a nest.

I watched him drop a stick infront. Of her yesterday.

What happened

The only thing out of the ordinary. Was she pissed on me.

Like, since then

Litterbox, honestly not have had much issue yes she poops when she eats buuuttttt. I can sweep up rabbit pellets. She pees on her blanket and in her bedding box (litter area)

She won a lot of battles getting the room set up and adjusted. But, if she keeps improving like this last week. I may have a snuggle bun (more snuggle for 10 mins then go play for a while is our relationship lately)

Punishment honestly hasn't changed I want to clerify I'm in no way beating on this rabbit. While yes she is a smaller mammal then I'm used to she is still Smool. And needs appoperate level is pop. But she is in no means fight clubbed through the roof.

But so far,. We may be getting some where

(Pic from us snuggling tonight)


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Also update as to why this rabbit is already more apt to hate humans

Before I took her in her and her brother shared a cage. Well incest Bunnies and sis threw them all out

Well bailey and Charle( the bro aND sis returned)

That's when they were seperated. And cody, my nephew quit caring after that, so I took her in. I know that probably gave her hate to humans. But, I'm starting to slowly get there with her. She is getting there
Also the "puking" my dumb ass hadn't ever seen rabbit pee when it dried so I see white puddle and rabbit in front of it my thought was vomit...

Makes me feel better, bc I didn't think rabbits had the muscles to allow regurgitation.

And all of you are right I completely did not anticipate how much effort she was going to be.

My birds all took to me fast. But, I think bailey will be a good long term pet. IF she continues to improve... and if she quits stealing all my good coats/blankets. :/
You just have to wait when she get so comfortable around you, she will try to steal your food.

At my place, you can never eat alone, they jump up and try to snatch the food from your hand or plate. They have also manage to do it a couple of times. Try to catch a bunny running away with food it’s impossible and fighting with the giant bunny will leave bruises

The only bunny that respect to not snatch food is the one that’s scared of humans. So it will be more than only blankets later xD

Wires, she might get interest for it later. My bunny Odin never had interest for wires but sometimes he get in a period he love wires and back to hating wires again. So better to be on the safe side.

Glad it’s going better with your bun. Bunnies are on of the most misunderstood pets. But you can’t help loving their quirky personality after you get to know them :)
You just have to wait when she get so comfortable around you, she will try to steal your food.

At my place, you can never eat alone, they jump up and try to snatch the food from your hand or plate. They have also manage to do it a couple of times. Try to catch a bunny running away with food it’s impossible and fighting with the giant bunny will leave bruises

The only bunny that respect to not snatch food is the one that’s scared of humans. So it will be more than only blankets later xD

Wires, she might get interest for it later. My bunny Odin never had interest for wires but sometimes he get in a period he love wires and back to hating wires again. So better to be on the safe side.

Glad it’s going better with your bun. Bunnies are on of the most misunderstood pets. But you can’t help loving their quirky personality after you get to know them :)

Omg she is becoming the most sassy person I know, and honestly I am loving it. She is mischevious asf. Rn. My house is "HaUnTeD" everyone thinks bc doors open and shut and the kids refuse to sleep up there. Tho, imma be honest it is scary 1am door slamming open.

But. Shes discovered toilet paper... that's her thing and honestly I buy 6 rolls for 1$ filled it up with hay and omg she is amused while I'm gone at work... and... freshly shredded bedding till I get a chance to go a few towns over to the pet shop for her normal better supplies
Omg she is becoming the most sassy person I know, and honestly I am loving it. She is mischevious asf. Rn. My house is "HaUnTeD" everyone thinks bc doors open and shut and the kids refuse to sleep up there. Tho, imma be honest it is scary 1am door slamming open.

But. Shes discovered toilet paper... that's her thing and honestly I buy 6 rolls for 1$ filled it up with hay and omg she is amused while I'm gone at work... and... freshly shredded bedding till I get a chance to go a few towns over to the pet shop for her normal better supplies

Wish my bunnies liked toilet paper roles, would be extremly easy for them having that as toys. Instead I use them to collect wires in one place and lift them up, so no wires are on the floor.

I know the feeling of a haunted house. Don’t know how often I’ve been woken up in the middle of the night, because of a weird sound.
I've often wondered about toilet paper or paper towel rolls... they are glued together and I've always been afraid to give them to my buns... won't the glue harm them?? Just curious

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