I hate my rabbit.

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Dec 4, 2019
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So about 2 weeks ago, I came to be the owner of an albino rabbit. Now imma be honest. The only reason I got the rabbit was because my nephew (8). Who the rabbit was bought for. Changed his mind and don't want it. Ight, sis was going to sell it to be eaten. But, I felt bad for the little girl. So I adopted her.

I've owner her for 2 weeks. Spent 5 weeks handling and feeding before she got moved to my quarters.


Now, most I've seen is stuff saying the rabbit is bored. NAH, see Ive always raised birds and dogs. So besides for when I'm at work. The little bun bun is able to roam free.

She has chew wood things, bell toys, and toliet paper roll cleaned and filled with hay.

She is happy. Shows all the signs of a happy rabbit.

But. She hates me and the feeling is mutual.

So I sleep on a couch and she will snuggle me if I force it. (Not smart but I need her to get used to me.) She refused to cooperate with doing it slowly. She let's me pet her. Let's me feed her. Let's me do the stuff I should be happy to be able to do.

But, she claws everything. I had nice blankets gone, photos of deceased. Relatives, gone. Anything on a high shelf. Guess what she's climbing it and chewing on it. Oh going to play pin her. Nah she going to whine till she pukes them claw you the whole time ur cleaning it up.

Oh u made a sharp noise to get her attention. Hope u hated ur wallpaper.

Oh was ur box spring NEW ad you saved for a mattress.. HAHA not anymore.

I've abandoned rabbit training and am 800 in debt from damages she has caused me.

I wanna just yeet. Her out my window.

I hate her
I hate this rabbit.

No amount of light butt pops, or lower quality feed as punishment works.

Nothing fixes it. She has 1 week before I have rabbit stew. I can't take it much more

I give up
That’s sounds like a normal bunny, don’t know how much my bunnies have managed to destroy until I managed to keep the important stuff safe.

They are hard to keep away from things and bunnies are quite stubborn when they start with something.

Seem like the girl won the battle this time, can’t help laughing when I read your post. Because myself have also been in the same situation. But instead my bunnies destroyed my clothes, a bed and scratching the door. Leaving beautiful marks of a work well done.
And to clarify on the puking. I've taken her to vets, she has no illness the vet told me it's behavior issue.

I'm literally being a dick to a creature, that is bringing this onto itself.
And I feel awful but I make, maybe 450 a month and in 2 weeks in my quarter she has torn up so much irre place able things.

It's almost like she wants to spend every second in a cage. My bird is NEVER CAGED NOT EVEN WHEN I GO TO WORK.

I've never had an animal straight up REFUSE to improve at all
Other than getting an X-Pen and controlling exactly what your rabbit has access too I can't make any suggestions. Not sure what I would do if I didn't get along with Dortmund. But if you really don't have any connection...
I love animals and if she would like, explore and chew on things like I anticipated cool.

But she CLAWS like I haven't found a single thing nibbled that shouldve been.
(Wires safe)
(Wood toy chewed)

Aything of value shredded and clawed.

I don't want her hurt. But, she may need rehomed. Especially the first time I see her even attempt to climb to the bird.
Okay, I couldn't help but laugh to the point of tears with the whole "yeet her out my window" lmao but in all seriousness, is she fixed? That should definitely be done right away if not. Besides that, if you are really wanting to keep her and make this work I definitely think you need to rabbit proof the heck out of your home. Line your box spring with x pen squares, have a rabbit friendly blanket designated just for her to chew on, get cord protectors from your local hardware store, line your baseboards with wood, just really do some research on how to rabbit proof your home. As for your valuables and such, just place them in a safe spot or up higher where there's no way she can reach. For bonding I would just lay on the floor with her, be at her level everyday for an hour or so at least , share an apple with her. Just take time to really bond. Here's a link I think may be beneficial for your rabbit proofing. https://www.thesprucepets.com/rabbit-proof-your-home-4142269
She is not fixed, and I dont have the money the vet here is trying to charge, to do it.

And honestly it's her claws.

If it was legal to declare a rabbit I'd have 0 issues with her. Her chewing isn't awful. Her playfulness isn't awful. Just her behavior and her clawing is a huge problem
Do she have a digging box, my bunny clawed a lot but she wanted to dig. So I moved her outdoors and she have built her own fortress with a moat a long the fence.

So now when she gets indoors she will just run around and be calm, not scratching the floor.
I have buit a cardboard. Like, hill I guess out of beddin she can burry herself and burrow all she wants. Like as I said her energy always going. And she is very very very rarely in a cage. Like maybe 38.5 hours a week tops. It just depends on my work schedule
Yeah, spaying is expensive. Kinda sucks since it sounds like exactly the reason why you are having so much trouble with her.
She seems to be seeking something she's not getting, I see you have tried many things and keep trying, when she's doing bad things give her something to do that same thing with that's more appropriate and make that more aluring. She can still be free roam but maybe use baby gates and enclose her in the kitchen. Every morning when your drinking your coffee sit on the floor with her and share a treat. Do the same in the evening when your getting ready for bed and reducing your screen time. Let her hop all over you and explore you, That will help with your bond. You can still free roam without letting her have full access to your house. With our bunns, they have the living room, kitchen, bathroom and halway the rest of the doors are shut and so the get about half the house. A bunn can be perfectly happy as long as they have room for zoomies and binkies. And then you'll save time and money with bunn proofing. Plus if you limit to one room you can put your keepsakes in the other rooms. You can use 1×4 planks to cover up base board or use C+C Grids or wire shelves you can get at Canadian Tire or other hardware stores for not too expensive. And remember bunns are stubborn and take months to be good. If she's not fixed, you'll be much happier after she is. Call around and find the cheapest vet that knows what their doing and you can let them know that you adopted her to avoid her from getting eaten and that you can't afford to pay the whole thing and most vets will help you out. If you have a local bunn sanctuary get in cahoots with them and see if they can help.

As much as you won't like this, give her a good 6 months before you "yeet her out the window" lol
(You cracked me up)
Always amazes me that humans are unfamiliar with a particular type of pet, and then get upset at rabbit behavior. Or people get rabbits for youngsters who quickly outgrow their interest in caring for a "toy" or anything at a young age. Do you have access to the internet to contact a rescue or shelter where animal-kind and caring humans will provide a better home? Those damn hormones and rabbits quickly pick up on your actions, tone of voice, and as somebun who needs to constantly be aware of Predatory Humans and Animals, they are going to be in Defense Mode 24/7. I understand that rescues can be filled, but for your unspayed girl's future welfare, I hope she won't cause you stress and you can get in touch with a rabbit-loving individual via rescue places in Illinois. I also have heard bad things about certain shelters in certain areas where rabbit continually get surrendered, and the euthanization rate is High.

Spaying and neutering is one thing a human should always consider when obtaining a pet. If you can't afford a pet, please contact a rescue who can help out.
Can you contact a rescue organization and have a savvy human clip her nails? Can you contact a nearby shelter and ask if they have rabbit socializers who are familiar with clipping a bun's nails?

Wait, you took her to the vet already and you didn't ask if a rabbit-savvy DVM could trim her nails for you?
I think maybe you don't have a clear understanding of what a pet rabbit is really like. Rabbits natural behavior is to dig and chew. You usually can't stop or train it out of them. It's instinctual. The best thing to do is to completely rabbit proof and find ways to divert their behavior in constructive ways, like with dig boxes, cardboard boxes to rip up, rabbit safe wood branches to chew on, etc.

If it appears at all that your rabbit is puking then something is seriously wrong. Rabbits cannot vomit. They are like horses and don't have a gag reflex. If stuff is ever coming up out of your rabbits mouth or nose, then it usually means they are currently or just were, choking on something like their food. Choking and food coming up out of the nose/mouth also puts them at high risk of developing aspiration pneumonia. So if your rabbit is frequently having choking episodes, that is something that needs to be addressed immediately. If your vet is saying 'puking' is a behavior issue, then your vet is obviously not an experienced rabbit vet and I suggest finding a different vet.

Rabbits can be a very rewarding and enjoyable pet if you take the time to learn more about them and how to best manage their life with you.
Try cutting her nails or at least check their length, she might be trying to fix them herself. When you get her fixed, her bad behaviour will die down. The cost forgetting a female bunny will cost significantly more than a male. Rabbits are NOT cheap animals. If you can afford Rabbit Insurance, you should get that. I think I pay £16 a month for Apollo. You can also limit her space to one room so she doesn’t get into everything until she knows what to do and not do. Get her a dig box ( a cardboard box filled with hay). Give her time and space. She will not like being held by you for a long time because she’s had bad experience with you. But loaded with banana (which is a treat and should be used in moderation) and lots of time, she’ll love you.

By the way, no matter how hard I laughed at the comment, please don’t cook her. If it’s the last resort you could put her up for adoption or sell her.
Rabbits CANNOT vomit .. like at all. If she is vommiting, no vet worth their salt would send her away saying its a behavioural problem, because it's not.

I've also never heard of a rabbit whining? They make some noises sure, and most hate being penned, but they normally dig ar chew bars to vent frustration.

Dogs and birds are not rabbits, not even behaviourally close, so comparing them really isnt the same.

Honestly I would suggest finding her a new home if you really hate her this much. She sounds like a totally normal rabbit to me

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