i dunno what to believe

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I think it's horrible that people turn around the good that Gates is doing for the world and making it something ridiculous and evil.
I might be a bit of a Bill Gates advocate, because he has aspergers and so does half my family, but you can't really believe that he wants to vaccinate people to microchip them can you? Gates isn't some crazy elitist. He genuinely loves helping people.
jessicalovesjesse wrote:
I might be a bit of a Bill Gates advocate, because he has aspergers and so does half my family,
He has never actually said he has Aspergers, thats just speculation. Its probably true but its not confirmed.

As for homeschooling, I wouldn't do it over regular schooling. I was in regular school up until half way through grade 10 and then 10-12+ I was homeschooled. Its way more work and harder then going to regular school, especially when in highschool. My mom is even a teacher and it was still much harder then attending regular school. Plus I missed out on a lot of regular teenage stuff because I wasn't at school with my friends.

As for sex ed I think it definitely needs to be taught in school, even at a young age. Teaching young kids anatomy and how a body works(age appropriate for young children) is important. Not all kids get talks from their parents, so if they dont' learn it at school they dont' know.

Acontrovercial bill was just passed in my province that now requires parents to give consent before any sex/ sexual orientation or religion is discussed in class. I believe this is a big mistake as all kids need to be educated on these topics. A bill like this just makes it even more taboo. I think we need more open discussions, not less. Plus the kids that dont' get consent are more likely to be picked on when they have to be removed from class because they can't participate in sex ed class. Do you want those kids that can't participate getting second hand info from the kids that did get to? I believe bills like these do more harm then good.
like i agree with everyone on parts and all, it's just some things i think are taught by the school either too early and some things too late and as for learning from other kids, yes it is benificial and crucial in some parts, but alot of things (drugs, swearing, etc.) are a bit of a concern. no i am not perfect yes i swore by the time i graduated, but even though i'm one of the few that never did drugs, i saw alot of my friends go through it and watched them compleatly mess themselves up and i won't even hang out with them or anything cause it's got the sooo messed. one of my old best friends is an example. she was actually submitted to the hospital for it cause she'd get so violent if she couldn't get her hands on what ever her newest addiction was. she tried social meetings and such, but it never worked cause she'd complealy lash out physically and it got to the point that she couldn't even talk straight. there are about 3 people that i know including her that are pretty bad. there is her, one of my other x friends actually lives on the streets cause he decided to spent rent on drugs, and another one which just steals from his parents and everyone around him for it. of course the parents are so blind to it that when someone told them they were like "naw our boy is a little angel" and convince themselves of it too. i'm kinda worried of having my kids learn that kind of stuff and just staying with it. i can understand trying it and then never touching it again, but what if they just get hooked on it and there is nothing i can do? but them in lock down and they hate you forever. turn the other cheek and it gets worse. and god knows i'd never have the heart to put my kid out of the house. but yet i won't tolerate theft. i know i really have no control over it, and in this town there are more then enough sources that i've heard of lol. i know i cant live in that fear or anything and do my best to teach them, i just hope it never comes to it >.
actually, notice that schools teach every year after "x" grade about sex and stuff, but only teach once or twice about drugs? i just realized that now o_O i think i've only had 2 drug classes in grade school and one in high school >.
I have another perspective on the socialization of kids at school. I was a kind of weird kid. Not REALLY odd, just kind of different socially (still am). I went to daycare from birth essentially and I remember thinking in preschool that I was a little different from the other kids, and in school my teachers liked to comment that I "marched to the beat of a different drummer." The social things that seemed obvious to other kids were NOT obvious to me. The big social things I was fine with, but the subtler things were kind of lost on me. Through elementary school it wasn't enough to stop me from making friends- I could make friends, I just needed more time to do it and always had a good number of friends in elementary school. As I got older though and my family moved around every year, I stopped making friends. It was harder for me anyway and kids in middle school can be rather unlikable, and I knew we were going to be moving soon so I just didn't try. I never dated either. In spite of not having friends per se, and being picked on occasionally (nothing too serious), I think it was really GOOD for me to be around all the other kids. In spite of me being rather socially awkward, I was (and am) extremely empathetic and learned how to read human behavior really well by watching the kids and teachers around me. The friends I did make always turned out to be long time, really good friends. More than once over the years I've had people tell me that I was right about another person either not really being a nice person (even if they acted nice) or actually being a wonderful person (even if they seemed weird or something) a few years down the road. At my wedding, my father gave a speech and said that when I told him I was dating my husband (who was actually my first boyfriend, started dating right after I turned 21), he was not the tiniest bit worried about what kind of person Paul was because he knew I was a very good judge of character. My mom and brother felt the same way. My point here is that even though I was a socially awkward kid, I think I truly benefited by being in school with kids my own age. If I had been homeschooled, I'm afraid I would be much more clueless about socialization and human behavior than I am now. Also I'm glad to say that while I still have some issues making friends now (transcending the barrier from small talk to friend is still kind of mysterious to me), I DO have a number of good friends :)
looks like we have something in common lol though the differences were i was picked on so hard that 1 i had the crap beat outa me on my b-day and 2 i tried suicide 2 times by the time i hit 8th grade. though, i did learn to sort of read people. i never made friends until i hit high school. and those friends have time and time again been surprised cause i've been able to give them full details on what is going to happen with different people and with their relationships i told them "i bet you anything this will last till about 5 months max then he's gonna cheat" (that was kaitlyn) and surprisingly i was right lol then again with chad's girlfriend i told him that she was going to be a real... umm... 5 letter word that rhymes with mitch lol. and i was right again. i do agree with what you say there 100%. even though i got hit so bad with words and other things, i did benefit from it. it did help me become a stronger person and even though i was willing to give up EVERYTHING later i realized that it helped to strengthen me mentally and intellectually when it comes to people in general. give me 5 minutes of convo with anyone and i can tell you exactly what kind of person they are. bad, good, trust, keep your eyes on, run as fast as you can in the other direction lol. usually about 90% of the time i would hit right on about it.

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