like i agree with everyone on parts and all, it's just some things i think are taught by the school either too early and some things too late and as for learning from other kids, yes it is benificial and crucial in some parts, but alot of things (drugs, swearing, etc.) are a bit of a concern. no i am not perfect yes i swore by the time i graduated, but even though i'm one of the few that never did drugs, i saw alot of my friends go through it and watched them compleatly mess themselves up and i won't even hang out with them or anything cause it's got the sooo messed. one of my old best friends is an example. she was actually submitted to the hospital for it cause she'd get so violent if she couldn't get her hands on what ever her newest addiction was. she tried social meetings and such, but it never worked cause she'd complealy lash out physically and it got to the point that she couldn't even talk straight. there are about 3 people that i know including her that are pretty bad. there is her, one of my other x friends actually lives on the streets cause he decided to spent rent on drugs, and another one which just steals from his parents and everyone around him for it. of course the parents are so blind to it that when someone told them they were like "naw our boy is a little angel" and convince themselves of it too. i'm kinda worried of having my kids learn that kind of stuff and just staying with it. i can understand trying it and then never touching it again, but what if they just get hooked on it and there is nothing i can do? but them in lock down and they hate you forever. turn the other cheek and it gets worse. and god knows i'd never have the heart to put my kid out of the house. but yet i won't tolerate theft. i know i really have no control over it, and in this town there are more then enough sources that i've heard of lol. i know i cant live in that fear or anything and do my best to teach them, i just hope it never comes to it >.