i dunno what to believe

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lol i know a couple of people that have it, not living in my current area, but back at home. so i dunno if it's done just yet. the one person is in the hospital from it. it started off as the flu and then she started puking up blood. i have a feeling it's going to kick back up...
I have four kids, myself and my hubby WILL NOT BE GETTING THE FLU SHOT OF ANYKIND. I dont believe the hype. I dont think the swine flu is any worse then the regular flu, i think our kids need to build up a natural immunity to things like chicken pox, the flu and things like that. I feel we over vaccinate our kids and adults to things that we can easily fight off, of course there are ALWAYS EXCEPTIONS TO THE RULE. Just my opinion of course. As far as 2012 if it happens , it happens, what can you do , right? if it happens like the movie 2012 then we are all , pretty much doomed,lol. I dont feel like stressing about that is any good,lol. But on that note I told my hubby that i want him home on 12-21-2012 lol just in case,lol!!!!!!
lol true. my dad actually went out and got a gun license incase the world went into chaos lol. he's currently trying to convince me into it lol but i dunno. i doubt i'll need it lol the house mates made a huge plan to stock up in things like machetes and such. they went agead and bought me one for my b-day in april lmao. i hung it up on the wall, only cause of the designs on it. the blade is black and it's got a silver hangle with angels engraved into it and it has an engraving along the flat end of the blade saying "for ever and always" in sliver with sort of tribal pattern starting at the hilt and fading in the color blue. it's not sharp or anything so i don't mind it.
Almost every single fatal case of it over here, had underlying health issues. They all had something wrong with them, which meant they couldn't fight the flu off. Just like any strain of flu. I don't think the casualty rate for H1N1 was any higher than any other flu virus, over here. 'Ordinary' influenza can also kill; yes, the risk factor of H1N1 MAY be higher, but from what I've seen, it doesn't seem to really deserve the publicity its had. Its no way as bad as people made out, IMHO.

I could go into the vaccines, but I won't. Just because I'm too lazy, and can't be bothered. lol

I could go into the vaccines, but I won't. Just because I'm too lazy, and can't be bothered. lol

lol thats awsome. and yea the other stuff makes sense, but it's kinda creepy thinking about it shooting up again o_O i've never been really paranoid about flu's and such, and last winter the H1N1 didn't really hit Windsor ontario, but when i came up here to North bay, i refused to go anywhere without a mask lol
Lol, this thread is getting me all worked up, because I like to get my point across, so I think i'm dismissing myself from this conversation before I go off the wall ;)

I just think, theres no reason to go out and buy WEAPONS because something someone said thousands of years ago, sounds silly to me.

IF 2012 did happen, everyones dying anyways so why kill people yourself?
Creepy and weird i must say.

This thread went from entertaining and somewhat educational to silly and .. ergh.
lmao i agree about the killing thing. it's my room mate and dad getting all (gotta get ready) i'm pretty convinced about everything now being a scam (though i still don't like the idea of them people having that much power >.
lol thats what the guys i live with think, and they're thinking it's going to be an all out war. my boyfriends brother is getting all pumped over it (i think he has a bit of a screw loose in his head). he's always saying he already has a list of people he plans to do in when the time comes. but he's in jail right now and a lot of good the list is going to do there lol. mind you he's not there for any fault of his own. he was just pinned to blame from some kids that were doing B&E's. i know he didn't do anything cause the night they said he did it he was with me and David. he was here for the whole month actually, but yet they are still charging him. as i said, i hate people that have power.
Your boyfriend's brother sounds kind of scary. I wouldn't be surprised if on Dec. 21, 2012, a couple of nutters start killing people. Not saying your boyfriend's brother would be one of them, I'm sure there are people who are MUCH worse off than him.
i'm sure there are too, i know a few of them. and yea he can be pretty scary. he's only 18 and already been in jail 2 times. the 1st was his fault but this time is not. the first time though (not going into detail, privacy issue) is what sets me on edge about 2012 and him. so yea lol.
The HN1 flu was caused by a mutation of the flu virus within a pig that allowed it to be transmitted to humans.
I'm a student at Cornell and at one point last September our health center had 100 students a day diagnosed with "flu-like symptoms." At that point they were only testing what strain of flu you had if you were hospitalized, but all the ones they did test were definitely H1N1. We had a single student death from H1N1 as well and while yeah, one student is a low number for a University seemingly inundated with student deaths last year, hearing someone has died from something certainly hits home.
The University responded by basically covering the campus with hand sanitizer and passing out free flu kits with pain meds, masks, tissues, etc. Because of our epidemic on campus they were able to get a hold of a large supply of vaccine. Before college I was never vaccinated for flu, but now I do it every year because I just don't have the time to get sick.
i have a very big fear of needles. when i was 7 i threw a tray at a nurse when she tried to give me a shot lol. then again, that same nurse tends to move the needle while it's in ur arm >.< for some reason i always got her and just had enough lol
lol i remember the collage trying to get me to get a flu shot. they said i can't continue with the course if there was an outbreak at my clinical practice if i don't get the shot. still never got it and never had to not participate. only time i didn't participate was when i got tonsillitis. i just sat in the room. one of the girls started to ream me out for being there and saying she didn't wanna catch it. i was wearing a mask, and i told her to shut her trap or i'd spit on her and make sure she caught it. it's just the way she was saying the stuff. she had her nose in the air with that "i'm so that" kind of look and saying that she refuses to be in the same room as me and to send me outside. it was just constant talking and i got fed up with it by lunch lol so i had to shut her up somehow. my teacher (who is also my moms supervisor when she's working at the nursing home) laughed and sent her out of the room to do her studies, saying i didn't have to go anywhere that i was in quarantine for the day.
Being afraid of needles is no reason not to get a flu shot. All the flu shots I've had are intranasal which is actually more effective because they use a live vaccine as opposed to a killed vaccine in the needle shots.

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