as i said about my nephew, i have no problem with his orientational decision if that is how he truly turns out, and neither does his mother. the father (who i really do NOT like and would love to throw him down the stairs, i'll explain later) is the problem (yet again), since he started putting Mikey down and poking fun at him for it. his father never really is around. mostly drunk and always putting other things before his son. currently him and my sis aren't together, which usually i would say is't 100% good, but i really like that they aren't. the father doesn't visit Mikey and refuses to pay child support. Krysta (sister) has tried to have him served numerous times, but he's a couch bouncer and always seems to just know when they're coming for him. i rarely get this angry about it, but this guy just really ticks me off, especially when i found out why him and my sis aren't together anymore. apparently he was a really "hands on" kinda guy, and not in a good way at all. my guess is that mine and my sister's bio dad didn't meet the guy since the guy is still alive >.< (just a quick minor detail, all of me and my siblings are all adopted with a few exceptions). so yea lol thats my reasoning for wanting to beat the guy up lol. i'm rather protective even over my older siblings lol but yea...
back to the schooling stuff.. i guess i was rather late then coming into all of that stuff lol, never got my "pained time" till 8th grade.. and i just guess my school was weird lol. cause cliques did start forming in 3rd grade with my school, though it wasn't what we realized. it's just looking back now it's like, i can remember certain groups forming and then later on realizing that so and so were preps, and they were jocks and those ones were scene and so on. i guess i may have just noticed it though cause i was what people called the "pick on" kid (until high school, thank god for new schools ^_^) and was just sort of in tune to reality and overly mature for my age and seeing the people for what they were (mostly pricks) but yea. and please don't take that last bit the wrong way. people keep saying "cause that happened to you doesn't mean it'll happen to your kids" and yea i realize that. it was a 1 in about a million chances that i would be "that kid" and i highly doubt it'll follow my line of kin, so thats not why i'm hesitant of sending my kids, just letting you know in advance cause at some point i know it'll come up lol.
well this is getting rather long so i'm gonna cut it off here>.< lmao