i dunno what to believe

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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
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North Bay, Ontario, Canada

^apparently facts about bill gates's opinions^

what do you think?? i dunno weather to believe it or not... whats your opinion?? any insight?? something that can ease my mind from thinking that the most brilliant minds are out to destroy us?? :( i'm paranoid if you can't tell already lol 2012 also, any ideas about that??
My theory about 2012?...
I think the mayans stopped then because they eventually had to stop somewhere, right? Plus, if they saw how humanity was revolving, they probably thought we'd all kill each other by then, anyways.

Swineflu is real, I had it and boy it was not like any flu I've ever had (and I'm always sick)
Wow that is one ridiculous article. I especially liked this comment

The reason Gates wants to vaccinate the people in Africa is he wants to have a chance to stick a needle in their arm and cause them more trouble.


I didn't see any facts in that article, only opinions and lies with no facts to back them up.

2012 is going to be any other day, just like Y2K was.
It reminds me of one that hit the internet a decade ago where Andy Rooney, of "Sixty Minutes" was supposed to have slandered black people. It was totally false. The problem is that "salacious" sells, even if it is later proved to be false. It was how Hearst built up his publishing empire.
yea the swine flu i believe is real but i'm wondering if it's man made... there was a presentation i saw a few days ago where someone let it slip that (quote) "the swine flu was a mistake of humanity's hands" and that was a doctor. there was also a news person interviewing another doctor and they asked the doctor if he would ever give his kids and family the vaccination. the doctor sayd no, but the voice he said it is was more like "HECK NO!!" there has to be a reason why a doctor of all people refuses it.

as for 2010, that all does make sense lol. never really thought of it that way before about them just stopping lol. they prolly saw what was going on and just started crying lol humans have really managed to mess things up compared to the past...
There is so so so much wrong with that "article" that I'm not even going to begin to comment on it.

However, I really really hope that people are wise enough to turn to legitimate sources to get information from.

And, for the record, swine flu is not a scam. I don't believe there was any reason for everyone to panic like they did, but it was a real strain of influenza.

I really dont like conspiracy theories that are based off nothing but paranoia and ignorance. There has to be real facts to back up claims.
gee thanks Lulu, i was asking for input, not a put down. if you don't like the article, thats up to you. i highly doubt anyone else did. i'm just saying that you never know, the government is sooo good as pulling one over on us and the population is at an all time high and still climbing. and also the fact that it came up in the news and doctors are supporting SOME of the info makes me question it. sorry if i think too far out of the box for you. so next time you snap at me, remember i bite back.
the reason a lot of people, like myself, wont get the shot is because the effects of the drugs were never tested on anything but lab mice from my understanding. which thier bodies do not work the same as ours and the flu would mutate in them i am sure so there is no evidence to back up that the swine flu vac was even safe...theres no tellng how it will effect kids 10 years from now. personally i have never had a flu shot and to this day never had the flu once.

the article was interesting...i dont know how true. sounds like a racist beleif about the planned parenthood bit. I am not a big fan of planned parenthood...and then population control. i have actually had conversations about this with friends. ex: i worked with a girl who was recently fired for lying and missing work and being on drugs. she has 7 kids, her first she had at 13 and she is only 24. she has been with the same bf who beats her and is now in jail and she lost all her kids...population control would not be bad in this circumstance where i kinda wish that fixing people would be a more thought about idea...although i think he meant more people who are mentally challenged than crack head moms.
Also, (not sure if it was stated or not) but a lot of people didnt/wont get the 'swine flu shot' because we were all told the side effects are worse then getting the swine flu itself. Something along the lines of you can get paralyzed and stuff like that. I didn't take a chance, and caught it, and can't imagine how worse it could've gotten.
jade you do have a point but i don't take too well to people stating that i'm asking a question due to (quote) ignorance and paranoia. i had no problem with the comment until that point. i wanted peoples opinions, not to be shut down. i may be only 20, still young, but i was raised from a young age not to tolerate that. it's not just on here, i go by that in life in general.
AquaticRex wrote:
jade you do have a point but i don't take too well to people stating that i'm asking a question due to (quote) ignorance and paranoia. i had no problem with the comment until that point. i wanted peoples opinions, not to be shut down. i may be only 20, still young, but i was raised from a young age not to tolerate that. it's not just on here, i go by that in life in general.
Jessica said that she didn't like conspiracy theories that were based on ignorance and paranoia, she didn't call you ignorant and paranoid. I agree with her. I like facts.

As for a doctor that wouldn't give the flu shot to his kids....... There are lots of doctors out there that aren't up on the most modern treatments for things, for some doctors their learning (in some areas) pretty much stops when they get out of med school.
(There are even nutritionists out there who believe it's just not possible to be healthy if you don't eat meat or drink milk, which is absolutely not true.) There are also doctors that might have particular beliefs when it comes to things like that, their beliefs don't stop when they become doctors. Also, specialists may know everything there is to know about their particular specialty, but have a more general (and possibly out-of-date) knowledge of other areas. I love my ENT, and trust everything he tells me about ENT issues, but I'm not going to ask him questions about my feet or my heart or my lady bits. Just because someone is a "doctor" does not mean they know everything there is to know about health-related things.

My opinion is that that article is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever read. I could write a lot about it but I won't. All I'll say is, don't worry too much about the things that are mentioned in the article :)
lol yea we did. though i still think it was man made at least lmao. i don't have much to back up that besides what someone said on a talk show, but i don't trust the government/world leaders. they've got too much power and i know they could pull something off like this if they wanted to.

and if it were true about it god knows that they would never be investigated for first degree murder of thousands, but god forbid if we drink under age >.< lol.
I don't see why the government would make a flu, when they'd have to dish out millions for the immunizations. They didn't get anything out of it, so it makes no sense. Plus, i'm sure more doctors and nurses had to work to look after all the hospitalized cases.
As for world leaders, what'd they do.. send some 'guinea pig' guy into Canada to cough on people?
Just doesn't make sense.
doesn't mean it's the government. it could just be another method of war made by another country. take down numbers and such. it did start near the states and no offense to the Americans on here, but some countries don't exactly like America all that much. personally i don't mind America, i have lots of friends and some family there, but some countries are kinda fence sitting about war and stuff... so it may not even be our gov now that i think of it, but maybe another countries government.

or it could have been even a lab mistake that is trying to be covered up?? i unno lol there are so many possibilities. yes it can be natural, but what did it start from? why hasn't anyone been able to explain it besides "it was from there." we don't exactly know if it's the truth or not. but then again, thats politics eh?
AquaticRex wrote:
or it could have been even a lab mistake that is trying to be covered up?? i unno lol there are so many possibilities. yes it can be natural, but what did it start from? why hasn't anyone been able to explain it besides "it was from there." we don't exactly know if it's the truth or not. but then again, thats politics eh?
It is natural, they can explain it and they have DNA evidence to show where it came from.

Things like this happen all the time when you have large numbers of animals, living in poor conditions, so close with humans. Viruses evolve and jump to humans from animals. Its nothing new and it wont' be the last time this happens.

Its inevitable that some virus/plague is going to come and kill off a large % of the population but I wouldn't worry too much about it being swine flu.
makes sense lol, though all in all, if there is going to be a large percentage of people dieing off, i'm willing to bet it'll be because of human mistakes and will have nothing to do with the flu's and such. it'll be humans messing with technology that is too advanced for us and people thinking they know what they're doing with it. for instance the HAARP that has been passing around from country to country. i wasn't the one that found that though, so I'm not taking credit for thinking about it's existence. if it is real then we're already starting with biting off more then we can chew but if it isn't then it's a demonstration of what could happen.
This is a debate, so no ones actually going to come to the same conclusion other then it did happen, people did die from it, and it somehow spread like wildfire.
Other then that, it's over, well the epidemic here has calmed down, haven't seen or heard of someone getting it recently so why get all worked up about it.
No one REALLY knows what happened, it could've been shot down from aliens on mars for all we know.

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