Well-Known Member
Well, as you guys know, I have 3 bunnies, all of which who are in my room. Simi was a planned addition, and I knew I was getting her so I had time to prepare mentaly and physicaly. My holland lop buck was planned, and I thought I could handle 3 demanding bunnies. Now with school coming up again, and friends/family who have been a real pain, I am stressing out, and I dont know if I can give 3 bunnes the attention they deserve. Simi is my baby and I love her to bits, and my holland lop buck - even though he doesnt havea nameyet - means the world to me, I have alreadybonded so well withhim... Then theres Sisi. Shes moody and agressive, and I KNOW sheneedstobe spayed,and Simi willtoo, but I CAN NOT afford to spay two does, not in any way. I could save, but I am worried Sisi would hate me by the time I was ready to get her spayed... I loveSisi, I really do, but I dont think she deserves what I am giving her.
So to the point, I am thinking of rehoming her with someone who can spay her, and giver her everythingshe needs, because I can't.
I know I am horrible for thinking about this,let alone actualy doing it, but I don't see any other option... I feel bad keeping her like this, shes going through another false pregnancie, and I feel so bad... Please, I feeel horrible, and know I am horrible, and I know you're all going ot bash me, but pleasedo it light.
A very sad, stressed out, upset, Shaylee.
So to the point, I am thinking of rehoming her with someone who can spay her, and giver her everythingshe needs, because I can't.
I know I am horrible for thinking about this,let alone actualy doing it, but I don't see any other option... I feel bad keeping her like this, shes going through another false pregnancie, and I feel so bad... Please, I feeel horrible, and know I am horrible, and I know you're all going ot bash me, but pleasedo it light.
A very sad, stressed out, upset, Shaylee.