Well-Known Member
Wow, well I'm glad I don't live near you! 
Not to be mean, but please try for more than a month to get your rabbitto like you. It has taken me over a YEAR to get my rescue bunny Gandalfto allow me to touch him without biteing/scratching/thumping. But ithas been soooo worth it, to watch Gandalf begin to trust me after beingthough something very scary (though I don't know what happened to himbecause I found him outside in a parking lot). Please plan to stickwith your new bunny for the long run.FINE I"LL TRY TO KEEP HIM. I'll try doing everythingeveryone here said. And i'll see if it's still nice or mean to me aftera month or so.
Finei'll try to play with him more even though all he does is play dead inhis cage. (sleeping) But when I get it out I'm afraid that i'll wake itup and that i'm bothering him.magicapple, everybody has been extremely patient with yourposts and I'm pleased you are beginning to realise that giving a rabbitto a shelter because you don't like the way it looks or behaves is justNOT acceptable. This rabbit has no duty to be cute, and no duty to loveyou or be nice to you. He didn't ask to be bought by you and he owesyou absolutely nothing! YOU made the decision to buy/adopt him and thatmeans that YOU have a responsibilty for his welfare for life! He is nota dvd or a computer game, you can't just swap him because he is notwhat you expected. Getting another bunny, when you clearly can't givethe one you have the love he deserves, is highly irresponsible. I wouldhate to think of two rabbits in the position that your nameless bunnyis in now. I hope you can come to love and respect him for who heis/images/emoticons/smile.gif
I don't even want to kissmy rabbit. too furry. Anyway I had that rabbit for 2 months. It's a lotof time with it aready. And do rabbit sleep with their eyes open?magicapple wrote:Not to be mean, but please try for more than a month to get your rabbitto like you. It has taken me over a YEAR to get my rescue bunny Gandalfto allow me to touch him without biteing/scratching/thumping. But ithas been soooo worth it, to watch Gandalf begin to trust me after beingthough something very scary (though I don't know what happened to himbecause I found him outside in a parking lot). Please plan to stickwith your new bunny for the long run.FINE I"LLTRY TO KEEP HIM. I'll try doing everything everyone here said. And i'llsee if it's still nice or mean to me after a month or so.
When your bunny gives you your first kiss or does that first binkie, itwill be worth it, I know it was for me
But my rabbit ain't a baby anymore. Its about 9 or 8 monthsold. And I don't mind how my friends look becuz at least I'm able tocommunicate with them. And do rabbit even have a voice? I never hear itsay much.I have to agree with what everyone else is saying. You needto find someone to take that rabbit off your hands and DO NOT getanother pet of ANY KIND until you quit concentrating so much on it'slooks and start to realize that a pet is a living breathing thing andneeds attention and love. I can guarentee that getting another rabbitwould be just as disasterous because you are not willing to put in thetime and effort.
You can't really play with a rabbit, most of the time it's them tossingthings around or you petting them. As for the losing hair, it's calledshedding and ALL animals do it. They shed out their coats multipletimes a year and that goes for ANY rabbit or any pet for that matter.Now you said he pees on the carpet, that's because he's still a babyand you have given no where near the time and effort to litter trainhim and since he doesn't get out a lot, he doesn't know any better. Thenoises at night are made by 99% of rabbits because they are most activeat dawn and dusk. My Holland Lop and my other 2 are constantly wakingme up at night when they throw thing around or hop around but they areRABBITS and that's what they do. You can't expect your rabbit to sitstill all day, and if you want it to, then I suggest a stuffed animalas a better option. I have so many permanent scars from my rabbits butI didn't just say I had enough and got rid of them to get a new baby.
No one should be bothering your rabbit in their cage. That is his safeplace and he should be able to feel completely safe in his home. Icouldn't tell you how many times my Holland Lop attacked me forreaching into her cage.
And I find it especially rude that you are willing to give up yourrabbit just because it "isn't cute". Do you do that to your friends aswell? Judge them based purely on looks? That wouldn't be fair to themso why would be fair to your rabbit?
I also have to say that a month is not enough time to turn your rabbitaround if you are not fully commited to the rabbit. I got my HollandLop in Novemeber and it took me 6 months to get her to a point where Ican touch her and where she will actually come to me and not run away.
Sorry if I sound rude but I'm 18 and if acted like that when I was 14,I would be ashamed of myself. I've had rabbit since I was 15 and neveronce did I think or rehoming them.
Uh - I think it's safe to assumenothing is getting through to this person and they are just trying tocause reactions. Magic Apple - just stop posting and wastingeveryone's time if you dont' want to follow the EXTREMELYGOOD advice that you've been given.alfie and angel wrote:Finei'll try to play with him more even though all he does is play dead inhis cage. (sleeping) But when I get it out I'm afraid that i'll wake itup and that i'm bothering him.magicapple, everybody has been extremely patient with yourposts and I'm pleased you are beginning to realise that giving a rabbitto a shelter because you don't like the way it looks or behaves is justNOT acceptable. This rabbit has no duty to be cute, and no duty to loveyou or be nice to you. He didn't ask to be bought by you and he owesyou absolutely nothing! YOU made the decision to buy/adopt him and thatmeans that YOU have a responsibilty for his welfare for life! He is nota dvd or a computer game, you can't just swap him because he is notwhat you expected. Getting another bunny, when you clearly can't givethe one you have the love he deserves, is highly irresponsible. I wouldhate to think of two rabbits in the position that your nameless bunnyis in now. I hope you can come to love and respect him for who heis/images/emoticons/smile.gif
Thx. Oh yea why do my rabbit change the color of it's fur?If you're going to keep her and socialize her, you should dosome reading. Rabbits have different body language than catsand dogs. Learning to understand your bun will help you knowwhat she wants and will also help you with your fear of gettingbitten. This site is excellent!
I agree with Krissa. Give her more than a month.You'll need time to change her image of you and to give her moreconfidence. You can't put a time limit on that.
You said something about her head being too small for herbody? Is it possible she's obese? I can't tell fromthe pic, but it is very common. She doesn't get much exerciseat all and the food in the picture is full of high carb high fat junkytreats. You should be able to feel her ribs if you presslightly on her sides. Obesity is extremely common in rabbits,partially because of all the junky pellets and junky treats that petstores tell you is good. And partially because too manypeople keep them in small cages with little to no exercise.If you think she may be obese, switch to a healthier pellet.She's old enough to get timothy pellets such as Oxbow Bunny Basics/T orKaytee Timothy Complete. Don't feed her pelletsconstantly. She could probably have 1/4 to 1/2 cups ofpellets a day, and she should have grass (such as timothy) hay all thetime. This diet and more exercise and toys will help her getto a better weight.
We'd really like to help you learn to take care of your bun, if you areinterested. There is lots of info on care, handling,behavior, etc. in the Bunny 101 section. We'll also try toanswer any questions you have.![]()
college is still a long time away. And I do feel bad for therabbit. That's why i didn't give it to the shelter yet. Thats why I'mhere asking people their oppions.Hello to everyone that is totally moved and involved in this topic as I am.
I am afraid that I do not believe Magic Apple will ever come round toworking on "rabbit" as I dont believe the right attitude is there. Ifyour priorities are "too small head"/"not cute enough"/"ugly" AND THEFACT YOU ARE GOING TO COLLEGE AND LEAVING bun with your parents thatare not prepared for the work and effort involved, then this is apotential disaster. Your rabbit should be re homed to a loving homebefore you go to collegerather thanleave thisrabbit in a pretty awful, depressed situation.
I also read this thread a couple of times as , Magic Apple , I thoughtyou were doing a wind up too. It seems strange that you should saythings like "fine. I wil put a ribbon on it and see if it will lookcuter then". Wake up! It is simply not right, and I do notbelieve you should be encouraged to keep this rabbit espeicially inlight of you going to college. Imagine your parents going away (likeyou will be)and leaving you in your room, day in day out, giving youfood every so often, never letting you out, never talking to you, nevertouching you, you never getting any exercise or entertainment of anykind for years and years. Magic Apple does this make you alittle sad at the thought of this? Well this is how "rabbit"is feeling. I am not suprised she is not a friendly bun!
This forum is not meant to upset people, but in fact we alleducate and help each other. Not everyone is a rabbit person, and I donot think you are on reading your posts. That is okay, lots of peopeare not really rabbit people, but the solution to this is to doresearch first, and realise that you are not really a bunny person.
Human Babies look cute - but do you think that for a mother everyday isabout gurgling and cooingover her baby? No parenthood, likelooking after a pet, can be hardwork and at times stressful , It isONLY rewarding when the effort is put in.
Good luck at college, but please please do the right thing:bunnydance:
readingeverything that is written here.It makes me not want to get anotherrabbit and love my skinny small headed rabbit. Which i probably shouldname. :bunnydance:jojo-magicapple is only 14 so she isn't going tocollege yet!!It was me that mentioned college.I was pointing out that 'rabbit' doesn't have a 2 or 3 year life spanand that he could be around possibly until she is in her20's! Sorry to muddy the water!
Magicapple needs to seriously consider rehoming this bunn. Iffor no other reason then the bunns well being. I do notbelieve that she is in a postion financially, nor responsible enough toown a bunn. She herself pointed out she has very littlepatience.I can only imagine what is going to happenwhen this bunn hits puberty...male or female she is going to have somereal issues todeal with. If she cannot handle basicsocialization...then I doubt she isin a postion to deal withany behavioral problems. Any of us have dealt withaggression, chewing, digging, spraying...what happens then??Because we all know puberty isn't pretty! This bunn is 4 monthsnow...are your parents prepared to pay $100-$200 dollars to have yourbunn spayed/neutered? Bunns are the same responsibiltiy as adog...they need exercise, playtime, socialization, propernutrition...and the medical expenses aren't cheap. If this isyour bunn then the responsibility of looking after the bunn shouldn'tfall to your parents...that's part of being a responsible petowner. Anyone can OWN a pet...are you prepared to be aresponsible owner??
If at any point in the last 7 pages of postsyou had shown anyreal interest in the advice given I would feel better about youkeeping the bunn. Ihave a horrible feeling thatthis bunn is going to spend a very long time alone in it's cage and thegods helpit when it matures and loses what cuteitmight have left. I'm sorry and I apologise to anyone who isoffended by this...but I adopted a bunn that someone decided wasn't'cute' anymore...and Iknow what conditions he had beenliving in...cute is not a reason to get a pet. All I haveheard so far is whatyou want...what about the bunn?Ifyou haven't done reading or research yet into socializationand training, have youeven checked out proper nutrition andcare???
Getting another rabbit at this point would be like throwing gas on will now have 2 unsocialized bunns, twice the mess, twicethe noise, twice the responsibility. As pointed out, you willneed two of everything until they can be bonded. You don'tjust buy another and toss it in with the first. If theynever get along you will now have 2 unsocializedbunns. Where does it stop? I owned a Holland lopbefore and I have a mini now. My Holland was the size of mycats when she stretched out! My mini is a little smallerright now but he is long bunn too. There is no itsy bitsytiny little breed of lop. They all start out small...they allget bigger, they all get heavier and they all kick, jump, and makenoise!! Lops as a breed tend to be people oriented(this isnot to say they like being held or picked up!). It's likenever training your dog and then being upset and saying it's'mean' because it scratches you when it jumps up.
If she can grow up and get over her 'cute' mindset and see herbunnand hisdistinct personality for what it is, ifshe has the gumption to sit down, do her research and work with herbunn, if she has the drive to be a responsible owner and learn and carefor the little guy. Then she will truly have proven metotally and completely wrong...and I hope she does.
sounds to me like you dontwant anything to do with this rabbit...i really think you should rehomehimI don't even want to kiss my rabbit. too furry. Anyway I hadthat rabbit for 2 months. It's a lot of time with it aready. And dorabbit sleep with their eyes open?
Are we SURE that this person is not a troll?
Maybe it's wishful thinking, but I can't imagine anyone being this ignorant.
Please, if this is a real situation, rehome your rabbit. It breaks my heart to think of him living like that. :sad: