I agree with what everyone else here issaying. Rabbits needto get out of their cage toplay daily, for at least an hour. They are intelligent andneed toys to occupy their minds and bodies both in and out of thecage. They are social animals and need you to be theirfriends. It's probably one reason why she's putting her noseclose to you. Mine do that all the time, and they're beingfriendly. An unsocialized rabbit, even many socializedrabbits, will scratch when they are picked up. They're preyanimals and it feels like they're being grabbed by apredator. You need to learn how to make them feelsafe.
Also, if your dad was "playing" with the rabbit in the cage and the bunscratched him, it's probably because your bun feltthreatened. That's her safe space. It's also herhome, and many rabbits will defend their homes against intruders, suchas a hand they're not used to. Spay/neuter helps.Better yet, let the poor thing out to play and don't mess with her whenshe's in her safe space!
If you're not prepared to socialize, exercise, and care for thisrabbit, do not get another one. Don't get more animals atall. Pets aren't rocks. They need care andattention. Do what you can for this bun, even if you mightlet someone else adopt her eventually. If she's more used topeople, she's more likely to get adopted.
If you do decide to rehome her, be responsible and find a good home forher yourself. We might be able to help. If youcan't, call up rabbit rescues and see if they are able to takeher. If that doesn't work, try a regular no-killshelter. Do NOT take her to a regular "kill" shelter, becauseyou may be giving her a death sentance.