Hi! I think you should really think about yoursituation. I don't think a rabbits personality fits yours. Both you andyour rabbit are probably miserable in this situation and it's not fairfor both of you. I think you should take this big guy to a shelter tobe adopted to someone with a personality better suited for rabbits. Notall people are bunny people. There might be another animal out therethat might work better with your personality? I don't think rabbits arethe best pet choice, from my point of view for you.
Any rabbit, this one or if you do decide to get a cute holland lop(they can be vicious too) will bite and scratch you, so you have toexpect this. I have scratches along my hands and arms from kicks frommy Rabbits and a few scars of bad rabbit bites, but I just bite mytongue and be more careful about where their moth and my hands are thenext time

. Rabbits are far from cuddly pets most times, and somepeople are disapointed when they figure this out.
Are you determined to get this rabbit comfortable with you? If you do,I have a few suggestions for you. His naughty personalitymight be from hormones, so maybe talk it over with your parents to seeif you could look into getting him netuered? It will make him a moreenjoyable pet and calmer. You also have to prepare yourself to be bit,to be scratched and you'll just have to deal with it. It might hurt,but it only does for a moment buy if you create a trusting bond and I'msure you will with a little patience, it's worth it in the end

Try sitting on the floor with the rabbit and just see what itwill do. Try sitting as hunched over and less scarey as possible. Thescratching might be from a nervous rabbit, so if you apear harmlessthis rabbit might actually turn out to be friendly. Talk calmly to him,and see if he'll come up to you. If he does, don't flintch or anythingjust sit there. If he stays long ernough, see if you can pet him. A fewof these sessions, maybe a few treats will create a bond very quickly.
I've gotten many bad scratches and lots of bad bites, but it's normal,comes with owning a rabbit.Every rabbit can have it's baddays and every rabbit can and probably will bite and scratch at onetime or another

. You just can't take it personally, because it's notthe rabbits fault it bites or kicks, it just does it naturally whenit's scared ect.
So what do you feel is best? No one but yourself knows if you shouldtake the time to spend time with the rabbit, or give it away althoughsome people have a strong opinion that yuo should give it away. I thinkit is best you should rehome this big guy, only if you do not want totake the time to see if you can bond with this guy.
Hope you take the time to read my post thoroughly, it might help you. Ifind him very handsome, not at all ugly

. Try to look past theappearance, past the scratching, you might find a loveable, caring,rabbit underneath
Hope I helped!