I can't decide

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Do you have an area like a kitchen where you could let it out and not have to worry about the floor?

Does your rabbit use a litter box? If so, you can put the boxout and it will probably go there instead of the floor. Mineall do.

Rabbits need to be out of the cage for exercise EVERY day.
magicapple wrote:
peapoo_bunny wrote:
itsounds like you just want to get another bunny and not try to work withthe one you have...im sure if you spend a few hours a daywithyour bunny just sitting in a room with it letting it come to you. youbunny will probably become friendlier the more time you spend withit:)
aww. I'm been spending time with it for 2 monthss. Whatmade you choose a holland lop rabbit as a pet in the firstplace?
i picked peapoo out at a petstore not knowing what breedshe was until later...petey came from a shelter...i picked him to bepeapoos friend..i just picked them out..not because of their breedthough..i just liked them
Laura wrote:
Doyou have an area like a kitchen where you could let it out and not haveto worry about the floor?

Does your rabbit use a litter box? If so, you can put the boxout and it will probably go there instead of the floor. Mineall do.

Rabbits need to be out of the cage for exercise EVERY day.
my kitchen is small. and i think the rabbit I have now islosing fur. when i pet it fur comes out. and i tried letting my rabbitout. but all it does is pee or sleep on the floor.
peapoo_bunny wrote:
magicapple wrote:
peapoo_bunny wrote:
itsounds like you just want to get another bunny and not try to work withthe one you have...im sure if you spend a few hours a daywithyour bunny just sitting in a room with it letting it come to you. youbunny will probably become friendlier the more time you spend withit:)
aww. I'm been spending time with it for 2 monthss. Whatmade you choose a holland lop rabbit as a pet in the firstplace?
i picked peapoo out at a petstore not knowing what breedshe was until later...petey came from a shelter...i picked him to bepeapoos friend..i just picked them out..not because of their breedthough..i just liked them
becuz they are cute. but I have topick the big one. =( I want a small one. And spending more time with itnow will make it harder for me to give it to the shelter.
magicapple wrote:
peapoo_bunny wrote:
itsounds like you just want to get another bunny and not try to work withthe one you have...im sure if you spend a few hours a daywithyour bunny just sitting in a room with it letting it come to you. youbunny will probably become friendlier the more time you spend withit:)
aww. I'm been spending time with it for 2 monthss. Whatmade you choose a holland lop rabbit as a pet in the firstplace?
ive had petey for about two months, and he is just nowstarting to be really friendly with me...but i have spent hours withhim everyday.. i layed on the floor with him running loose for at leastan hour everyday..im pretty sure your bunny just needs more time withyou:)
magicapple wrote:
becuz they are cute. but I have to pick the big one. =( Iwant a small one. And spending more time with it now will make itharder for me to give it to the shelter.
i still thinkyou should keep him...giving him to a shelter just because you dontlike his looks/size is not fair...
peapoo_bunny wrote:
magicapple wrote:
peapoo_bunny wrote:
itsounds like you just want to get another bunny and not try to work withthe one you have...im sure if you spend a few hours a daywithyour bunny just sitting in a room with it letting it come to you. youbunny will probably become friendlier the more time you spend withit:)
aww. I'm been spending time with it for 2 monthss. Whatmade you choose a holland lop rabbit as a pet in the firstplace?
ive had petey for about two months, and he is just nowstarting to be really friendly with me...but i have spent hours withhim everyday.. i layed on the floor with him running loose for at leastan hour everyday..im pretty sure your bunny just needs more time withyou:)
i'm not going to lay on the floor with my rabbit. it mightbite me if it gets close. it's always putting its nose near me. mypoint is I WANT A CUTER RABBIT. also smaller.
peapoo_bunny wrote:
magicapple wrote:
peapoo_bunny wrote:
magicapple wrote:
peapoo_bunny wrote:
itsounds like you just want to get another bunny and not try to work withthe one you have...im sure if you spend a few hours a daywithyour bunny just sitting in a room with it letting it come to you. youbunny will probably become friendlier the more time you spend withit:)
aww. I'm been spending time with it for 2 monthss. Whatmade you choose a holland lop rabbit as a pet in the firstplace?
i picked peapoo out at a petstore not knowing what breedshe was until later...petey came from a shelter...i picked him to bepeapoos friend..i just picked them out..not because of their breedthough..i just liked them
becuz they are cute. but I have topick the big one. =( I want a small one. And spending more time with itnow will make it harder for me to give it to theshelter.
i still think you should keep him...giving himto a shelter just because you dont like his looks/size is notfair...
yes it is. not my faulthe'smean.
magicapple wrote:
peapoo_bunny wrote:
magicapple wrote:
peapoo_bunny wrote:
itsounds like you just want to get another bunny and not try to work withthe one you have...im sure if you spend a few hours a daywithyour bunny just sitting in a room with it letting it come to you. youbunny will probably become friendlier the more time you spend withit:)
aww. I'm been spending time with it for 2 monthss. Whatmade you choose a holland lop rabbit as a pet in the firstplace?
ive had petey for about two months, and he is just nowstarting to be really friendly with me...but i have spent hours withhim everyday.. i layed on the floor with him running loose for at leastan hour everyday..im pretty sure your bunny just needs more time withyou:)
i'm not going to lay on the floor with my rabbit. it mightbite me if it gets close. it's always putting its nose near me. mypoint is I WANT A CUTER RABBIT. also smaller.
just because he'sputting his nose near you doesnt mean he's going to bite you... hecould want petted...or maybe he wants to smell you..to get to knowyou...getting rid of the rabbit you have JUST TO GET A CUTER andsmaller rabbit is not right:(...that poor bunny can probably sense thatyou dont like him:(
May I ask how old you are?

Rabbits require a lot of time and attention. They aren't foreveryone. Maybe you should find another home for yours andget a hamster or something. You mentioned thatPetcowould take it in. They have an adoptionprogram now and would find a home for it.

I'm not trying to be mean, but it sounds like you just aren't ready orwilling to properly care for the rabbit. You can't just throwit away because it's not "cute" enough. Animals aren'tdisposable.

magicapple wrote:
peapoo_bunny wrote:
magicapple wrote:
peapoo_bunny wrote:
magicapple wrote:
peapoo_bunny wrote:
itsounds like you just want to get another bunny and not try to work withthe one you have...im sure if you spend a few hours a daywithyour bunny just sitting in a room with it letting it come to you. youbunny will probably become friendlier the more time you spend withit:)
aww. I'm been spending time with it for 2 monthss. Whatmade you choose a holland lop rabbit as a pet in the firstplace?
i picked peapoo out at a petstore not knowing what breedshe was until later...petey came from a shelter...i picked him to bepeapoos friend..i just picked them out..not because of their breedthough..i just liked them
becuz they are cute. but I have topick the big one. =( I want a small one. And spending more time with itnow will make it harder for me to give it to theshelter.
i still think you should keep him...giving himto a shelter just because you dont like his looks/size is notfair...
yes it is. not my faulthe'smean.
he's only "mean'' because he hasnt beensocialized
Laura wrote:
May I ask how old you are?

Rabbits require a lot of time and attention. They aren't foreveryone. Maybe you should find another home for yours andget a hamster or something. You mentioned thatPetcowould take it in. They have an adoptionprogram now and would find a home for it.

I'm not trying to be mean, but it sounds like you just aren't ready orwilling to properly care for the rabbit. You can't just throwit away because it's not "cute" enough. Animals aren'tdisposable.
if you really want to know, i'm 14. And I have 2 hamsters.
peapoo_bunny wrote:
Laura wrote:
Youcan't just throw it away because it's not "cute" enough.Animals aren't disposable.
i agree!!:)
=P Fine i'll go rabbit shopping and see whatI can get and compare it to the rabbit I have now at home. Then i'lldecide if i'll give it to the shelter or not.
im just curious...you say this rabbit ismean...what has he ever done to make you think he's mean? has he bittenyou or anything like that? or is he just scratching when you pick himup? scratching when you pick him up doesnt mean that he is mean...itprobably means he is afraid of being picked up and wants to be put backdown
peapoo_bunny wrote:
magicapple wrote:
peapoo_bunny wrote:
magicapple wrote:
peapoo_bunny wrote:
magicapple wrote:
peapoo_bunny wrote:
itsounds like you just want to get another bunny and not try to work withthe one you have...im sure if you spend a few hours a daywithyour bunny just sitting in a room with it letting it come to you. youbunny will probably become friendlier the more time you spend withit:)
aww. I'm been spending time with it for 2 monthss. Whatmade you choose a holland lop rabbit as a pet in the firstplace?
i picked peapoo out at a petstore not knowing what breedshe was until later...petey came from a shelter...i picked him to bepeapoos friend..i just picked them out..not because of their breedthough..i just liked them
becuz they are cute. but I have topick the big one. =( I want a small one. And spending more time with itnow will make it harder for me to give it to theshelter.
i still think you should keep him...giving himto a shelter just because you dont like his looks/size is notfair...
yes it is. not my faulthe'smean.
he's only "mean'' because he hasnt beensocialized
-.-" Then what am I suppose to do?
i think you should give your rabbit to theshelter and then not get another one...especially if your only gettingrid of the rabbit you have now because of his looks...what happens isyou get a holland lop and then it grows up and you dont like the way itlooks? are you going to give it to a shelter to?
peapoo_bunny wrote:
im just curious...you say this rabbit is mean...what has heever done to make you think he's mean? has he bitten you or anythinglike that? or is he just scratching when you pick him up? scratchingwhen you pick him up doesnt mean that he is mean...it probably means heis afraid of being picked up and wants to be put back down
hescratch me when I pick him up. And he scratches hard. But my dad playedwith him in the cage and he scratched my dad and my dad bleeded. i wasokay with the rabbit not until it made my dad bleed.

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