I'm so sorry, I wish I could give you a warm hug

. As someone who recently adopted a bunny from the animal shelter, I wanted to give my perspective....and I can tell you that as an adopter, I don't think badly about the previous owner because I don't know under what circumstances they had to give up their bunny. Reading your story made me realize that there must be many people out there who were sad to give up their bunny but did so because they believe it was best for them and had no other choice.
Some people might be surprised to know that most apartments do not accept bunnies, and this is often a reason why people have to give them up. I myself almost had to do that if I hadn't met a very caring and bunny-loving boyfriend (now husband) who was able to take in my precious Walter at the time. So I understand what a tough choice that is to make.
Anyway, please look at the bright side, that at least Thumper isn't sitting alone at the animal shelter (which aren't the happiest places for buns). Now she has an adopted family that is able to give her the space and care she needs. And who knows, maybe someday soon your situation will change and you will have a bunny once again