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Aug 27, 2005
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Hi all, I'm Laura.I am 13 and my littlesister(8yrs. old)and I ,with the help of our parents are starting up avery small rabbitry.We plan on breeding Lionheads, and Dutches.Wearen't sure how to set up our rabbitry. We have a shed, but we don'tknow what type of cages to use, or how to make sure our rabbits get thebest care possible.We have had rabbits for 5 years, but we never keptthem inside, they always had hutches outside. We would really like tokeep them inside and just have them take turns being out in the hutchesoutside for exersize. Any input on the subject wouldbeappreciated:)

Laura and Leo the Lionhead
LeoLaura wrote:
Hi all, I'm Laura.I am 13 and my little sister(8yrs. old)andI ,with the help of our parents are starting up a very smallrabbitry.We plan on breeding Lionheads, and Dutches.We aren't sure howto set up our rabbitry. We have a shed, but we don't know what type ofcages to use, or how to make sure our rabbits get the best carepossible.We have had rabbits for 5 years, but we never kept theminside, they always had hutches outside. We would really like to keepthem inside and just have them take turns being out in the hutchesoutside for exersize. Any input on the subject wouldbeappreciated:)

Laura and Leo the Lionhead
Hi Laura . Welcome .

Starting a Rabbitry isnt all thatcomplicated hon , you already have most of themakings , as long as you have aCage and means of supportingthe animals , The means tokeep Them welll fed , vetted ,healthy etc You can make it asCOmplicated as all get outExcept the best ones are theones that are keptSimple,Small and Tidy .

When You sart up , make sureYou know your going to have acomnstant number of people wanting theactual Rabbits you will breed .You can Chart your Babiesaround them NEVER Over Breed in hopes of someone wanting a Rabbit , If One personwantsd One Lion Head and OnePerson wants One Dutch , there isno need to breed as yet. Put their names on a waiting list ,explain that You w ill bebreeding as soon as youhave a minimal of 5 prospective newowners , ask them to understandYou cannot breed for just asingle Rabbit , Keep in mind a Ducth Can andWILL have between 9 and 12 babies , Itisnt uncommon for Dutch to have12,I have had in the past A Doewho would do it repeatedly . thats12 New Owners you need to besure You have ready. Lion Headscan have between 2 and 8 , so high endbe sure you have 8 prospective owners .

Cages : Can be as simple or as elaborateas You want to make them . I havesimple wire cages with easymats , landing boards and enoughroom for a litter box forthose litter trained , andA nest box. Opitmal size fora dutch is 3 ft by 3 ft by 2 ft tall. that way you are sure to give herplenty of space to move around witha a nest box in with her . Lion Heads 2x2 x 1 1/2 tall will work well .

All wire cages MUST be sure tohave holes NO Larger than 1/2 inch,1/4inch is perfect , that way No Babies willslip through the bottom and also slip outa hole in the sides , I havehad that happen with smaller breedbabiesand its no fun to go out and finda Baby on the gorund , lifelessand cold . Its heart breaking .
Nest Boxes : can be simply madeno need to buy expensive metal ones: though many use them ,I have no use for them, the babies tend to slip andslide and the potential forsplaying out hips is too high . Simple woodones made so the Doecan get in and out , and still groomand feed the babies will suffice .

If Your going to have them in a Shedbe sure there will bea way to keep thecool inthe summer and warm inthe winter , inside can go to extremesineither season , youhave to be prepared. Also note: the need for aQuarentien room . ANY newRabbit added to YourRabbitry needs to be in Qfor a minimum of 2 weeks , sometimes 3 isIdeal . SomeComunicablediseases can take up to 4 weeks to present. Yuowouldnt want to infect the rest of yourheard .

If You would like helpin getting started,Ideas etc feel freeto Pm me .
okay, My sister and I are owners of Wish Upon A Star Rabbitry in Falmouth, MA.

I would say first. That all our rabbits live outside in hutches for asit is easier to take care of them. ITs a pain to clean the trays andput chavings in. We only do that for shows, for the carriers.You can use the rabbit poop that is under the hutch for nutrients forplants, etc. I would also say that you can have as many rabbits youwant. Right now we have 20 rabbits. Will be getting rid of some of thebabies out of the 8 French lops. Second of all if you bring them in andout of an area that isn't open a lot it will strees them. Changingtempature from going outside to inside and inside to outside willstress them out, probably.

There is really nothing to rabbitries. Its just breeding rabbits andenjoying of showin them. If you want people to buy your rabbits youshould probably join ARBA's rabbitry list and become a real rabbitrythat will be posted in different books. Also one thing you need to knowis that you need to have the money to take care of all the rabbits foodand etc.

Cleo P.S Look at our website. It isn't updated yet. Havingdifficulties. Butterscotch was sold.
FrenchLopGirl1280 wrote:
okay, My sister and I are owners of Wish Upon A StarRabbitry in Falmouth, MA.

I would say first. That all our rabbits live outside in hutches for asit is easier to take care of them. ITs a pain to clean the trays andput chavings in. We only do that for shows, for the carriers.You can use the rabbit poop that is under the hutch for nutrients forplants, etc. I would also say that you can have as many rabbits youwant. Right now we have 20 rabbits. Will be getting rid of some of thebabies out of the 8 French lops. Second of all if you bring them in andout of an area that isn't open a lot it will strees them. Changingtempature from going outside to inside and inside to outside willstress them out, probably.

There is really nothing to rabbitries. Its just breeding rabbits andenjoying of showin them. If you want people to buy your rabbits youshould probably join ARBA's rabbitry list and become a real rabbitrythat will be posted in different books. Also one thing you need to knowis that you need to have the money to take care of all the rabbits foodand etc.

Cleo P.S Look at our website. It isn't updated yet. Havingdifficulties. Butterscotch was sold. its
Cleo!what the heck are you talking about,
There is really nothing to rabbitries. There is aheck of a lot to rabbitries , it certainlyisnt just showing and breeding , whatabout caring for the rabbits ,and what happens withthem ,
If you want people to buy your rabbits youshould probably join ARBA's rabbitry list and become a real rabbitrythat will be posted in different books. You Donot have to Join ARBA to sell rabbits , Youcan just advertise from home , newspapers, and the web. This isnt apopularity contest .
Right now we have 20rabbits. Will be getting rid of some of the babies out of the 8 Frenchlops. This statement ANNOYS me , Youdont just get RID of rabbits . You find homes forthem . you ensure they are going todeserving homes , Cleo you make it soundlike , any one who thinks they want arabbit should have them.
ITs apain to clean the trays and put chavings in. We only do thatfor shows, for the carriers. While it may be aPAIN to clean litter trays , italso gives you a very good working knowledgeof whats going on with yourrabbits , Anything on the ground is lost tothe ground , how would you knowif the rabbit is going intostasis , or has runny poops ,. this isntthe best advice .If the rabbits get stressed outfrom going in and out of a building ,then why do many people put themin outside runs for the day and returnthem to the house at night . As long asthey are used to it , it will have no Illeffects on them .
I would also say that youcan have as many rabbits you want. This shouldread , You can have as many rabbits as you can takecare of and can afford ,
Normally I wont pick apart apost like this but Cleoyou have given some badadvice and while I know you have your own rabbitryYou of all should know there ismoreto it than you have stated . Imust also mention you have giventhe perfect recipie for a Back YardBreeder
gypsy wrote:
ITs a pain to clean the trays andput chavings in. We only do that for shows, for thecarriers. While it may be a PAINto clean litter trays , it alsogives you a very good working knowledge ofwhats going on with your rabbits, Anything on the ground is lost to theground , how would you know ifthe rabbit is going into stasis, or has runny poops ,.
true, but one thing I'd add is that some trays never get clean(speaking from experience! how many times I washed the stupid thing!),and the fumes are incredible, while shoveling dirt over droppings youcan make some nice fertilizer and it smells all clean. Had that problemwith Tankie, that's why I add that.

As far as monitoring things: I find it pretty easy to tell ifsomething's up even though I don't use the pans. Diarrhea sticks to thewire, and you can check the piles underneath. I've found worms and etc.that way, so it can be pretty accurate. the only drawback is that youcan't see urine color, and for that I usually check the wood color inthe "potty corner". Also, for those of us in very cold climates,chipping frozen solid yuckies out of a metal littertray in-20 deg. each morning is pretty much impossible.:pNot tomention if the trays get frozen in place....hoo boy....I love ourwire-bottomed hutch set-up.

Gypsy, I think the pan thing is a valid point, and I've thought aboutthat over the years, but just wanted to mention that there are ways tomake the other set-up work if trays aren't practical for whateverreason.:)

Rose: i appreciate what youhave said. You made avalid points , onlything missing,with starting a new rabbitry from scratchis experience , WE know what to look for whereassomeone just starting out and trying tohave too many will miss many vital clues.Its best to start out with the litterpans then graduate up to freefalling litter once experience hasbeen gained.
Okay Gypsy I know. I was rushing because ofsister. Will if you do breed and show then you know how hard it is toget the show quality rabbit you want. I would say that you would haveto groom the lionheads probably daily and make sure every rabbits butis clean as possible. Another thing is that trying to keep cages cleanwith the trays and the rusting after a year or two is to much to do. SOif you want to save money, then the best idea is to build a hutch withextra holes. Any cage I need run more than $35 bucks - $80 bucks. Ican't buy all the cages I need for $45 bucks a piece and some come withtrays and some don't. Its a waste of time.

Also don't take this the wrong way gypsy but gypsy You don't need to say it that mean.

One thing is for sure. If you take your rabbits to the vet because likethey have something wrong with their privates, then thats okay. If itslike your rabbit needs shots for rabbies. Then don't bring it to thevet because it costs too much. I went in just to show my rabbits earwith a tear in it and it costed me $100 + some cream which made it $150bucks. I only bring my rabbits to the vet if something is seriouslywrong with them. IF your rabbit smells pretty bad, like the poop thenhe or she might have diahrrea. Give you rabbits 1 a week a tsp ofPumpkin Puree. Which you can get at the food store. It is in an orangecan with a slice of pumpkin on it with some whip cream. It works trustme. IT also helps blockages, like if rabbit won't eat.

And you know that you have to feed, water and groom the rabbits, daily.And give them fresh hay. My other suggestion is to get a rabbit leashfor your rabbits and put them on the leash and let them hop around withyou walking them like a dog. Itsa lot of fun. I only suggestdoing it on the grass.:)

Most of your time of being a rabbitry owner is that you will be takingcare of them and giving them some boding time with yourself for a nicecompanion rabbit. Also if a rabbit goes crasy for no reason and itkeeps on biting like really deep then get rid of it. My dad got bittenby one it almost took his thumb right off. He was a full grown man.Some peole keep them, but I wouldn't keep them around your house withyour little sister around. that rabbit can take her finger right offlike a piece of cake.

Trying not to scare you.

FrenchLopGirl1280 wrote:
Okay Gypsy I know. I was rushing because of sister. Will ifyou do breed and show then you know how hard it is to get the showquality rabbit you want. I would say that you would have to groom thelionheads probably daily and make sure every rabbits but is clean aspossible. Another thing is that trying to keep cages clean with thetrays and the rusting after a year or two is to much to do. SO if youwant to save money, then the best idea is to build a hutch with extraholes. Any cage I need run more than $35 bucks - $80 bucks. I can't buyall the cages I need for $45 bucks a piece and some come with trays andsome don't. Its a waste of time.

Also don't take this the wrong way gypsy but gypsy You don't need to say it that mean.

One thing is for sure. If you take your rabbits to the vet because likethey have something wrong with their privates, then thats okay. If itslike your rabbit needs shots for rabbies. Then don't bring it to thevet because it costs too much. I went in just to show my rabbits earwith a tear in it and it costed me $100 + some cream which made it $150bucks. I only bring my rabbits to the vet if something is seriouslywrong with them. IF your rabbit smells pretty bad, like the poop thenhe or she might have diahrrea. Give you rabbits 1 a week a tsp ofPumpkin Puree. Which you can get at the food store. It is in an orangecan with a slice of pumpkin on it with some whip cream. It works trustme. IT also helps blockages, like if rabbit won't eat.

And you know that you have to feed, water and groom the rabbits, daily.And give them fresh hay. My other suggestion is to get a rabbit leashfor your rabbits and put them on the leash and let them hop around withyou walking them like a dog. Itsa lot of fun. I only suggestdoing it on the grass.:)

Most of your time of being a rabbitry owner is that you will be takingcare of them and giving them some boding time with yourself for a nicecompanion rabbit. Also if a rabbit goes crasy for no reason and itkeeps on biting like really deep then get rid of it. My dad got bittenby one it almost took his thumb right off. He was a full grown man.Some peole keep them, but I wouldn't keep them around your house withyour little sister around. that rabbit can take her finger right offlike a piece of cake.

Trying not to scare you.

*********Also don't take this the wrong way gypsy but gypsy You don't need to say it that mean**********

Chelsea :

I was NOT being Mean , If I was You would know it .

I stand by what I wrote , IF you wrote that replywell You should have done it under yourown name . as with the response youwrote that I am responding to now . TakeYour own Credit or Critisum foryourself and not put it off on someone else. I asked You and CLeo to dothis IN PM. this is one of the reasons Ihave not responded to purchaseof one of Your French Lops .
FrenchLopGirl1280 wrote:

"Also don't take this the wrong way gypsy but gypsy You don't need to say it that mean. "

I don't think Gypsy was being mean. I think she was just correcting some of your information because it's misleading.


I just wanted to thank you for all of your advise. Now i have a good idea of where I'm going. Thanks again:)!


P.s. If I run into any problems, could I send you an e-mail for advise?
Yes Laura Pm anytime , I had ran a rescue for many years, I can get you going inthe right direction . Gypsy
Hi Gypsy,

do you know of any inexpensive way to keepa rabbit shed coolin summer. Also, is there a way to have a rabbit molt later in theseason? I show my rabbit in 4-h at the fair every July,but he molts atthat time so I don't do very well.:(

Thank You!


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