LeoLaura wrote:
Hi all, I'm Laura.I am 13 and my little sister(8yrs. old)andI ,with the help of our parents are starting up a very smallrabbitry.We plan on breeding Lionheads, and Dutches.We aren't sure howto set up our rabbitry. We have a shed, but we don't know what type ofcages to use, or how to make sure our rabbits get the best carepossible.We have had rabbits for 5 years, but we never kept theminside, they always had hutches outside. We would really like to keepthem inside and just have them take turns being out in the hutchesoutside for exersize. Any input on the subject wouldbeappreciated
Laura and Leo the Lionhead
Hi Laura . Welcome .
Starting a Rabbitry isnt all thatcomplicated hon , you already have most of themakings , as long as you have aCage and means of supportingthe animals , The means tokeep Them welll fed , vetted ,healthy etc You can make it asCOmplicated as all get outExcept the best ones are theones that are keptSimple,Small and Tidy .
When You sart up , make sureYou know your going to have acomnstant number of people wanting theactual Rabbits you will breed .You can Chart your Babiesaround them NEVER Over Breed in hopes of someone wanting a Rabbit , If One personwantsd One Lion Head and OnePerson wants One Dutch , there isno need to breed as yet. Put their names on a waiting list ,explain that You w ill bebreeding as soon as youhave a minimal of 5 prospective newowners , ask them to understandYou cannot breed for just asingle Rabbit , Keep in mind a Ducth Can andWILL have between 9 and 12 babies , Itisnt uncommon for Dutch to have12,I have had in the past A Doewho would do it repeatedly . thats12 New Owners you need to besure You have ready. Lion Headscan have between 2 and 8 , so high endbe sure you have 8 prospective owners .
Cages : Can be as simple or as elaborateas You want to make them . I havesimple wire cages with easymats , landing boards and enoughroom for a litter box forthose litter trained , andA nest box. Opitmal size fora dutch is 3 ft by 3 ft by 2 ft tall. that way you are sure to give herplenty of space to move around witha a nest box in with her . Lion Heads 2x2 x 1 1/2 tall will work well .
All wire cages MUST be sure tohave holes NO Larger than 1/2 inch,1/4inch is perfect , that way No Babies willslip through the bottom and also slip outa hole in the sides , I havehad that happen with smaller breedbabiesand its no fun to go out and finda Baby on the gorund , lifelessand cold . Its heart breaking .
Nest Boxes : can be simply madeno need to buy expensive metal ones: though many use them ,I have no use for them, the babies tend to slip andslide and the potential forsplaying out hips is too high . Simple woodones made so the Doecan get in and out , and still groomand feed the babies will suffice .
If Your going to have them in a Shedbe sure there will bea way to keep thecool inthe summer and warm inthe winter , inside can go to extremesineither season , youhave to be prepared. Also note: the need for aQuarentien room . ANY newRabbit added to YourRabbitry needs to be in Qfor a minimum of 2 weeks , sometimes 3 isIdeal . SomeComunicablediseases can take up to 4 weeks to present. Yuowouldnt want to infect the rest of yourheard .
If You would like helpin getting started,Ideas etc feel freeto Pm me .