Horror at petshop

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Crisi1987 wrote:
a lot of petshops around here are terrible, theres a petshopa few blocks from my house thats horrible. they have literally about 40rabbits all housed in small fishtanks. their dogs are in plasticcontainers with water bottles that they dont even drink out of. thisshop has a giant anaconda that fills up his entire tank, he doesnt evenhave water in it. they have an alligator in a tank, the poor alligatoris full grown, about 10 feet long, and is so cramped in the tank hecant even move. most people that i notice going to the pet shops dontbuy rabbits, so me and my boyfriend were thinking that since a lot ofthe rabbits are replaced with different ones, they use them foralligator food. weve already talked to animal control about it, andtheyve gone over there but nothing has changed so i dont know.
THAT IS JUST AWFUL!!!!! And secondly, people can keep alligators and anacondas as pets where u live????
well... only petshops can keep alligators, itsweird. i mean i think its good that they dont sell alligators, i couldonly imagine how many would be in the streets and backyards eatingpeoples pets because of how many people around here would just want tobuy them to have them and then get sick of them. im pretty sure forpetshop owners, if you can actually catch an alligator you can keep itin your petshop. i think this petshop just has an alligator to getpeople to come in. but i feel terrible for the thing, its in a glasstank thats permanently set into the ground, we asked how they take careof it, some worker there said they let it out once in a while, but idont understand how they let it out, they have no room in their petshopat all, plus they have no yard, no basement or anything. and everytimeyou go into there the alligator is in the same position and wont move,hes missing at least 5 of his toe nails, and whenever ive gone inthere, kids sneak in there and start hitting the glass and screaming athim. i dont go in there and buy anything, i just have this weird habbitof going to petshops when i have nothing else to do and looking at allthe animals. and yea around here you can buy anacondas, i dont noticemany people wanting them. we have one good petshop around here, theyoverprice all of their snakes, especially anacondas and cobras and nilemonitors, and they have you take a questionare when you want to buyone. they also have alligators there, baby ones, they only have thembecause they take in the babies from zoos and they keep them for alittle bit and teach kids about them, and then they send them back tothe zoos when their ready. i like this petshop a lot, its a really niceone, they take really good care of their animals, plus at least most ofthe workers there know a lot about the animals. most of our petshopslike hoffers and petco have it where the only animals they sell, likerabbits, are from humane societies. do any of you guys have that too?
Actually this guy I used to know owned a babyalligator. I'm pretty sure keeping an alligator hereisillegal for all I know.

Nope. I don't have that sort of program where rabbits from the humanesociety come in to the pet stores. At PetSmart they do have a catadoption though.

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