Well-Known Member
Crisi1987 wrote:
THAT IS JUST AWFUL!!!!! And secondly, people can keep alligators and anacondas as pets where u live????a lot of petshops around here are terrible, theres a petshopa few blocks from my house thats horrible. they have literally about 40rabbits all housed in small fishtanks. their dogs are in plasticcontainers with water bottles that they dont even drink out of. thisshop has a giant anaconda that fills up his entire tank, he doesnt evenhave water in it. they have an alligator in a tank, the poor alligatoris full grown, about 10 feet long, and is so cramped in the tank hecant even move. most people that i notice going to the pet shops dontbuy rabbits, so me and my boyfriend were thinking that since a lot ofthe rabbits are replaced with different ones, they use them foralligator food. weve already talked to animal control about it, andtheyve gone over there but nothing has changed so i dont know.