Horror at petshop

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My Advice is to NOT BUY ONE OF THE RABBITS! yesI know they are in a terrible environment, but buy buying one, guesswhat, you are putting another rabbit into that pet shop, for everyrabbit you buy, the pet store just gets another one to sell. You arenot saving any rabbits by buying one. You are just promoting rabbitmills. If the pet store doesn't sell any rabbits, they won't keep anyin stock.

You can talk to the manager, and let him know how you feel, if enoughpeople complain, the manager will change it. That's how you can help.Its a hard and painful truth, but it is the truth.

Julia Crawford
I hate to say it, but I work in a petshop. Since I do own bunnies myself, I have voiced my opinionon the sale of rabbits, and we haven't had rabbits in awhile. We did not have buns during Easter this year, and acouple of ladies came in demanding rabbits and I told them we donotsell rabbits here anymore. One of them turned tothe other and said (rather loudly) "These petstores don't carry rabbitsduring Easter because they think people are just going to buy them andreturn them later! What kind of pet store is this!" I wantedto so badly to tell her off and tell her she just made a fool out ofherself by saying that, but i bit my tougue! We sell pets,yeah, but we sure as heck don't rent out animals! What kindof pet store does she think this is! :ponder:
Update on reporting the pet shop last week:
I got a phone call last night from an animal cruelty agent from theSPCA. He left me a message (I wasn't home) that he would beinvestigating the pet store and if he needed to ask any more questions,he would call me. I am going to call back to find out if anything wasdone to change the way the animals were being kept.

Poor babies! But at least someone is looking into it....
OK...so I called the SPCA back and asked tospeak to the agent. He called me back on my cell and I just spoke tohim. Basically, he said everything checked out OK and the pets hadproper ventilation, food and water. He said he has been to that petshop several times, and it's not the best, but as long as the animalsare in no immediate danger, there is little he can do. He said theferret was not in an aquarium, it was in a cage. I told him that he wasin a fish tank before and he said that wasn't the case and maybe he wasseparated b/c he was being sold?
So.....nothing will be done. At least I know the kittens have a ventilation system in their cages!
I am still never going there again! :X:mad:
You could always write a letter to the storemanager/owner. Explain to them exactly why they will neverget your money and how you're warning your friends to stayaway. I did this with one pet store near me, but inperson. I made sure to tell them that even though they werethe only place in town that carries Oxbow pellets, I prefered to drivehalf an hour to a different town because their store was just thatawful. As luck would have it, this particular hell holeclosed not too long after that.
naturestee wrote:
You could always write a letter to the storemanager/owner. Explain to them exactly why they will neverget your money and how you're warning your friends to stayaway. I did this with one pet store near me, but inperson. I made sure to tell them that even though they werethe only place in town that carries Oxbow pellets, I prefered to drivehalf an hour to a different town because their store was just thatawful. As luck would have it, this particular hell holeclosed not too long after that.

Why didn't i think of that? That's what im gonnado. I'm going to write the owner a letter!! Perfectidea.
you should get people to walk in there andcomplain when they see the rabbits.....lots of people complaining maymake them relize that what there doing is rong..but i still dout!
Generally, pet store rabbits are from rabbitfarms, where the babies are taken away from their mothers too soon, andare fed improper diets. If the parents are prone to thingslike tooth problems, often they are still bred.

Not all petstores do that, though. In my small town, thereare only two pet-specific stores, and they get theiur buns from the(maybe three) local breeders. Well, one does, I'm not sureabout the other which recently changed ownership.
As some of u know i too work at a petstore. i am proud of what i do and where im at imight not always agree on how they do things. but our store is a smallowned store and we take ecellent care of our animals. i know because imthe one that takes care of them the most! we had some buns for easterand they were priced too high. because tthey were in demand. now wehave them on sale and only have one lop and its a male he's a sweetheart! we only keep no more then four in a cage depending on the sizeof the cage as well. but we have 3 cages we use for rabbitstoo and i seperate them by sexes!i also hate stores that are like that!i hope they do something. its stores like that that make pet storeslook bad! there may not be too many good ones but i know the one im atis one of them. i took in a foster buunie and i told my momwho also works there about it just in case my boss doesnt approve. buti dont care what they think. the costumer brought it in. is a regularand im going to help raise the baby bun for her. see my topic Fosterbun need help for pic!
angieluv wrote:
ilovetegocauldron..... you are certainlydoing a good job of "trying hard"..which is all any of us can do.:)

Thanks!! I feel obligated to help those poor littlebuns. They can't speak up for themselves so I'm gonna do itfor them. I started writing the letter. I'llprobably have it done and mailed out before I leave worktoday.
I know what you mean...its hard to go to sleepat night when you know that animals need help. Rabbits can't bark ormeow or hiss ..we have to be their voice.
a lot of petshops around here are terrible,theres a petshop a few blocks from my house thats horrible. they haveliterally about 40 rabbits all housed in small fishtanks. their dogsare in plastic containers with water bottles that they dont even drinkout of. this shop has a giant anaconda that fills up his entire tank,he doesnt even have water in it. they have an alligator in a tank, thepoor alligator is full grown, about 10 feet long, and is so cramped inthe tank he cant even move. most people that i notice going to the petshops dont buy rabbits, so me and my boyfriend were thinking that sincea lot of the rabbits are replaced with different ones, they use themfor alligator food. weve already talked to animal control about it, andtheyve gone over there but nothing has changed so i dont know.
lovethetailyall wrote:
you should get people to walk in there and complain whenthey see the rabbits.....lots of people complaining may make themrelize that what there doing is rong..but i still dout!
the more people inform the manager or owner that they will no longer bepatronizing the business, and that they will tell their friends andneighbours may get their attention. After all, if they lose business,they lose money. The best way to get someone's attention can be throughtheir pocketbook...

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