Horror at petshop

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2006
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Queens, New York, USA
I just saw the saddest thing. Afterwork I decided to stop by the pet store to pick some stuff up for Riceand Beans. After I got my items I was curious to see if theyhad any bunnies. When I asked the guy he told me to goupstairs. I went up to find a bunch of empty cages.I looked around and then, to my horror, i see a cage, off in a cornerwith 7 or 8 bunnies crammed in this tiny tiny cage that I wouldn't evenput ONE of my rabbits in alone. I wanted to cry. Iasked the kid up there how often he let them out and he said "hardlyever, usually just when we clean the cage." I told him howhorrible that was and that he should let them out more and that therewerea bunch of empty cages lying around and there was no needto cram them all in one tiny cage. I mean, they were all juston top of eachother!!! I felt so horrible. I'vebeen wanting to get another bunny and im contemplating on maybe goingthere and saving one of those bunnies from that wretchedenvironment." I mean, i dont want to give this pet store mybusiness anymore but i really do just want to rescue one of those poorlittle buns from outta that cage. I even called ASPCA andthey said that according to NY law, its not considered animalcruelty! Any advice?
aww..poor bunnies!!:(i hope somebodygets them soon!! thats like our petshop..we went in there to get somestuff and saw peapoo in a TINY cage like that...she hardly had any roomin there...there were also other empty cages that were bigger that theycould have moved her to...so we bought peapoo:D.. man i hate petstoreslike that!:X
Is it a small independent pet store or is it achain? If it is a chain you could talk to the manager and tell him itis inhumane and that you plan to contact his boss. If it is independentyou could talk to the owner and/or manager and tell him that you aregoing to contact some animal groups (maybe he doesn't know that it islegal in NY)..anyway you could give him a good piece of your mind as nomatter what the law is..it is still inhumane and disgusting.Good Luck...Does the pet shop have both sexes together???? That is evenworse. :mad:
Yep, I would calland demand to speak to the manager. And believe me, I'm a totalwimp and I hate confrontation, but I can bluff it if I really need to.

Take a deep breath, and give him/her a piece of your mind.
It's an independent pet store. Thanksguys, I think what I'm going to do is go in tomorrow and take a look attheir living conditions again. If I don't see any improvementI will go home and call the store and ask to speak to the manager andlet him have it!! You know, I don't know if they are keepingmale and female together. They just may very well be doingthat because when I asked what one specific bunny's gender was, the kidsaid "i have no idea, let me see." so obviously they don'teven know! It's just horrible. I'm telling youguys, you had to see it. It was sooo sad. All thebunnies just right on top of eachother, some looked like they weresuffocating and squirming to get out from under the others.Should I go and buy one there to save one? I just don't wantto add to the problem you know? If i save one, the store mayjust replace it and the other bunnies will be just as packed again anda new bunny will be suffering. What should I do regardinggetting a bunny there?
If you do buy a bunny from there, you shouldcheck them all out for any signs of illness, they might not even behealthy, if they're all living crammed in a cage. Thats so cruel, howthe people who work there don't care about them is beyond me. It's agood idea to speak to whoever runs the store. I just hope they dosomething about it. :X
that should not be allowed in the first place,itis cruel and just plain inhumane,i just dont know how people can dothis to animals,it's just not fair the way they are treated in petshops sometimes,something has really got to change in this world,i'm avery very shy and quiet person,but when i see something that just aintright i will find it in me to go and say something.Over here where ilive some pet shops actually do put their females and malestogether,same with guinea pigs,my sister bought two girl guinea pigslast year and one of them ended up having babies:shock:,now somethinglike that to happen is just not fair for the new owner,i see most petshops as just irresponsible people

That's absolutely disgusting! I would demand to talk to the store manager!:mad:
Sadly, I've seen this too many times before.That's how I ended up with a couple of my buns. Unfortunately, youresuce them and the store just replaces them. I try to avoid going intoplaces I know are like that. I'd walk out with an armful everytime.

PetGoods by us has a very good policy of how many bunnies per cage, andthey've told me they are considering putting a neutering program inplace as well. During Easter, they did not have buns for sale at all. Ibuy almost all of my supplies there.

The PetSmart by us doesn't even carry buns.

Icannot honestly say that I have everseen anything like you are describing. What if you contacted New YorkState House rabbit Society (don't know if they would get involved?) Yousaid that you had to go upstairs to see the rabbits..are they beingkept separately so that people can't see them..you could tell them youwere calling the board of health?..rabbits living like this couldeasily be ill or become ill..are the conditions unsanitary. Even if youcan't find anything on the rabbits look over the whole store and see ifyou can find something they are doing that is illegal...something thatyou could report. Buying one is not going to help the others and theone you bought could even be sick or pregnant. This is horrible..I willkeep on trying to think of something that would work.
I live in small city ..one day I went in one ofthe independent pet stores and found they had a cocker spaniel puppyfor sale that had such bad chest congestion that he gurgled. I calledAnimal Control and told them about it and later I found out they wentover there , and m,ade the owner take the dog to the vet. I probably amclueless about how things are in NYC but do you think that it wouldhelp to call animal control?
I hate petshops with a passion! I was in one theother day and they had rabbits in fish tanks (!!!!!) and jammed intogether with hardly any ventilation, and a sign on the front saying"due to the young ages of our rabbits we are not able to sex them, andcannot guarantee that the females will not be pregnant" which washorrible and stupid, I can sex rabbits at 2 weeks of age easily enough.So I asked to look at them and see what the sexs were, they had oneadult female in with about 5 males just begining to hit adulthood,imagine how the poor girl will get treated by the boys when they startwanting to mate? So sad :X. I got really angry with the people workingthere and stormed out.
I hate petshops. One time when I looked in oneto see if they had bunnies, the poor darlings didn't have any water orpellets. I felt so sad that people do that sort of thing to animals.

see if you can find a website and an emailaddress, and people here will certainly set them straight, especiallywith phrases like 'boycott', 'bunny board posts'and'bad publicity'.

sas and the gang :nasty:cop:nono:angryrant:sosad:pssd

look up NYC animal welfare..there are othergroups listed besides ASPCA that may be either able to do something orat least tell you what you could do.
I HATE PETSHOPS! About 95% of petshops that sellanimals shouldn't be allowed to sell them due to the treatment theygive their animals. A few years back, I saw this adult rottie in thissmall cage, barely enough room for it to turn around with quite a fewpiles of poop and it stunk so bad. Around Christmas time, they had amale and a female rabbit in the same cage and the sign clearly sad"Rex-Female Lop-Male". The female was so irrated she kept growling andniping at the lop everytime he tried to mount her and the poor thinglooked so stressed.

I refuse to go back in that petshop, or give business to anywhere thatsells rabbits or doesn't have good living conditions for their animals.

:censored2petshops that don't know much about rabbits and treat them like crap.. makes me so angry!
Funny that you posted this today. I went allover town looking for a medium sized litter box for Trix because she isgetting too bigfor her small box.....everywhere I went had JUMBO boxes,etc. So, as a last resort, I stopped in the pet shop on the corner bymy house. You know the type...the one that is simply called "PETS" andhas "Puppies, Kittens, Rabbits" on the door?

WELL....I left almost in TEARS. They had a large adult ferret in aglass 15 gallon tank with a really tight mesh hood and a water bottlein it that was so big, the bottom was hitting the floor oF the tank ANDTHE FERRET COULDN'T EVEN STAND UP! Not only that, but there was so muchwood chips in there the poor ferret was almost buried in litter!

He was also stacked on top on another filthy ferret cage with ONEferret in it? I don't unsderstand why they wouldnt just put the otherferret in a diff cage instead of a tank!

THEN....on the very bottom shelf of the aisle, they had a bunch of tinycages...one of them had a million white mice in them and the other, inthe corner, a chinchilla that had NO ROOM to move, also buried inlitter and chewing the cage wires.
And yes, they also had 2 teeny tiny baby bunnies.....poor things. Luckyfor them ,they were the only 2 animals that seemed to have enough roomin their cage....

I called the SPCA when I got home and filed a report. I am waiting for them to call me back regarding my complaint.....

I AM NEVER, EVER going in that pet store AGAIN!
Pet stores that sell live animalsshould be illegal! I know some take pride in their animalsand treat them well and it wouldn't be fair to them, butthere are so many bad petstores! Then that would cut down on thingssuch as puppy mills ect.

I don't think it'll ever happen, but it should!

Tell us how the phone call went!
Well this weekend I stopped by at this otherpetshop that I always go to. It's waaaaaaay on the other endof queens but they are really great there. I am friends withall the employees. I told them about what I saw at the otherpet shop closer to my house and they told me they knew who the ownerwas and that he is an alcoholic! I'm going to research someother possibilities like angieluv said and look up nyc animal welfareand stuff like that today and see what I can come up with. IfI cant find anyone with some "authority" to handlethis matterI will call myself but I want that to bea last resort becausehonestly guys,even though it will feelgreat to givethe owner a piece of my mind, i doubt it will makehim changeanything and who knows, he may even get grumpier anddoworse!!

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