Well-Known Member
I just saw the saddest thing. Afterwork I decided to stop by the pet store to pick some stuff up for Riceand Beans. After I got my items I was curious to see if theyhad any bunnies. When I asked the guy he told me to goupstairs. I went up to find a bunch of empty cages.I looked around and then, to my horror, i see a cage, off in a cornerwith 7 or 8 bunnies crammed in this tiny tiny cage that I wouldn't evenput ONE of my rabbits in alone. I wanted to cry. Iasked the kid up there how often he let them out and he said "hardlyever, usually just when we clean the cage." I told him howhorrible that was and that he should let them out more and that therewerea bunch of empty cages lying around and there was no needto cram them all in one tiny cage. I mean, they were all juston top of eachother!!! I felt so horrible. I'vebeen wanting to get another bunny and im contemplating on maybe goingthere and saving one of those bunnies from that wretchedenvironment." I mean, i dont want to give this pet store mybusiness anymore but i really do just want to rescue one of those poorlittle buns from outta that cage. I even called ASPCA andthey said that according to NY law, its not considered animalcruelty! Any advice?