Well-Known Member
You are doing a great job getting justice for these rabbits.
^ ditto.:censored2:I am in tears! This is horrible!! How on earth could someone do this to a defenseless animal?!?!?! It absolutley sickens me!! Those poor bunnies..all that pain they must have went through..:cry1:and the cop says its not abuse?!?!?? How could it be anything else?? I want to thank you for doing all that your doing to help these bunnies..not alot of people would go as far as you are to get justice for them..and for that I'd personally like to thank you!
On another note...I am supposed to be moving here in a few weeks to GardenCity Michigan ( I am currently in Wyandotte Michigan ) after I have moved and have everything settled in I would be absolutley honored to give one of the earless bunnies a forever home ( maybe even a pair if they are bonded ) the moment my place is kinda small so with 3kids 2 bunnies and a cat, adding another animal at thistime would be impossible..but when I move and if I'm found to be suitable I would love to give one of them a home with lots of love and no abuse for the rest of their bunny lives..Please let me know what I would have to do in order to do this so I can start the process and hopefully have everything taken care of by the time I move soonecanhave theirnew home asap..just so you know both my rabbits are indoor rabbits as well as my cat and if I am able to adopt one of the bunnies they will also be indoor...Thanks again and please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you get justice for them..
The question is not "Can they reason?" nor, "Can they talk?" but rather,"Can they suffer?"
I wonder if every humane member of RO would be able to make a difference...?